Descargar Adore Church - Responsive WordPress Theme
Adore Church es un poderoso tema de WordPress totalmente funcional diseñado y desarrollado para sitios web de iglesias, organizaciones benéficas, sin fines de lucro y religiosos, y también es útil para sitios web corporativos o de cartera.
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Complemento Revolution Slider (Valorado en $26)
- Complemento de control deslizante de capa (valorado en $ 25)
- Listo para retina y totalmente receptivo
- Calendario completo para eventos
- Plantilla de blog y eventos de estilo múltiple
- Soporte de audio/video para sermones
- 7 tipos de páginas de galería
- Página de listado de eventos
- Próximos eventos Temporizador de cuenta regresiva
- 12 esquemas de color preconstruidos y opciones de color ilimitadas
- Formulario de contacto de trabajo
- Diseños en caja y anchos
- Galerías de isótopos (valor de $ 25)
- Iconos de fuente web impresionante de fuente
- 150 iconos de línea Web-Fuente
- Múltiples efectos deslizantes
- Soporte de fuentes de Google
- SEO optimizado
- mapas de Google
- Soporte táctil/deslizante para controles deslizantes
- Listo para retina y totalmente receptivo
- Bien documentado para una fácil edición
- Compatible con todos los navegadores más recientes
- Galería de clasificación receptiva
- Último widget de feeds de Twitter
No olvide calificar nuestra plantilla si le encanta usarla
El soporte se proporciona a través de nuestro dedicado Sistema de boletos a todos los compradores de temas verificados. Regístrese en el sistema de boletos usando su cuenta de Envato para un acceso rápido.
Twitter Bootstrap
Las imágenes de la vista previa en vivo no están incluidas en la plantilla.
Registro de cambios
v3.1 – 22 de junio de 2022
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! AdoreChurch Core Plugin UPDATED! Events page builder widget UPDATED! Compatibility for WP version 6.x UPDATED! Compatibility for PHP version 8.x
v3.0 – 11 de enero de 2022
NEW! Option to hide first post in the Posts List page builder widget UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! AdoreChurch Core Plugin
v2.9 – 7 de agosto de 2021
NEW! Option to change the orderby and order in the posts list widget NEW! Option to remove selected posts from posts list widget NEW! Option to change posts excerpt length for blog/archive pages IMPROVED! Pagination system UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! AdoreChurch Core Plugin UPDATED! Gallery grid widget FIXED! Soundcloud audio player not working FIXED! Some styling bugs
v2.8 – 28 de marzo de 2021
NEW! Option to disable theme built in event and sermon functionality NEW! Option to change custom post types settings UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! AdoreChurch Core Plugin FIXED! Some styling bugs
v2.7.2 – 4 de febrero de 2021
NEW! Admin columns of custom post types events & sermons NEW! Added options to customise mobile menu UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! AdoreChurch Core Plugin
v2.7.1 – 15 de enero de 2021
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! AdoreChurch Core Plugin IMPROVED! Mobile menu IMPROVED! Single sermons page to show sermon meta FIXED! Revolution Slider not showing for some users FIXED! Some styling issues
v2.7 – 23 de noviembre de 2020
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! AdoreChurch Core Plugin FIXED! Event countdown not showing correct timer to event FIXED! Single event page not showing date/time when using any slider type page header FIXED! Single event page print function
v2.6.3 – 19 de agosto de 2020
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin FIXED! Taxonomy image upload option not working
v2.6.2 – 14 de agosto de 2020
UPDATED! Compatibility for WP version 5.5 UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! AdoreChurch Core Plugin FIXED! Pagination not working for the sermons category archive pages FIXED! Some styling issues
v2.6.1 – 24 de abril de 2020
FIXED! Color scheme theme options not working
v2.6 – 23 de abril de 2020
NEW! Option to sort sermons by custom sermon date in sermons category/tags templates NEW! Patreon Social icon option added for header/footer UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! AdoreChurch Core Plugin UPDATED! Font Awesome to 5 version FIXED! Some styling bugs
v2.5 – 2 de marzo de 2020
UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! AdoreChurch Core Plugin FIXED! A bug with the dropcaps shortcode FIXED! Progress bar widget not showing tooltip text FIXED! Event preview showing register link when it is disabled FIXED! Upcoming event counter not showing correct time to event
v2.4 – 22 de noviembre de 2019
UPDATES: NEW! Option to use grid layout for posts page NEW! Option to change "Add to Calendar" button text NEW! Option to hide featured image and meta details on single post UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! AdoreChurch Core Plugin FIXED! Comments now showing on single post pages FIXED! Pagination not working in posts list widget
v2.3.2 – 12 de julio de 2019
UPDATED! Adore Core Plugin UPDATED! Layer Slider Plugin UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! Demo Data UPDATED! json Feed UPDATED! Sermons Widget
v2.3.1 – 30 de abril de 2019
UPDATED! AdoreChurch Core plugin FIXED! Issue with podcasting with WP version 5.1 FIXED! Featured block styling not working FIXED! Comments form textarea field styling FIXED! Multisite demo import FIXED! Some stylings bugs
v2.3 – 21 de marzo de 2019
NEW! Added a new Core plugin to add all the functionality of theme into it to clean up the theme and better performance UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! Layer Slider Plugin UPDATED! Support for WP version 5.1 UPDATED! Support for PHP version 7.2 FIXED! Some styling issues
v2.2 – 16 de noviembre de 2018
UPDATED! WPML Config file FIXED! A bug with functions.php when website is not using Woocommerce FIXED! Calendar event preview showing wrong date FIXED! Some styling bugs
v2.1.1 – 18 de octubre de 2018
FIXED! A bug which prevents theme scripts to run when event feature is disabled from Theme Options FIXED! Some missing global variables from some template parts FIXED! Broken image for featured blocks in home page templates
v2.1 – 22 de septiembre de 2018
IMPROVEMENT! Adore Church Dashboard FIXED! Events not showing in the calendar view
v2.0 – 14 de septiembre de 2018
NEW! Added AdoreChurch HTML Template (Worth $18) NEW! Adore Church Dashboard added for users to see all things in a single place UPDATED! Demo importer for more seamless one click import UPDATED! js conditional loading to improve site speed UPDATED! Tabs widget for page builder to support tinymce for content UPDATED! Theme file structure to load all assets from a single location/folder UPDATED! Language .pot file UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! Metabox plugin UPDATED! Meta boxes to support conditional show hide using official plugin UPDATED! Custom post types to use dashicons instead of legacy icons UPDATED! Demo data UPDATED! Replaced placeholder images in demo data with real images UPDATED! Custom widgets to support latest version of PHP UPDATED! Event date to show full year instead of short FIXED! PHP Warning in WP Admin for Megamenu FIXED! Events category color not working for recurring events FIXED! Additional line break in shortcodes while using within the page builder editor widget FIXED! Event counter is not showing correct time FIXED! Events list widget not showing all events button text FIXED! Some styling bugs
v1.8.1 – 30 de marzo de 2018
UPDATED! Revolution Slider plugin UPDATED! Layer Slider plugin FIXED! A styling bug with menus page edit item view FIXED! Some styling bugs
v1.8 – 2 de febrero de 2018
NEW! Speaker image and name in header on sermons by speaker page UPDATED! Revolution Slider plugin to latest version UPDATED! Layer Slider plugin to latest version UPDATED! Language .pot file UPDATED! Some missing translations UPDATED! Theme framework to support PHP 7.0+ UPDATED! TGM Class to fix bulk updater notice/warning FIXED! Event category keeps active when month change in event list with filters FIXED! Footer broken when using event list page builder widget in boxed layout FIXED! Add to calendar not taking correct date for saving FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! Styling bug in demo importer
v1.7.3 – 23 de octubre de 2017
UPDATED! Layer Slider plugin UPDATED! Revolution Slider plugin FIXED! Contact form shortcode shows wrong message on successful submission FIXED! Sermons files download now save with only name
v1.7.2 – 8 de septiembre de 2017
UPDATED! Layer Slider plugin UPDATED! Revolution Slider plugin
v1.7.1 – 22 de junio de 2017
UPDATED! Layer Slider plugin UPDATED! Revolution Slider plugin UPDATED! PHP7.0 version compatibility FIXED! Posts category not working issue in custom category widget
v1.7 – 04 de mayo de 2017
UPDATED! Revolution Slider plugin UPDATED! Layer Slider plugin UPDATED! Demo data UPDATED! Child Theme ADDED! Page builder demo data FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! Sermons will now check for sermon date to show on sermon posts else show post published date FIXED! Yoast SEO Sitemap not working FIXED! Single event page not working with mega menu
v1.6.2 – 7 de febrero de 2017
FIXED! Post thumbnail issue in speaker widget and shortcodes.php ADDED! Styling for Contact Form 7 messages FIXED! Remove taxonomy image button not showing FIXED! Styling issue for upcoming events listen mobile view FIXED! Google maps not working for Add new event in WP Dashboard UPDATED! Meta Box plugin
v1.6.1 – 7 de enero de 2017
Security Update for PHP mail function UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version UPDATED! Layer Slider plugin to latest version UPDATED! Template sermon to display series info UPDATED! Contact page template map zooming buttons position FIXED! meta-boxes.php file to remove standard text in audio description field FIXED! Date format is not changing for the sermon series FIXED! Theme’s contact form translation missing from pot file FIXED! Few minutes difference for event date on template home when a long day recurring events comes in there FIXED! wp_footer called twice in footer.php since the last version
v1.6 – 19 de septiembre de 2016
NEW! Phone no. field for staff posts UPDATED! pot language file for some missing translations UPDATED! Redux Framework FIXED! No message when ticket is not selected in event registration module FIXED! Magnetic lightbox not working for homepage slider post format posts FIXED! No email confirmation is sent when registering an event from single event page
v1.5.4 – 15 de julio de 2016
UPDATED! Demo data XML
v1.5.3 – 7 de julio de 2016
UPDATED! Font Awesome kit to latest version UPDATED! Google Map Javascript to have API Key UPDATED! TGM Plugin Activation Class UPDATED! Revolution Slider Plugin UPDATED! Layer Slider Plugin UPDATED! Demo data FIXED! Custom dropdown menu link colors not working
v1.5.2 – 12 de mayo de 2016
UPDATED! Included Meta Box Plugin
v1.5.1 – 7 de mayo de 2016
UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version UPDATED! Layer Slider to latest version UPDATED! Font Awesome Icons to latest version FIXED! 24 hour time format for event posts not working FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! Category selection meta box not saving values
v1.5 – 2 de mayo de 2016
NEW! Paid events functionality FIXED! A bug with prettyPhoto plugin FIXED! Staff page builder widget not showing content FIXED! Some text domain misspelled FIXED! Template home having some problem with featured projects section FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! Wrong shop sidebar title in Theme Options > Sidebars
v1.4.1 – 22 de marzo de 2016
NEW! Styling option for flex slider UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version UPDATED! Layer Slider to latest version 5.6.2 FIXED! Unused meta fields deleted from imic-framework/meta-boxes.php FIXED! Mega attributes like target and class not working when a menu is inserted in a megamenu column
v1.4 – 16 de marzo de 2016
NEW! Option to change wording ?Watch Sermon? on sermon archive page NEW! Option to hide time from event NEW! Multiple days event will show both start and end time with dates NEW! Option to enter upto 3 Google calendars in calendar shortcode NEW! Event export options integration on single event page NEW! Option to show gallery title in gallery page templates NEW! Staff list page builder widget NEW! Taxonomy Sermon tag template added NEW! Option to disabled sticky header NEW! Options to add apple favicon at Theme Options NEW! Staff single post template added NEW! Option to link staff posts to single page or details in popup UPDATED! Font Awesome icons to latest version UPDATED! Slider Revolution plugin to latest version UPDATED! Permalinks structure for post types FIXED! Upcoming events widget missing one closing div tag FIXED! No space between from and to text in single event page banner FIXED! Events registration form showing multiple dates when sidebar have upcoming events widget in there FIXED! Gallery page builder widget not showing correct gallery post format FIXED! Posts list widget showing featured image of each post in next post FIXED! Category filter for post section 2 of home page template not working FIXED! Video block is displaying for sermons even if there is no media attached to it FIXED! Recent sermons widget showing all media icons whether the media is attached to the sermon or not FIXED! Recent sermon widget will now show sermon date if entered instead of published post date FIXED! Flex slider caption not displaying when link URL is entered for the image FIXED! YouTube video not working when there is ?-? in the URL of video FIXED! Woo commerce shop page showing page title as first product title FIXED! Print style will be added only if the print ticket button is clicked FIXED! Mobile menu background not following dropdown color set at theme options FIXED! Calendar showing 6 week by default FIXED! Bug in sermons page template FIXED! Featured blocks area on homepage sometimes breaks on page load FIXED! Download audio not working if audio file is hosted out of WordPress FIXED! Special characters displaying in event title on calendar FIXED! Category colors not working for events on calendar FIXED! Gallery category filter in page templates not working
v1.3.3 – 22 de septiembre de 2015
FIXED! Homepage templates selected category for posts was not working FIXED! Past/Future events template showing draft events as well FIXED! Share button styling options at Theme Options > Share Options were not working FIXED! Gallery filters on templates not taking the active class FIXED! Woocommerce.php for post ID FIXED! Retina Logo height problem on small screens UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version
v1.3.2 – 3 de septiembre de 2015
NEW! Option to add alt text/title option for social sharing link icons NEW! vk icon for header/footer social icons and staff posts social links NEW! Option to upload logo for sticky header for image type logo option NEW! Now event schedule part is hidden when no schedule is set for any event NEW! Magnific Popup option added for site wide lightbox use NEW! Print friendly css addition option NEW! Sermon date added for latest sermons widget NEW! Hover animation added for latest sermon widget image UPDATED! Sermon publish date added in Sermon page builder widget and sermons list widget UPDATED! Revolution Slider to latest version UPDATED! Layer Slider to latest version FIXED! Map icon visible on single event page when no address is provided FIXED! Sidebar position left issue on small screen devices FIXED! Image loop issue in posts list widget of page builder FIXED! Missing translation wordings in comments form/comments list FIXED! Sermon action icons visible even if no file is attached to sermon FIXED! Featured blocks not getting equal heights FIXED! Added missing styles for pricing table shortcake FIXED! Download audio icon on single sermon page no visible FIXED! Retina logo not working FIXED! Featured image not showing on latest sermons widget when no video is added FIXED! no space in between timings on single event page header FIXED! Some styling issues
v1.3.1 – 10 de julio de 2015
FIXED! Events list sidebar position bug on small screen devices FIXED! Icons invisible in Shortcode Generator ADDED! New icons to Shortcode Generator FIXED! Event ticketing popover position in mobile devices
v1.3 – 30 de junio de 2015
NEW! Drag Drop Page Builder NEW! Option for left sidebar site wide or per page NEW! Page template for Sermons List/Grid NEW! RTL Languages Support NEW! Option to choose whether events will appear on site till start time or end time NEW! Option to choose whether to show only event start time or Start/End both time NEW! Google directions link in event map popover NEW! Option to change the content of Contact Event Manager Form footer NEW! Option to add links to Flexslider slider images UPDATED! Recent sermons widget to show featured image if no video is available UPDATED! Featured block homepage section to keep equal height UPDATED! Font Awesome Icons to latest version 4.3 UPDATED! Layer Slider Plugin IMPROVED! imic_afterSavePost() Function FIXED! Share event popover cutting out in boxed mode FIXED! prettyPhoto XSS fix FIXED! Some strings not getting translated FIXED! Category archive pages showing first post name instead of category name in header banner FIXED! Recent Sermon widget showing all media icons despite of file availability FIXED! Events list month switcher not working on small screens
v1.2.3 – 30 de mayo de 2015
NEW! Staff menu order in shortcode UPDATED! Increase featured box image size for rectangle view to 600px / 400px UPDATED! sermon widget UPDATED! Some dynamic data code UPDATED! Revolution Slider FIXED! Upcoming event bar below slider, Contact form error FIXED! Event schedule to be 24 hours. FIXED! Videos for sermons do not play if featured image is not set FIXED! Some styling bugs FIXED! Gallery sliders lightbox cloned slide issue
v1.2.2 – 29 de abril de 2015
FIXED! Bug with navigation links not working
v1.2.1 – 28 de abril de 2015
UPDATED! Theme framework and included plugins for XSS vulnerability prevention FIXED! Homepage header height issue FIXED! Line height menu bug FIXED! Lead content min height bug FIXED! Error on line 487 of init.js FIXED! Long names and positions of staff posts causing overflow issue
v1.2 – 22 de marzo de 2015
NEW! bbpress compatibility NEW! Podcasting for Sermons NEW! Theme customization options at Theme Options NEW! Search and Cart buttons for header NEW! Google fonts options at Theme Options NEW! All sermons of a speaker template added UPDATED! Added a plugin to add in Facebook/Twitter/Gplus tags in Header FIXED! Recent Sermon layout issue when no video is found FIXED! Event counters on homepage not getting correct event start time FIXED! Pagination hidden on Blog Masonry Template FIXED! Sticky Header height Issue FIXED! Bug in single sermons page not displaying tags and content FIXED! Sermons archive page watch now link not taking users to single sermon page FIXED Styling issues for woo commerce new update
v1.1 – 28 de febrero de 2015
NEW! Revolution Slider NEW! Layer Slider NEW! Added labels for the events status FIXED! Featured image size not set for home style 2 FIXED! Issue with file location when child theme is used FIXED! Post thumbnails support bug FIXED! Post title echo bug on homepage FIXED! CSS transitions for header fixed FIXED! Bug with event time showing wrong on list and grid views
v1.0 – 17 de febrero de 2015
Initial Release
Etiquetas: audio player,charity,church,composer,events,events calendar,flex slider,mosque,non profit,podcast,political,religion,religious,sermon,video gallery
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