Descargar Blaszok eCommerce Theme

Descargar Blaszok eCommerce Theme


Tema de comercio electrónico Blaszok - 1
Tema de comercio electrónico Blaszok - 2
Tema de comercio electrónico Blaszok - 3
Tema de comercio electrónico Blaszok - 4
Tema de comercio electrónico Blaszok - 5
Tema de comercio electrónico Blaszok - 6
Tema de comercio electrónico Blaszok - 7

Tema de comercio electrónico Blaszok - 8Tema de comercio electrónico Blaszok - 9
Tema de comercio electrónico Blaszok - 10
Tema de comercio electrónico Blaszok - 11

Hola, gracias por tomarte el tiempo de revisar Blaszok (pronunciación correcta “Blashock” :)). Mi nombre es Kuba y soy un diseñador y desarrollador web de Polonia con un pequeño equipo de geeks web talentosos. Es posible que me conozcas por mis Flash & jQuery Flip Books que fueron los artículos más vendidos alrededor aquí (antes del boom de WordPress), y también de temas de WordPress como Agera o Gentle.

Hacer un tema verdaderamente todo en uno fácil de usar es un objetivo que ha estado en mi mente durante mucho tiempo. He estado planeando este proyecto durante meses, pero el desarrollo final nos llevó mas de 3 meses de trabajo (a veces más de 12 horas al día). Estoy muy orgulloso del resultado final. pudimos hacer un hermoso, fácil de usar y totalmente personalizadotema zable. Como puede ver en las vistas previas (estilos y ejemplos de diseño de casas) tsu tema puede usarse para casi cualquier sitio web. Espero que te diviertas usando Blaszok tanto como nosotros lo hicimos. Estamos totalmente dedicados a este proyecto y nos encantaría desarrollarlo más, pero para eso necesitamos su apoyo.

  • Sensible y listo para la retina – Blaszok es totalmente receptivo. Se ve bien en cualquier resolución y en todos los dispositivos. Está listo para la pantalla retina. Nos las arreglamos para dar al usuario la misma experiencia en todas partes.
  • Woo comercio – con Blaszok puede comenzar a vender hoy, es totalmente compatible con Woo Commerce 2.1+. Además de las características estándar, hemos agregado algunas más, como catálogos y listas de deseos.
  • Ahorre $74 – cuando compra Blaszok, realmente ahorra $ 74 porque incluye un gran valor en su interior como: Visual Composer, Slider Revolution, widgets personalizados y paquetes de códigos cortos.
  • Listo para WPML – con Blaszok puede usar fácilmente el excelente complemento multilingüe llamado WPML y traducir su sitio con facilidad a cualquier idioma que desee.
  • Instalación rápida – Este tema es muy fácil de instalar y configurar. Nos aseguramos de que todo esté lo más claro posible. Este producto viene con documentación completa y sistema de soporte.
  • Fácil personalización – Usamos nuestro propio panel de administración personalizado, Compositor visual incluido – valorado en $30, toneladas de códigos cortos. ¡Las posibilidades son ilimitadas!
  • Revolución deslizante – Blaszok viene con Slider Revolution, uno de los controles deslizantes más avanzados del mercado – vale $ 19.
  • Códigos cortos/Complementos - Visual Composer viene con una gran cantidad de códigos cortos increíbles, ¡pero hemos agregado más!
  • Actualizaciones y soporte – Siempre brindamos soporte y actualizaciones para nuestros productos.
  • Más de 600 fuentes de Google – puede elegir cualquier familia de fuentes que desee entre más de 600 fuentes para cualquier elemento de la página.
  • Cartera Múltiple – Con diferentes opciones de cartera y tamaño de publicación de cartera, puede crear versiones casi ilimitadas de cartera.
  • Hecho con amor – En MassivePixelCreation tenemos pasión por hacer grandes cosas. Por eso nuestros productos son únicos y originales en todos los sentidos. Nos centramos en el rendimiento, el diseño y la usabilidad.

Requisitos del tema:

  • WordPress 4.5+
  • PHP 5.6+ (se recomienda 7.3.9)
  • al menos 96 MB de límite de memoria del servidor

Tema de comercio electrónico Blaszok - 12

  1. Actualizar registro
  2. ¿Por qué comprar con nosotros?
  3. Principales características:
  4. ¿Necesita ayuda?

Actualizar registro

13/11/2019 - Version

  - WordPress 5.3 compatibility
  - WooCommerce 3.8.0 compatibility

  - Revolution Slider to 6.1.4
  - LayerSlider WP to 6.9.2
  - Essential Grid to 2.3.5

  - MPC Importer ( Demo Install ) WC products attributes import
  - Removed "Reviews" title from WC product Tab content


29/08/2019 - Version
  - Accordion style Mobile Menu ( Theme Options->Elements->Header )

  - WooCommerce 3.7.0 compatibility

  - WPBakery Page Builder to 6.0.5
  - Revolution Slider to 6.1.0
  - LayerSlider WP to 6.9.1
  - Essential Grid to 2.3.3

  - Theme Settings import PHP notices
  - Wishlist button default position after install is set to shortcode
  - Menus import via MPC Importer Demo Install
  - Contact Form 7 template is being imported by Demo Install on default


12/07/2019 - Version
  - Demo install timeout is shortened to max 90sec

  - Theme Options->Visuals->Display->Theme Layout Type inheritance on individual pages with Layout Settings "Default" or not set at all


09/07/2019 - Version
  - WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.3 compatibility

  - WPBakery Row backward compatibility
  - WPBakery Row Overlay default opacity values


05/07/2019 - Version 3.9.9
  - WordPress 5.2.2 support
  - WooCommerce 3.6.5 compatibility
  - WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.3 compatibility

  - WPBakery Page Builder to 6.0.3
  - LayerSlider WP to 6.8.4
  - WordPress Importer to 0.6.4 ( it's a part of MPC Importer plugin )

  - SVG logo support + logo width options
  - Demo Install (MPC Importer plugin) options to include/exclude some content

  - IE 8 support remains

  - Masonry PACKAGED v3.1.5 replaced with Isotope PACKAGED v3.0.6

  - Theme Options->Visuals->Mega Menus Dropdowns Backgrounds section is visible all the time showing tips how to setup Mega Menu backgrounds correctly.
  - Theme Options->Visuals->Custom CSS->Overwrite Shortcodes Colors option​ moved into Theme Options->Colors

  - Demo Install freezing, now in case of a timeout it will resume automatically from a recent part
  - PHP fatal error while using autoupdater along with changed theme directory name
  - Yoast SEO conflict with Subscribe2 on non-gutenberg editor screen
  - WPBakery Row overlay & pattern settings
  - WooCommerce Event Manager date picker conflict
  - WC Shipping form layout
  - Posts archive inheriting layout after first post
  - VC (WPBakery) FAQ styles & options


26/04/2019 - Version 3.9.8
  - PHP 7.3 support
  - WordPress 5.1.1 support
  - WooCommerce 3.6.2 compatibility
  - WPBakery Page Builder 5.7 compatibility

  - WPBakery Page Builder to 5.7
  - Slider Revolution to
  - Essential Grid to 2.3.2
  - LayerSlider WP to 6.8.2
  - CSS3 Pricing Tables Grids to 11.0
  - Translation files .pot, .mo & .po

  - Automatic updates from WordPress panel

  - Envato Market plugin from recommended list

  - Theme Options regenerates style_custom.css on each save
  - Subscribe2 conflict with Yoast SEO on non-Gutenberg screen
  - Default style Products Slider height on mobile


    11/12/2018 - Version
        - WordPress 5.0
        - WooCommerce 3.5.2

        - WPBakery Page Builder to 5.6
        - Slider Revolution to
        - Translation files .pot, .mo & .po

        - WC "New" Product Badge option in Theme Options->Visuals->WooCommerce


    23/11/2018 - Version
        - WC Related Products, Cross-sells & Up-sells are using now Product Slider

        - Sald Out badge on single product
        - WooCommerce Quickview text domain


    15/11/2018 - Version
        - Essential Grid to 2.3

        - WooCommerce notice templates backward compatibility with version lower then 3.5

        - Default single product image carousel animates back on variation change
        - Theme Options save regenerates styles on each click now


    08/11/2018 - Version 3.9.7
        - WordPress 4.9.8 support
        - WooCommerce 3.5.1 support
        - Theme translations
        - PHP 7.2.11 support
        - WPML 4.0.9 support
        - ACF 5.7.7 support

        - WPBakery Page Builder to 5.5.5
        - Slider Revolution to 5.4.8
        - Essential Grid to 2.2.5

        - Unnecessary Blaszok WC templates: mini-cart, cart-shipping, empty-cart

        - Global option for Full Width Header in Theme Options->Elements->Header
        - Theme Options CSS file output has got now uniqe version to bypass browser cache
        - Cross-sells & Up-sells variation product support
        - Option for enabling WPBakery license registration page in Theme Options->General

        - Regular WPBakery crash with Blaszok theme
        - WC Product element displaying incorrect no. of items
        - PHP countable warning
        - WPML currency switcher issue with child theme
        - Custom sidebar position on Product Category
        - ACF settings fields changing its position on each load
        - Scripts & styles versioning
        - Small CSS issues


    1/06/2018 - Version 3.9.6
        - WordPress 4.9.6 support
        - WooCommerce 3.4.1 support
        - Theme translations
        - GDPR compatibility
        - YITH WooCommerce Gift Cards plugin compatibility

        - WPBakery Page Builder to 5.4.7
        - Slider Revolution to
        - LayerSlider to 6.7.6
        - Essential Grid to

        - Envato Toolkit with Envato Market plugin
        - Deprecated WooCommerce functions

        - Slider Revolution Navigation Arrows in Blaszok Style ON/OFF option in Theme Options->Visuals->Display
        - Missing in theme package Lookbook demo slider import (

        - Icon List shortcode VC settings loading
        - WooCommerce breadcrumbs double "shop" issue
        - WPML switcher CSS
        - VC CTA element inherits now Font Family from Theme Options
        - Small CSS issues


    24/01/2018 - Version 3.9.5
        - Single Product build-in WooCommerce 3.0+ features: Zoom, Lightbox, Gallery Slider. Available in Theme Options->Visuals->WooCommerce
        - Blaszok Twig templates for WPML Language & Currency Switchers. Available in Theme Options->Elements->Secondary Header

        - PHP 7.1 support
        - WordPress 4.9.2 support
        - WooCommerce 3.2.6 support
        - WPML support
        - Theme translations

        - WPBakery Page Builder to 5.4.5
        - Slider Revolution to
        - LayerSlider to 6.6.7
        - Essential Grid to
        - MPC Extensions 3.9.5
        - MPC Widgets 3.9.5

        - Secondary Header WPML language & currency switchers options
        - Secondary Header My Account & Wishlist links disable options
        - Masonry Shop view support for attributes archives
        - Select2 JS library support

        - PHP 7.1 notice causing random problems with Theme Options save
        - Logo with broken link causing invisible header issue
        - Google Analytics script slot moved from footer to just before </head> tag
        - Menu Dropdown z-index issue for Menu, Center Logo, Search layout
        - MPC Widgets Shop Info issue on non-WC pages
        - MPC Extensions Products Slider Featured items
        - WC Cart Product Name missing variation
        - WooCommerce eNadawca plugin conflict
        - Double Empty cart message
        - SmartSearch MySQL syntax errors
        - Load More spinner animation
        - Small CSS issues


    26/07/2017 - Version 3.9.4
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 3.1.1 support
    - IMPROVED: Theme translations
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer to 5.2
    - UPDATED: Slider Revolution to
    - UPDATED: LayerSlider to 6.5.5
    - UPDATED: Essential Grid to
    - UPDATED: CSS3 Pricing Tables Grids to 10.9
    - FIXED: Theme Options security vulnerability issue
    - FIXED: WPML multilingual search issue
    - FIXED: Related Products on single product page
    - FIXED: Mini-cart function PHP 5.4 compatibilty issue
    - FIXED: Minor WooCommerce translations compatibility
    - FIXED: WooCommerce placeholder image on single product page
    - FIXED: Small CSS issues


    09/06/2017 - Version 3.9.3
    - IMPROVED: WordPress 4.8 support
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 3.0.8 support
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce Translations
    - REPLACED: All deprecated WooCommerce functions & hooks used in theme
    - UPDATED: Theme translation files
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer to 5.1.1
    - UPDATED: Slider Revolution to
    - UPDATED: LayerSlider to 6.4.0
    - UPDATED: Woocommerce Quickview to 3.4.4
    - UPDATED: Essential Grid is using now woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments instead of deprecated add_to_cart_fragments
    - ADDED: Workaround for WooCommerce js.cookie mod_security issue on some servers
    - FIXED: WPML & Custom product tabs compatibility
    - FIXED: Variable product image switcher Woo 3.0+ issue on single product page
    - FIXED: Wishlist showing empty page after adding item to cart
    - FIXED: Small CSS issues


    24/04/2017 - Version 3.9.2

    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 3.0.3
    - FIXED: Lookbook Circle Badges
    - FIXED: Small CSS issues


    22/12/2016 - Version 3.9.1
    - IMPROVED: WordPress 4.7
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.6.9
    - IMPROVED: Translations
    - IMPROVED: WPML 3.6.2 language switcher dropdown compatibility
    - IMPROVED: YITH Auctions plugin compatibility
    - UPDATED: FontAwesome to 4.6.3
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer to 5.0.1
    - UPDATED: Slider Revolution to
    - UPDATED: Essential Grid to
    - UPDATED: LayerSlider to 6.0.5
    - UPDATED: Documentation
    - ADDED: Blog Categories & Tags "Description" support
    - ADDED: Blog Categories & Tags "Custom Header" 
    - ADDED: Blog Categories & Tags "Custom Sidebar" position
    - ADDED: MPC Products Slider "Autoplay" options
    - ADDED: Subset setting for Fonts in Theme Options
    - FIXED: Wishlist page double title
    - FIXED: Ess. Grid & Wishlist "Add to cart" variable product
    - FIXED: CountDown double "Months" instead of "Minutes" 
    - FIXED: Sticky Footer - IE11 issue
    - FIXED: MPC Mega Menu "rowItems" syntax error
    - FIXED: Product Category Slider visible resizing on load
    - FIXED: Theme Options->Styles-> Footer->Footer Active/Hover
    - FIXED: VC Progress Bar Stripes and Color Settings
    - FIXED: Breadcrumbs location in "Fullwidth with sidebar" page template
    - FIXED: Other small PHP issues

    !!! PLEASE NOTICE: - if your "Slider Revolution" plugin slider crash after update, then please go to your "Slider Settings" and resave them
    - Blaszok will only work fine with "Visual Composer" copy distributed along with theme ( Appearance->Install Plugins )


    24/08/2016 - Version 3.9
    - IMPROVED: WordPress 4.6
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.6.4
    - IMPROVED: CSS Custom Posts support
    - IMPROVED: IE9 support
    - IMPROVED: Performance - WooCommerce and bbPress theme styles are loaded only when those plugins are activated
    - IMPROVED: MPC Importer updated with WP Importer 0.6.3
    - IMPROVED: Translations
    - ADDED: Sticky Footer in Theme Options->Visuals->Display
    - ADDED: MPC SmartSearch filtering by tags
    - ADDED: MPC Social List shortcode target=_blank option
    - ADDED: MPC Countdown is translatable now
    - FIXED: MPC Twitter widget
    - FIXED: Cart update item quantity issue
    - FIXED: AJAX Add to Cart
    - FIXED: Single Product Google Structured Data breadcrumb error
    - FIXED: SmartSearch with force SSL on checkout
    - FIXED: Upsells now display correct columns number
    - FIXED: customSelect.js on Cart Shipping Calculator
    - FIXED: VC Woo Product shortcode on Single Post
    - FIXED: Demo Install deprecated Full Width Row aligment
    - FIXED: Cart message aligment after removing last item
    - FIXED: Single Product page VC Full Height Row issue
    - FIXED: Conflict with Gift Certificates plugin
    - FIXED: Icon Columns with link color issue
    - FIXED: Product Slider next/prev animation glitch & column settings issue
    - FIXED: CSS fixes for display issues


    17/06/2016 - Version 3.8.4
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.6.1 support
    - FIXED: Quickview issues
    - FIXED: Cart issues


    15/06/2016 - Version 3.8.3
    - IMPROVED: Updated TGMPA class (security update)
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.6 support
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.12 support
    - IMPROVED: Revolution Slider support
    - IMPROVED: CSS3 Responsive Web Pricing Tables Grids 10.5 support
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce Quickview 3.4.0 support
    - IMPROVED: LayerSlider 5.6.8 support
    - FIXED: Social List links now open in new window
    - FIXED: CSS fixes for display issues


    23/05/2016 - Version 3.8.2
    - IMPROVED: Fancy Product Designer compability
    - FIXED: Review Stars display
    - FIXED: VC Row Parallax speed
    - FIXED: Portfolio breadcrumbs
    - FIXED: Breadcrumbs translations
    - FIXED: Footer links color from Theme Options
    - FIXED: Terms description display
    - FIXED: Product accordions JS error
    - FIXED: Disable Price & Add to Cart options for Quickview


    25/04/2016 - Version 3.8.1
    - FIXED: Stretch Row align left issue
    - FIXED: Smart Search filtering
    - FIXED: Inner Row css issue
    - FIXED: Single Product images alt


    14/04/2016 - Version 3.8
    - IMPROVED: WordPress 4.5 support
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.5.5 support
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.11.2 support
    - IMPROVED: Revolution Slider support
    - FIXED: Lookbook Badges display
    - FIXED: Hide Add to Cart issue
    - FIXED: Image Gallery with External images
    - FIXED: Issue with WooCommerce Subscriptions address
    - FIXED: Compability with Contact Form 7 (select)
    - FIXED: Compability with Variation Swatches and Photos
    - FIXED: Rev Slider on mobile
    - FIXED: VC row stretch issue at some cases
    - FIXED: Sold Out translation
    - FIXED: Breadcrumbs translations
    - FIXED: Products Slider CSS issue
    - FIXED: Missing Newell home page export
    - FIXED: Other small CSS and JS issues

    - make sure to update all bundled plugins
    - make sure to update/install Visual Composer from our server (we made additional adjustments for WooCommerce conflict)
    - make sure to update/install Subscribe2 (we made adjustments for WP 4.5)


    05/02/2016 - Version 3.7.2
    - IMPROVED: WordPress 4.4.2 Support
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.5.2 Support
    - UPDATED: Language files
    - FIXED: Wrong Read more link in Blog Template (Masonry layout)
    - FIXED: MPC Grid layout
    - FIXED: Variable Product selection
    - FIXED: VC License activation notice
    - FIXED: VC Row animations
    - FIXED: VC Gallery Lightbox
    - FIXED: Translation of some words


    19/01/2016 - Version 3.7.1
    - UPDATED: WooCommerce Quickview plugin


    19/01/2016 - Version 3.7
    - IMPROVED: WordPress 4.4.2
    - IMPROVED: Visual Compose 4.9.2
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.5
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce Quickview 3.2.4
    - IMPROVED: Revolution Slider: 5.1.6
    - IMPROVED: Ninja Forms compatibility
    - IMPROVED: jQuery MegaMenu refactored into MPC - MegaMenu
    - ADDED: Featured products for Products slider
    - FIXED: Child theme styles priority
    - FIXED: Transparent Header with Sticky option at mobile
    - FIXED: Sold Out badge display
    - FIXED: Read More button hover color
    - FIXED: Missing twitter status in post
    - FIXED: Wishlist for non-logged users
    - FIXED: Wishlist Mobile display
    - FIXED: Products slider display glitch
    - FIXED: Breadcrumbs
    - FIXED: Missing font family for headers in few shortcodes
    - FIXED: Small CSS fixes

    IMPORTANT: Due to the lack of updates for jQuery MegaMenu we refactored it into MPC - MegaMenu for future updates and usage. All menus and MegaMenus created with jQuery MegaMenu will work fine with MPC - Mega Menu plugin.

    IMPORTANT: Please remember to run database updater for WooCommerce in order to avoid problems with new version


    10/12/2015 - Version 3.6.5
    - IMPROVED: WordPress 4.4 Support
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.9 Support (VC 4.9 is required)
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.4.11 Support
    - FIXED: Products Slider glitch
    - FIXED: Button Rounded shape
    - FIXED: Single Image
    - FIXED: Single Post view paddings
    - FIXED: MailChimp form submissions handlers

    12/11/2015 - Version 3.6.4
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.4.10 support
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.8.1 support
    - IMPROVED: Revolution Slider 5.1
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce breadcrumbs in Single Product
    - IMPROVED: Backward compatibility for content created with VC 4.6 and older
    - IMPROVED: New server for plugins updates
    - IMPROVED: Translations
    - FIXED: Wishlist items remove for guest
    - FIXED: My Account error in Order details
    - FIXED: Breadcrumbs for attachment page
    - FIXED: VC Row Stretch without paddings
    - FIXED: VC Row Color Overlay issue
    - FIXED: MPC Importer missing 'uploads/' phrase in logos
    - FIXED: Maintenance Page top padding
    - FIXED: Contact Form display in sidebar
    - FIXED: Cross Sells, Upsells and Related Products display in Dark Skin
    - FiXED: Gray Skin color issues
    - FIXED: Menu overlapping in some cases


    05/10/2015 - Version 3.6.3
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.7.4
    - IMPROVED: Security


    24/09/2015 - Version 3.6.2
    - IMPROVED: Documentation
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.4.7
    - FIXED: Missing Cross Sells Products in Cart
    - FIXED: MPC Breadcrumbs for attachments
    - FIXED: VC Row Stretch
    - FIXED: Single Portfolio display
    - FIXED: Duplicate of '/uploads' in image path after import
    - FIXED: Cart display in Default template
    - FIXED: Visual Composer FAQ
    - FIXED: Other small fixes

    14/09/2015 - Version 3.6.1
    - FIXED: Parallax issue with VC 4.7, compatibility between old and new parallax in Blaszok
    - FIXED: Row background
    - FIXED: Testimonials Slider, Countdown, Icon fields in Visual Composer popup
    - FIXED: VC Button issue
    - FIXED: Small CSS issues


    31/08/2015 - Version 3.6
    - IMPROVED: WordPress 4.3
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.4.6
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.7
    - IMPROVED: Revolution Slider 5.0
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce Quickview 3.2.0
    - UPDATED: MPC Widgets, jQuery MegaMenu Widget, Brankic Photostream Widget updated for WordPress 4.3 changes
    - ADDED: Breadcrumbs on/off switch
    - FIXED: Hide Title at Maintenance Page
    - FIXED: Visual Composer issue when Revolution Slider was disabled
    - FIXED: WooCommerce Product Tabs accordion display
    - FIXED: MiniCart product remove in WC 2.4.6
    - FIXED: Visual Composer default settings
    - FIXED: Other small CSS fixes


    13/08/2015 - Version 3.5.1
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.4.3 Support
    - FIXED: Variation issues with WooCommerce 2.4.x


    03/08/2015 - Version 3.5
    - IMPROVED: WordPress 4.2.3 Support
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.4 Support
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.6.2 Support
    - ADDED: Breadcrumbs for Post/Page at title section
    - ADDED: Products selection for Products Slider
    - ADDED: Columns selection for Products Slider
    - ADDED: Products styles (Default, Slim, Center) support for WooCommerce Product/Products shortcodes
    - ADDED: New Menu location in Copyright section
    - FIXED: Visual Composer update issues
    - FIXED: Mini Cart - SSL issues in View Cart and item removing
    - FIXED: VC Frontend editor and ACF options reset issue
    - FIXED: Font Size issues at Theme Options->Styles->Content for pages
    - FIXED: Parallax issue with Essential Grid at Chrome
    - FIXED: Better support for Custom WooCommerce taxonomies
    - Other small fixes and improvements

    20/07/2015 - Version 3.4.2
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.6.1 support
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.4 preliminary support
    - IMPROVED: Documentation
    - FIXED: Call to Action css fix
    - FIXED: Maintenance Mode fullwidth fix
    - FIXED: Other small CSS fixes


    06/07/2015 - Version 3.4.1
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.6
    - IMPROVED: MPC Importer is available for update from our servers
    - FIXED: Page/Post Content margins for WordPress Editor content


    23/06/2015 - Version 3.4
    - IMPROVED: Demo Installer is a separate plugin now
    - ADDED: Automatic Related Products
    - ADDED: Header Widget Area image background option
    - ADDED: Background Size option for Header, Footer and Extended Footer sections
    - FIXED: Wishlist Icon issue
    - FIXED: Gravity Forms & CustomSelect conflict


    18/06/2015 - Version 3.3.1
    - IMPROVED: Security
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.3.11
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.5.3 ( Security update )
    - UPDATED: WooCommerce Quickview 3.1.0
    - FIXED: WooCommerce Pagination with SmartSearch filters


    08/06/2015 - Version 3.3
    - NEW FEATURE: Yith Zoom Magnificer compability
    - NEW FEATURE: Yith Product Compare compability
    - NEW FEATURE: Disable SKU, Categories, Tags and Share buttons from single product view
    - IMPROVED: WordPress 4.2.2
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.3.10
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.5.2
    - IMPROVED: Revolution Slider 4.6.93
    - IMPROVED: WPML Support & Translations
    - IMPROVED: Disable Product Hover now does not load second image
    - UPDATED: Language files
    - FIXED: IE9 CSS problems
    - FIXED: Product Gallery navigation when only a single image
    - FIXED: Mobile Menu at Maintenance Mode
    - FIXED: Wrapping of Table headings


    04/05/2015 - Version 3.2.2
    - IMPROVED: WordPress 4.2.1
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.3.8
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.5
    - IMPROVED: Essential Grid 2.0.9
    - IMPROVED: Touch Menu
    - IMPROVED: Security check & update
    - IMPROVED: Sliders import files
    - UPDATED: Language files
    - FIXED: Portfolio filters when Limited Category is selected
    - FIXED: Double brackets in Layered Nav widget
    - FIXED: SmartSearch filters
    - FIXED: AJAX Add to Cart from Quickview
    - FIXED: CSS Fixes


    16/03/2015 - Version 3.2.1
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.4.3
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.3.6
    - FIXED: Single Image border issue


    06/03/2015 - Version 3.2
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.3.5
    - IMPROVED: YITH Wishlist 2.0.4
    - NEW FEATURE: New previews - Hyper Cube, Lookbooks
    - NEW FEATURE: Lookbook Badges Creator
    - NEW FEATURE: WooCommerce Social Login support
    - NEW FEATURE: Gallery - Visual Composer Shortcode
    - NEW FEATURE: Header/Footer/Extended Footer Image Background options
    - NEW FEATURE: Additional Archive Styles
    - NEW FEATURE: Mini Cart AJAX items remove
    - NEW FEATURE: Mini Cart variations display
    - NEW FEATURE: Disable Quickview for specified products
    - NEW FEATURE: Global Settings for Author Box display
    - NEW FEATURE: Disable Excerpt Trim
    - NEW FEATURE: Fonts subset filter
    - NEW FEATURE: Dropdown styling for Contact Form
    - FIXED: Custom Product Tabs for non-latin languages
    - FIXED: Related Portfolio hyperlink functionality
    - FIXED: Password protected form styling
    - FIXED: bbPress styling
    - FIXED: Shop pagination
    - FIXED: Single Image display at Firefox & IE
    - FIXED: Sale Badge display


    13/02/2015 - Version 3.1.1
    - NEW FEATURE: Author Box for single post view
    - IMPROVED: Visual Composer 4.4.2
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.3.3 Support
    - IMPROVED: Yith Wishlist 2.0.0 Support
    - IMPROVED: WPML Currency Switcher display
    - IMPROVED: Products Slider - hide Out Of Stock items
    - FIXED: WooCommerce Quickview issues
    - FIXED: Missing Font Color for Visual Composer 4.4+


    26/01/2015 - Version 3.1
    - NEW FEATURE: New previews Newell and Manufactory
    - NEW FEATURE: Maintenance Mode
    - NEW FEATURE: New Blog layout "Full width with Thumbnails alternative" 
    - NEW FEATURE: Categories selection for Blog
    - NEW FEATURE: 'Use as banner' option for Post type 'Link'
    - NEW FEATURE: Site layout for individual pages/posts/products and portfolio items
    - NEW FEATURE: VC shortcode: Countdown
    - NEW FEATURE: VC shortcode: Newsletter Box
    - NEW FEATURE: VC shortcode: Link Wrapper
    - NEW FEATURE: Sticky Header Offset
    - NEW FEATURE: Support for WooCommerce 2.3
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.4
    - UPDATED: Essential Grid 2.0.4
    - FIXED: Theme Options slider indicator
    - FIXED: Quickview issues
    - FIXED: Update Cart for items quantity
    - FIXED: Shipping Dropdown styling
    - FIXED: Products Hover disable at Products Slider shortcode
    - FIXED: Add to Wishlist icon duplication with Load More
    - FIXED: Logo image responsive
    - FIXED: IE bug for Boxed layout


    10/12/2014 - Version 3.0
    - NEW FEATURE: Essential Grid
    - NEW FEATURE: Full page width row
    - NEW FEATURE: Header widget area
    - NEW FEATURE: Grid shortcode options
    - NEW FEATURE: Image slider shortcode options
    - NEW FEATURE: Header vertical center
    - NEW FEATURE: Secondary Header & Copyright padding options
    - NEW FEATURE: Customizable text for mini cart button ('Subtotal')
    - NEW FEATURE: Deco Heading alignment
    - NEW FEATURE: Buttons Border disabler
    - NEW FEATURE: Headings Underline settings for Content, Footer, Extended Footer and Sidebar Sections
    - UPDATED: Revolution Slider 4.6.5
    - UPDATED: One Click Demo installer (Real Preview)
    - UPDATED: MPC Extensions
    - UPDATED: MPC Widgets
    - UPDATED: Translation files
    - FIXED: Smart search filters
    - FIXED: Large cart popup
    - FIXED: Testimonials slider
    - FIXED: Sticky Header scroll
    - FIXED: Parallax image
    - FIXED: Custom header colors
    - FIXED: Counter shortcode display
    - FIXED: Icon shortcode display


    27/10/2014 - Version 2.0.6
    - NEW FEATURE: Added compatibility with Ajax Layered Navigation plugin
    - UPDATED: Revolution Slider 4.6.3
    - UPDATED: LayerSlider 5.3.2
    - FIXED: Registration in WooCommerce 2.2.7
    - FIXED: Sidebar display in RTL
    - FIXED: Portfolio tags archive
    - FIXED: Single portfolio post display


    25/09/2014 - Version 2.0.5
    - FIXED: Posts Grid/Carousel shortcode
    - FIXED: Transparent header on Shop
    - FIXED: Shop columns display
    - FIXED: Small CSS improvements


    19/09/2014 - Version 2.0.4
    - NEW FEATURE: Open social links in new tabs
    - UPDATED: LayerSlider 5.3.0
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.2.4 support
    - FIXED: Products Slider styles
    - FIXED: Transparent header
    - FIXED: Small CSS improvements


    11/09/2014 - Version 2.0.3
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.3.4
    - IMPROVED: WooCommerce 2.2 support
    - FIXED: Small CSS improvements


    04/09/2014 - Version 2.0.2
    - NEW FEATURE: Option to disable Demo Install page
    - UPDATED: Revolution Slider 4.6.0
    - IMPROVED: WordPress 4.0 Compatibility
    - FIXED: Visual Composer carousel
    - FIXED: Large cart popup
    - FIXED: Small CSS improvements


    22/08/2014 - Version 2.0.1
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.3.3
    - FIXED: Text Block issue on some pages


    18/08/2014 - Version 2.0
    - NEW FEATURE: Grid creator and shortcode
    - NEW FEATURE: Masonry Blog with Load More
    - NEW FEATURE: Portfolio Load More
    - NEW FEATURE: MailChimp support
    - NEW FEATURE: Shop styles for products slider
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.3.2
    - UPDATED: LayerSlider 5.2.0
    - UPDATED: Documentation
    - UPDATED: Localization files
    - IMPROVED: Demo Installer content
    - FIXED: Small CSS improvements
    - FIXED: Main color issues with skins


    04/08/2014 - Version 1.8.1
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.3.1
    - FIXED: Columns display
    - FIXED: Sidebar display
    - FIXED: Transparent header colors
    - FIXED: Some issues with Visual Composer 4.3.1


    31/07/2014 - Version 1.8.0
    - NEW FEATURE: RTL Support
    - NEW FEATURE: Configurable post thumbnail
    - NEW FEATURE: Brands slider external links
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.3
    - UPDATED: LayerSlider 5.1.2
    - UPDATED: MPC plugins
    - UPDATED: Documentation
    - UPDATED: Localization files
    - IMPROVED: Demo Installer content
    - FIXED: Menu active/hover color
    - FIXED: Large cart popup


    22/07/2014 - Version 1.7.0
    - NEW FEATURE: Demo Installer
    - UPDATED: Revolution Slider 4.5.9
    - UPDATED: Documentation
    - FIXED: Small CSS improvements to the shop


    03/07/2014 - Version 1.6.1
    - IMPROVED: Performance
    - IMPROVED: Mobile experience and display
    - IMPROVED: Child theme styles
    - IMPROVED: Compatibility with W3 Total Cache and Better WordPress Minify
    - UPDATED: Revolution Slider 4.5.6
    - UPDATED: WooCommerce Quickview 3.0.6
    - UPDATED: Documentation (with performance tips - up to 40% improvement)


    18/06/2014 - Version 1.6.0
    - NEW FEATURE: ONE PAGE layout
    - NEW FEATURE: Scroll to #ID
    - NEW FEATURE: Sliders light arrows
    - NEW FEATURE: Simple icon columns
    - NEW FEATURE: Sticky header logo
    - NEW FEATURE: Separators width and alignment
    - NEW FEATURE: Icon shortcode
    - NEW FEATURE: Counter shortcode
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.2.3
    - UPDATED: Revolution Slider 4.5.4
    - UPDATED: MPC plugins
    - UPDATED: Documentation
    - UPDATED: Localization files
    - FIXED: Revolution Slider responsiveness
    - FIXED: Pricing Tables display
    - FIXED: Flexslider arrows
    - FIXED: Back to top animation
    - FIXED: Gravity Forms display
    - FIXED: bbPress display


    12/06/2014 - Version 1.5.1
    - FIXED: Update process of Visual Composer
    - FIXED: Added plugins files for manual install
    - FIXED: Some other small issues from 1.5.0 update


    11/06/2014 - Version 1.5.0
    - NEW FEATURE: bbPress support
    - NEW FEATURE: Gravity Forms support
    - NEW FEATURE: Shop custom columns number 1-6
    - NEW FEATURE: Products accordion information
    - NEW FEATURE: Panel settings import/export
    - IMPROVED: Price filter on mobile
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.2.2
    - UPDATED: Revolution Slider 4.5.2
    - FIXED: Revo Slider display issues
    - FIXED: Sidebar display on mobile
    - FIXED: Sidebar behavior on mobile
    - FIXED: Menu active custom color
    - FIXED: Social links redirect
    - FIXED: Coupon field display in cart


    28/05/2014 - Version 1.4.0
    - NEW FEATURE: Transparent header (with custom colors, opacity and layout)
    - NEW FEATURE: Separate font sizes for page sections (header, sidebar, etc.)
    - NEW FEATURE: Advanced color settings (over 30) for page sections (header, sidebar, etc.)
    - NEW FEATURE: New mobile menu (icon in header with dropdown)
    - NEW FEATURE: Simple search dropdown
    - NEW FEATURE: Mobile logo
    - NEW FEATURE: Custom labels for WooCommerce tabs
    - NEW FEATURE: Custom font for menu
    - NEW FEATURE: Mobile sticky header
    - NEW FEATURE: Hiding footer segment for each page
    - NEW FEATURE: Hiding copyright segment for each page
    - NEW FEATURE: Header full width display
    - NEW FEATURE: Header image grid
    - IMPROVED: Custom CSS are now saved to separate file
    - IMPROVED: Bundled plugins update process
    - IMPROVED: Moved plugins from theme file
    - IMPROVED: All pages heading changed to H1
    - IMPROVED: Header buttons display as icons
    - IMPROVED: New social icons
    - UPDATED: MPC plugins
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.2
    - UPDATED: CSS3 Pricing Tables 9.6
    - UPDATED: WooCommerce Quickview 3.0.5
    - UPDATED: FontAwesome 4.1
    - FIXED: Shop category permalinks issue
    - FIXED: Sliders arrows on mobile


    14/05/2014 - Version 1.3.1
    - IMPROVED: Products slider (Sale products slider, sale badge)
    - IMPROVED: Woocommerce Sold Out Products support
    - UPDATED: MPC plugins
    - UPDATED: Documentation
    - UPDATED: Localization files
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.1.3
    - FIXED: Quickview icon display
    - FIXED: Cart/Checkout order display


    10/05/2014 - Version 1.3.0
    - NEW FEATURE: Quickview for products
    - NEW FEATURE: Shop categories/tags custom header image/shortcode
    - NEW FEATURE: Shop categories/tags custom sidebar settings
    - NEW FEATURE: Global disable hover effect on products
    - IMPROVED: Checkout display
    - IMPROVED: Fancy Product Designer support
    - IMPROVED: Woocommerce Smart Coupons support
    - UPDATED: MPC plugins
    - UPDATED: Woocommerce templates
    - FIXED: Fullwidth with sidebar template on Shop
    - FIXED: Products slider on desktop


    30/04/2014 - Version 1.2.3
    - IMPROVED: External products display
    - UPDATED: New versions of MPC plugins with update notifications
    - UPDATED: Localization files
    - UPDATED: Slider Revolution 4.3.8
    - FIXED: Wishlist and checkout alignment in boxed layout
    - FIXED: Mobile cart duplication
    - FIXED: Updating cart saves products quantities
    - FIXED: Child theme translation


    25/04/2014 - Version 1.2.2
    - FIXED: Wishlist display
    - FIXED: Page title duplication
    - FIXED: Mobile logo display


    23/04/2014 - Version 1.2.1
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.1.2
    - FIXED: Cart issues
    - FIXED: My account issues
    - FIXED: Google Maps
    - FIXED: Currency symbol space
    - FIXED: Sliders touch
    - FIXED: Mobile logo
    - FIXED: Sliders mobile display
    - FIXED: Parallax
    - FIXED: MPC Shortcodes button
    - FIXED: Fullwidth with sidebar template
    - FIXED: Background settings
    - FIXED: Visual Composer shortcodes


    18/04/2014 - Version 1.2.0
    - NEW FEATURE: All sliders are now touch enabled
    - NEW FEATURE: Testimonials Visual Composer Shortcode
    - NEW FEATURE: Added two new product looks
    - NEW FEATURE: Custom Product tabs with WYSIWYG editor & short code support
    - NEW FEATURE: Size Guides: global or unique for a product
    - NEW FEATURE: Styled WooCommerce Subcategory Shop View
    - NEW FEATURE: Disable Responsive
    - NEW FEATURE: Turn Off Search Checkbox
    - NEW FEATURE: Secondary Header + Secondary Menu With Drop Down
    - NEW FEATURE: Turn Off Subscription
    - NEW FEATURE: Full Width Page + Sidebar
    - NEW FEATURE: Add text instead of subscription
    - NEW FEATURE: Pinterest added to share
    - NEW FEATURE: Back to Top: left, right, center & none settings.
    - NEW FEATURE: Added option - Don?t change product photo on hover.
    - IMPROVED: Cart - mobile friendly
    - IMPROVED: Wishlist, added button + tooltip
    - IMPROVED: Account View
    - IMPROVED: Search - Close search when clicked outside
    - IMPROVED: Icon List Shortcode
    - IMPROVED: Products number display option
    - IMPROVED: Documentation - completely new design
    - UPDATED: WordPress 3.9 Copatbility
    - UPDATED: Responsiveness
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.1
    - UPDATED: Slider Revolution 4.3.6
    - FIXED: VAT Bug
    - FIXED: Mega Menu Bug
    - FIXED: FireFox Load More Bug
    - FIXED: Related Products Bug
    - FIXED: Currency in Search Field
    - FIXED: Skin issues


    08/04/2014 - Version 1.1.1
    - NEW FEATURE: Compact Archive View (small thumbnails)
    - ADDED: New Header Layout (Logo above, menu & cart centered)
    - ADDED: Mobile Footer Check Box
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer to 4.0.4
    - UPDATED: Slider Revolution 4.3.4
    - FIXED: Contact Form Issue
    - FIXED: Carousel Bug (Not responsive)


    03/04/2014 - Version 1.1.0
    - NEW FEATURE: Layer Slider 5 (worth $18)
    - NEW FEATURE: CSS3 Pricing Tables (worth $17)
    - NEW FEATURE: Masonry Shop
    - NEW FEATURE: Load More for masonry shop
    - ADDED: Home pages source in txt files
    - UPDATED: Documentation
    - UPDATED: Menu layouts, new style Menu, Cart, Logo
    - FIXED: Mobile cart expanding viewport
    - FIXED: Visual Composer teaser group responsive
    - FIXED: Carousel Bug (Not responsive)
    - FIXED: iOS bugs
    - FIXED: Adroid bugs
    - FIXED: Minor CSS fixes


    28/03/2014 - Version 1.0.4
    - NEW FEATURE: Envato toolkit, Easy update
    - UPDATED: Documentation
    - FIXED: Required plugins install error
    - FIXED: WooCommerce single product image


    27/03/2014 - Version 1.0.3
    - NEW FEATURE: Simple Lookbook Price Badges
    - NEW FEATURE: Row ID for page navigation
    - FIXED: IE Lookbooks
    - FIXED: Parallax behavior
    - FIXED: Portfolio spacing
    - FIXED: Titles underline
    - FIXED: Language & Currency drop downs
    - FIXED: Quote display


    25/03/2014 - Version 1.0.2
    - NEW FEATURE: Option to remove Cart
    - NEW FEATURE: Option to remove Price
    - NEW FEATURE: Option to remove Add To Basket
    - NEW FEATURE: Option to choose different menu for mobile divices
    - NEW FEATURE: Added Child Theme
    - NEW FEATURE: Custom skin.css
    - UPDATED: Visual Composer 4.0.3
    - UPDATED: Documentation
    - UPDATED: PO File
    - FIXED: Reviews mobile issue
    - FIXED: Menu layout when scrolling
    - FIXED: Lookbook price issue
    - FIXED: Child theme issues
    - FIXED: Some minor CSS issues


    20/03/2014 - Version 1.0.1
    - FIXED: "Login" redirects to "My Account" 
    - FIXED: Cart mobile display
    - FIXED: Demo content URLs and Sliders imports
    - FIXED: WooCommerce shortcodes styles


    19/03/2014 - Version 1.0

¿Por qué comprar con nosotros?

  • nosotros actualizar nuestros artículos en bases diarias,
  • tenemos más de 12 000 clientes satisfechos,
  • damos tanto apoyo como podemos,
  • estamos disponible para trabajo freelance.

Principales características:

  • Soporte RTL,
  • Totalmente receptivo: probado en dispositivos reales,
  • Listo para WPML,
  • Listo para la retina,
  • Woo Commerce 2.1+ Listo,
  • Visual Composer incluido (constructor de páginas avanzado) – valorado en $30,
  • Revolución deslizante: valor de $ 19,
  • Widgets personalizados: por valor de $ 10,
  • Códigos cortos personalizados: por valor de $ 19,
  • Múltiples versiones de cartera (1-4 columnas),
  • Hermosos Mega Menús con imágenes de fondo,
  • 4 pieles y colores ilimitados,
  • SEO optimizado: complemento SEO WordPress incluido para mejorar su SEO,
  • encabezado avanzado,
  • 35 estilos de encabezado,
  • Magníficas secciones de paralaje
  • 3 diseños temáticos: ancho completo, en caja y en caja flotante,
  • Configuración de fondo personalizada: color, patrón e imagen,
  • Configuración avanzada de fuentes,
  • 2 tipos de blog y 9 formatos de publicación,
  • 40 + códigos cortos,
  • Hermosos Lookbooks/Catálogos para exhibir sus productos,
  • 9 formatos de publicación compatibles,
  • Variaciones ilimitadas de códigos cortos,
  • Configuración de la barra lateral para cada página/publicación (derecha, izquierda y ninguna),
  • Configuración de pie de página para cada página/publicación,
  • Barras laterales y pies de página personalizados para cada página/publicación,
  • Control deslizante incorporado: Nivo Slider, Flex Slider, Slider Revolution y 2 tipos de carruseles,
  • Ejemplo de XML incluido con datos de vista previa
  • Diseño minimalista, moderno y universal,
  • Ajustes de imagen arriba/derecha,
  • transiciones CSS3,
  • Panel masivo: impresionante panel de administración personalizado (fácil de cambiar la marca),
  • Versiones de color ilimitadas,
  • Menú desplegable múltiple,
  • Documentación HTML extensa,
  • Más de 370 iconos vectoriales,
  • Más de 600 fuentes web de Google Para escoger de,
  • PSD incluidos,
  • opción para eliminar: carrito, precio, agregar a respaldado, y aún usar WooCommerce,
  • opción de elegir menú diferente para dispositivos móviles,
  • insignias de precio de lookbook simple,
  • ID de fila para la navegación de la página,
  • kit de herramientas envato, fácil actualización,
  • Control deslizante de capa 5 (valorado en $ 18)
  • Tablas de precios de CSS3 (por valor de $ 17)
  • Taller de albañilería
  • Cargar más para taller de albañilería
  • 2 archivo de diseño
  • tema infantil,
  • piel personalizada.css,
  • WordPress 3.8+ Listo,
  • Soporte de 5 estrellas,
  • cada una de las funciones se puede desactivar fácilmente,
  • y mucho más…

¿Necesita ayuda?

Gracias por comprar uno de nuestros productos, ¡realmente lo apreciamos! Para obtener el mejor soporte posible, visite nuestro sistema de soporte. Los correos electrónicos, tweets y comentarios que contengan preguntas de soporte pueden ignorarse, utilice el sistema de soporte.


Etiquetas: clean,corporate,creative,ecommerce,mega menu,multipurpose,one page,page builder,parallax,photography,portfolio,woocommerce

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