Descargar Foundry - Multipurpose, Multi-Concept WP Theme

Descargar Foundry Multipurpose Multi Concept WP Theme


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Foundry - Tema WP multipropósito y multiconcepto - 1

tema wp de fundición

Conozca Foundry, su nuevo kit de herramientas de diseño de WordPress

Foundry es un tema de WordPress versátil y de alto rendimiento que cuenta con una amplia gama de elementos de estilo para todas las ocasiones que utilizan marcado limpio y semántico y CSS y LESS bien estructurados que adoran los desarrolladores, junto con la facilidad de uso y la creación rápida de páginas que adoran los clientes. Foundry se sentirá como en casa en cualquier sitio web comercial y sobresale en aplicaciones de cartera y sitios web personales.

Cree páginas de destino atractivas y atractivas que generen confianza mediante el uso de elementos de diseño coherentes y originales.

Lo que ve es exactamente lo que obtiene... Construya en tiempo real utilizando una amplia gama de bloques meticulosamente diseñados en el escandalosamente popular Visual Composer Page Builder. Simula rápidamente ideas y experimenta con diseños en tiempo real, luego guárdalos directamente en tu página sin código no deseado y sin estilo en línea. Elija entre un hermoso encabezado y pie de página para todo su sitio, o use uno diferente para cada página, su elección. ¡Cree sitios de una página vinculando fácilmente sus elementos de navegación a las secciones de la página! Máscaras claras y oscuras: encienda las luces en cualquier sección para darle a su sitio una sensación diferente con solo tocar un interruptor. El paralaje suave está a solo un clic de distancia: active el paralaje en cualquier sección que tenga una imagen de fondo.

¡Adiós, Scrolljank! Hemos hecho todo lo posible para mejorar la experiencia del usuario multiplataforma, desarrollando un complemento de desplazamiento interno que integra el paralaje acelerado por hardware. Desarrollado con todos los navegadores disponibles tanto en Windows como en OSX, hemos logrado un desplazamiento suave en los trackpads y las ruedas del mouse que se siente natural y discreto. Es tan bueno que no notarás que está ahí.

Foundry para WordPress viene empaquetado con Visual Composer y un montón de elementos flexibles de creación de páginas personalizadas. Con opciones de temas simples de 1 clic, opciones de color ilimitadas, cientos de opciones de fuentes de Google y más, Foundry es una potencia de estilo perfecta para su marca. Basado en el marco sensible de Twitter Bootstrap v3, el diseño se adapta a diferentes tamaños de pantalla, lo que garantiza que su sitio web se muestre de manera hermosa en todos los dispositivos: teléfonos inteligentes, tabletas y computadoras de escritorio por igual.

Foundry ahora cuenta con la certificación oficial de WPML para multilenguaje

Foundry - Tema WP multipropósito y multiconcepto - 2

Documentación en línea disponible aquí

Fundición - Características principales

  • Última versión de WordPress siempre compatible, actualmente 5.2+
  • Fantástico soporte con calificación de 5 estrellas
  • Infinitas posibilidades de diseño de página
  • Cientos de elementos personalizados, fuentes de blog, fuentes de cartera, etc.
  • Opciones de color simples con 1 clic
  • Panel de opciones de tema potente y bellamente organizado
  • Opciones de tema basadas en WordPress Live Customizer
  • Cientos de opciones de temas disponibles
  • Código amigable para desarrolladores
  • Diseño optimizado para SEO
  • Diseño hermoso y totalmente receptivo con énfasis en la legibilidad
  • Compositor visual incluido, gratis
  • Diseños de mampostería
  • Elementos del carrusel de búhos
  • Múltiples opciones de encabezado
  • Múltiples opciones de pie de página
  • Cambiar encabezado y pie de página por página
  • Capacidades de sitio de una sola página y una sola página
  • Compatibilidad con las fuentes de Google
  • Listo para WooCommerce y Tickera
  • Funciona con Contact Form 7 y Gravity Forms
  • Integraciones de imágenes retina nítidas y profesionales
  • Imágenes adaptables
  • Sistema de red potente y con capacidad de respuesta
  • Icono social listo
  • Encabezados modulares y extensos
  • Listo para compartir en redes sociales
  • Hermosos iconos vectoriales cuidadosamente seleccionados
  • Diseño perfecto de píxeles
  • Casi 2 horas de documentación en video personalizada
  • Documentación escrita en línea, lista para comenzar de inmediato
  • Soporte rápido con tiempos de respuesta promedio de menos de 6 horas

Administrador simple y rápido

  • Todas las funciones apropiadas y tipos de publicaciones de nuestro complemento Ebor Framework
  • Sin cambios administrativos desagradables
  • Creación de páginas rápida y sencilla con Visual Composer
  • Creación de megamenús rápida e intuitiva
  • Imágenes adaptables
  • Páginas preconstruidas y plantillas de página de importación simples
  • Importación de datos de demostración con 1 clic
  • Instalación automática de complementos para un inicio simple
  • Listo para WPML y certificado
  • Funciones nativas de WordPress utilizadas para todas las funciones
  • ¡No hay sorpresas! Todo se siente como un tema regular de WordPress

Últimas actualizaciones de temas

September 17th 2020 - v2.1.9

* FIXED: Page overrides showing for all post types
* FIXED: Pricing tables will not show the buttons if a button URL is not specified (update Ebor Framework)
* IMPROVED: WooCommerce Cart display
* IMPROVED: Accessibility tags on social media icons
* IMPROVED: All team feeds now also use the team member image for link
* IMPROVED: Added navigation dots to blog carousel element
* FIXED: Cookies now set for all pages rather than just one

February 26th 2020 - v2.1.8

* FIXED: Carousel speed option properly affects logo carousel
* FIXED: Skin builder referencing wrong theme option (Thanks @clyph)
* FIXED: Equal height columns option now working

November 26th 2019 - v2.1.7

* FIXED: Issue with Merlin theme setup
* UPDATE: Fullwidth team layout link applied to full grid rather than just title
* FIXED: Custom column paddings and margins now working correctly
* FIXED: Blog category selector dropdown fix
* FIXED: Video background now play on mobile devices (update Ebor Framework)
* UPDATED: single.php variable names
* ADDED: Global blog post title area layout selector (theme options)

June 3rd 2019 - v2.1.6

* FIXED: PHP 7.2 Error within WooCommerce file
* FIXED: CSS Tweaked for WooCommerce's Select2 Script
* UPDATED: VC Column CSS now not overridden when using a child theme
* ADDED: New theme option to enable parallax on mobile
* FIXED: Testimonials no longer show a redundant '-' when no job is present
* FIXED: Visual Composer column classes for offsets etc.
* FIXED: Mega menu dropdown items not appearing when menu item is last child
* UPDATED: Coding tweaked to meet WP requirements

January 17th 2019 - v2.1.5

* FIXED: Small bug with counterup JS
* FIXED: Call to Action block no longer shows h3 when no title is provided
* FIXED: Slider speed control now also controls "ken burns" slider
* FIXED: Moving metaboxes to CMB2 plugin
* FIXED: Fixed nav no longer return to transparent when refreshing page mid-scroll
* FIXED: Fixed local video embed play/pause button intermittent.
* FIXED: Hero Video Now Supports the "Slide" transition
* UPDATED: Envato Themeforest Check Fixes
* UPDATED: Added MerlinWP support
* UPDATED: Responsive CSS for Text and Image Block
* UPDATED: Lightbox JS no longer adds custom HTML to all pages when not needed
* UPDATED: Parallax script
* ADDED: Portfolio Next/Previous Block
* FIXED: Small nav jump on mobile with overlay menus
* FIXED: Blog pagination updating when viewing homepage
* FIXED: WooCommerce deprecated functions

April 6th 2018 - v2.1.4

* FIXED: Broken Instagram feeds due to unannounced API change

April 2nd 2018 - v2.1.3

* ADDED: .pot file
* FIXED: Broken Twitter Feeds

January 15th 2018 - v2.1.2

* HOTFIX - Broken Carousels

January 12th 2018 - v2.1.1

* FIXED: Instagram feed loading issue
* ADDED: Cache busting for theme version updates

November 9th 2017 - v2.1.0

* FIXED: Modals blocking navigation items on mobile
* FIXED: Gallery shortcode output markup
* FIXED: Ebor framework required version bump - security update
* FIXED: Visual Composer required version bump
* FIXED: Small class fixes in theme.less
* FIXED: WooCommerce deprecated notices fix
* ADDED: WP-LESS to theme required plugins
* REMOVED: WP-LESS has been removed from the theme files - Please install the WP LESS plugin
* UPDATED: TGM Plugin Activation Class

July 21st 2017 - v2.0.10

* FIXED: Multiple 
 masonry feeds in the same page
* FIXED: Stars display when leaving product rating in WooCommerce
* UPDATED: Increased amount of social icons allowed in header
* UPDATED: Increased amount of social icons allowed in footer
* UPDATED: body class function in header.php is cleaned up
* ADDED: New theme option for header, specify scroll distance before follow header appears
* ADDED: data-fixed-at markup to each header layout in /inc/

June 13th 2017 - v2.0.9

* FIXED: header CTA button going invisible on scroll
* FIXED: Screen reader text
* FIXED: Double arrow on select items in WooCommerce Checkout
* ADDED: new header layout - centered header without utility bar
* ADDED: new header layout - transparent centered header without utility bar
* ADDED: New blog layout, big alternating sections with featured images.

May 19th 2017 - v2.0.8

* FIXED: Twitter feeds
* UPDATED: Visual composer minimum version

April 21st 2017 - v2.0.7

* UPDATED: Visual composer minimum version
* UPDATED: Ebor Framework minimum version
* UPDATED: WooCommerce minimum version
* UPDATED: WooCommerce template files for 3.x
* UPDATED: WooCommerce product images now use the new zoom gallery
* ADDED: Support for new WooCommerce
* ADDED: Theme auto updates (via Ebor Framework update)

Octubre de 2016 – v2.0.6

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
ADDED - Sharing buttons to single posts
FIXED - Ken Burns header on mobile
IMPROVED - Mobile page width

Septiembre 2016 – v2.0.5

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - WooCommerce Cart on Mobile, delete /cart/ folder from /woocommerce/ in theme files
FIXED - Bug with "always fixed header" option
FIXED - Bug with scrolling menu links on mobile
IMPROVEMENT - Client logo carousel just shows 1 item at a time on mobile

Agosto de 2016 – v2.0.4

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
ADDED - Blog header can now show post title
RTL Fixes
WooCommerce - Stars Icons Fixes
WooCommerce - Template file version numbers fixed
WooCommerce - Shop page breadcrumbs improved
WooCommerce - Shop layout HTML fixes

junio de 2016 – v2.0.3

TWITTER - Small Fix for creating twitter feeds: affects new users only, existing users fine.

Junio ​​de 2016 – v2.0.2 – REVISIÓN

FIXED - Icons

Junio ​​2016 – v2.0.1

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
UPDATED - Visual Composer to
IMPORTANT - Updated to new Instagram API Version, please see instructions here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Abril 2016 – v2.0.0

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
UPDATED - Visual Composer to 4.11.2
UPDATED - Instagram fetcher
UPDATED - Twitter Fetcher
FIXED - UNDEFINED showing in portfolio filters
FIXED - Skype links
ADDED - Site options for rounded buttons instead of square
ADDED - Date archive titles

Marzo de 2016 – v1.9.1

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - Custom form elements
FIXED - Radio button width increased
FIXED - Missing translation strings from cart
UPDATED - Translation files
UPDATED - Visual Composer to 4.10
ADDED - Lightbox images auto added to post content images
FIXED - Twitter Feeds

febrero de 2016 – v1.9.0

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
ADDED - Agency 3 homepage
ADDED - Text & Image tile
UPDATED - Demo Data
FIXED - Back to top
FIXED - Video modal stops playing when modal is closed

Enero 2016 – v1.8.10

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
ADDED - Wedding Homepage
ADDED - Magazine Homepage
FIXED - Centered Nav mobile bug
ADDED - 'Fullwidth Grid, 4 Columns, Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Fullwidth Grid, 3 Columns, Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Fullwidth Grid, 2 Columns, Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Grid, 2 Columns, Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Grid, 3 Columns, Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Grid, 4 Columns, Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Masonry, 2 Columns, Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Masonry, 3 Columns, Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Masonry, 4 Columns, Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Fullwidth Masonry, 2 Columns, Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Fullwidth Masonry, 3 Columns, Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Fullwidth Masonry, 4 Columns, Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Preview Grid, 2 Columns (e.g Foundry Demo Homepage), Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Preview Grid, 3 Columns (e.g Foundry Demo Homepage), Static Titles' portfolio type
ADDED - 'Preview Grid, 4 Columns (e.g Foundry Demo Homepage), Static Titles' portfolio type

Enero 2016 – v1.8.9

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
UPDATED - Visual Composer to v4.9.2
ADDED - theme option to change portfolio "all" text
ADDED - Portfolio all theme option to WPML
FIXED - Portfolio filters cut off on mobile
FIXED - Portfolio filters cut off on desktop
FIXED - Fullwidth team breaking between 768 & 991px
FIXED - Hero header contact form bug
FIXED - transparent header not working on mobile devices

Enero 2016 – v1.8.8

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
UPDATED - Visual Composer to v4.9.1
UPDATED - Video modals close on background click
FIXED - Edge case header issues when resizing down to mobile on desktop

Diciembre 2015 – v1.8.7

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
OFFICIAL - WPML Certified, further news to follow from WPML in January
ADDED - WP 4.4 Compatibility
FIXED - Flickr block masonry
FIXED - 2/3/4 column options for VC WooCommerce blocks
MISC - Small fixed to bring in line with HTML version

Diciembre de 2015 – v1.8.6

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
NEW - WPML official certification! More news to follow.
FIXED - IE11 Issues
ADDED - Target option for VC call to action element
ADDED - Visual Composer 4.9 compatibility
ADDED - Transparent header option with dark text
ADDED - Transparent header option with dark text & utility bar
ADDED - Centred transparent header option
FIXED - Clearfix for sections and footer

Noviembre de 2015 – v1.8.5

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
ADDED - Theme option to have nav permenantly fixed to top of theme
ADDED - theme option to disable custom checkboxes and radio buttons
FIXED - Header sticks on single posts with no page title
FIXED - Client URL description
FIXED - WooCommerce sitewide text issue
FIXED - WooCommerce alerts width issue

Noviembre de 2015 – v1.8.4

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - Modals can have a fixed ID once again
ADDED - ID Parameter to modal shortcode in visual composer
ADDED - Options for hero slider
ADDED - Site settings theme option for hero slider animation
ADDED - Site settings theme option for hero slider autoplay
ADDED - Site settings theme option for hero slider autoplay timer
FIXED - Issue with WooCommerce variations not showing image variation
FIXED - vc_init.php issues if Ebor Framework not installed.

Noviembre de 2015 – v1.8.3

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - Multiple radio buttons sections now working in the same form
NEW! - ADDED - Fancy form elements to Gravity Forms
ADDED - Fancy radio buttons to Gravity forms
ADDED - Fancy checkboxes to Gravity Forms
ADDED - Icon select theme option for header address area
ADDED - Icon select theme option for header email area
FIXED - Icon tabs issue in IE11

Noviembre de 2015 – v1.8.2

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
UPDATED - Visual Composer
FIXED - Modals in certain wrappers now function correctly
FIXED - Parallax issue caused by window needing to resize on load
UPDATED - Theme documentation
FIXED - Theme option strings added to WPML string translation module

Noviembre de 2015 – v1.8.1

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
UPDATED - Visual Composer to v4.8.0.1, see "appearance => install plugins" 
FIXED - Edge case issue with transparent header and a parallax section
FIXED - VC 4.8 row fixes
FIXED - VC 4.8 deprecated fixes

Octubre de 2015: v1.8.0 (1.1.5 actual)

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
CHANGE - Bumped version to 1.8.0 to keep more inline with the HTML version numbering of Foundry.
ADDED - New Centered Header
ADDED - Page override options for Centered Header
ADDED - Fashion Homepage
ADDED - Fashion Homepage to demo data
ADDED - Fashion Homepage to VC quick templates
ADDED - Masonry lightbox gallery to WP Gallery Shortcode styles
UPDATED - Demo Data

Octubre de 2015 – v1.1.4

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - Breadcrumbs now properly render HTML in your titles
ADDED - Control how many tweets the twitter block loads
FIXED - "page with sidebar" page template will not redirect if VC content is used
FIXED - Breadcrumbs properly reflect archive slug changes
FIXED - VC content in blog posts no longer affects the blog home (index.php)
FIXED - Fullwidth rows in VC (stretch row) now apply your margins & padding settings etc.
ADDED - Option to half/half carousel to choose the text/image layout (left/right)
FIXED - half/half carousel styling when used with certain other elements
ADDED - Social icons to sub header
ADDED - Option to turn social icons on/off in the sub header

Octubre de 2015 – v1.1.3

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - WooCommerce lightbox not switching through images on single products
ADDED - Option to turn on social icons in all headers, adds widget like search widget, shop widget etc.
ADDED - Option to turn on a button next to menu in all headers, adds widget like search widget, shop widget etc.
ADDED - Theme option to add alternative logo to the theme footer
ADDED - Option to all instagram feeds, choose how many images are shown
ADDED - Option to turn footer modal into dark background

Octubre de 2015 – v1.1.2 – REVISIÓN

FIXED - Logo size in non <del>webkit</del> browsers

Octubre de 2015 – v1.1.1

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
UPDATED - Demo Data
UPDATED - Manual Demo Data
ADDED - 2 Column option for shop category view
ADDED - 3 Column option for shop category view
ADDED - 4 Column option for shop category view
ADDED - Left Sidebar option for shop category view
ADDED - Right Sidebar option for shop category view
FIXED - Small PHP errors in vc_init.php
ADDED - Blog Grid with Left sidebar option
ADDED - Blog Grid with Left right sidebar option
ADDED - Blog Grid with Left sidebar option to VC Blog Block
ADDED - Blog Grid with Left right sidebar option to VC Blog Block
FIXED - Video Slider content now vertically centered
ADDED - Dropdown menu width control to header settings, use carefully!
ADDED - Option to swtich between 3d parallax and 2d parallax script, this has no visual difference but can help fix an edge case bug in Chrome if you're getting artifacts on scroll.
ADDED - Option to disable our parallax script and return the window to regular scrolling
ADDED - NEW! Portfolio layout - portfolio preview 2col
ADDED - NEW! Portfolio layout - portfolio preview 3col
ADDED - NEW! Portfolio layout - portfolio preview 4col
ADDED - portfolio preview 2col to VC Portfolio block
ADDED - portfolio preview 3col to VC Portfolio block
ADDED - portfolio preview 4col to VC Portfolio block
UPDATED - Theme demo to show new blog and portfolio options

Octubre de 2015 – v1.1.0

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
IMPORTANT - Update notice for Visual Composer
UPDATED - Visual Composer to 4.7.4
FIXED - Grid blog spacing
FIXED - Construction homepage header on mobile devices

Octubre de 2015 – v1.0.17

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - Page title options missing from portfolio posts
ADDED - Cookie option to Modals block in visual composer, allows you to use the delay setting without annoying your visitiors
ADDED - Tooltip to static clients option. Shows the client post title on hover.

Octubre de 2015 – v1.0.16

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - An issue where all team members weren't showing at /team/
FIXED - An issue where all posts weren't showing in team categories
FIXED - An issue with video iFrames in modals disappearing
ADDED - 3 Column Grid Portfolio
ADDED - 2 Column Grid Portfolio
ADDED - 4 Column Grid Portfolio
ADDED - 3 Column Wide Grid Portfolio
ADDED - 2 Column Wide Grid Portfolio
ADDED - 4 Column Wide Grid Portfolio

Septiembre de 2015 – v1.0.15

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - .po file
RENAMED - .po file to en_GB.po to more accurately reflect its contents
FIXED - Allow hash links to smooth scroll on any button with .btn class
FIXED - Allow any hash link in a hero header to smooth scroll
FIXED - WPML dropdown now shows full language name
ADDED - Link option to "icon boxes" element in Visual Composer
ADDED - Link option to all bordered icon boxes
ADDED - Link option to all emphasised icon boxes
FIXED - Issue with submenu items falling off the right of the window
ADDED - Nav margin right theme option to fix above issue.
ADDED - Further CSS for Tickera ticketing, improved buttons
ADDED - Further Tickera CSS, improved form handling on mobile
FIXED - Footer "menu" widget now displays properly

Septiembre 2015 – v1.0.14

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - Copyright area allows target="" on links
ADDED - 4 new footers! Light versions.
ADDED - Light widgets footer
ADDED - Light fitness footer
ADDED - Light basic footer
ADDED - Light agency footer
ADDED - New footer to theme options
ADDED - New footers to page overrides
FIXED - Small issue with woocommerce ordering select element
ADDED - Boxed grid blog to demo
ADDED - Carousel blog to demo
ADDED - HTML Table elements page to demo
FIXED - Grid blog was full width on page archives, this wasn't correct!
FIXED - Boxed Grid blog was full width on page archives, this wasn't correct!
FIXED - Simple feed blog type now working properly on archives.
ADDED - Control to video slider element, allows custom height values
ADDED - Resume 2 to demo data
ADDED - Resume 2 to VC quick templates
UPDATED - Documentation
ADDED - 6 new videos to documentation
UPDATED - Auto demo data
UPDATED - Manual Demo data
FIXED - "tap area" for mobile menu links now increased
FIXED - Product posts now have page title options
FIXED - Blog archive page title default
FIXED - team archive page title default
FIXED - portfolio archive page title default
FIXED - shop archive page title default
FIXED - Category display for shop now functioning properly
ADDED - WooCommerce templates to display product categories properly
ADDED - WooCommerce templates to display product tags properly
UPDATED - .po file for translation
IN PROGESS - WPML certification, already working nicely, but we want to have this certified for your peace of mind <img title=" :)" src="" alt=" :)" />

Septiembre 2015 – v1.0.13

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - breadcrumbs at /team/
FIXED - breadcrumbs at /portfolio/
FIXED - breadcrumbs on category archives
FIXED - breadcrumbs on tag archives
ADDED - Construction Homepage
ADDED - Styling for construction homepage
ADDED - Construction homepage to VC quick templates
ADDED - Construction homepage to demo data
ADDED - Job title to single team
ADDED - Support for Tickera, add ticketing to your events.

Septiembre de 2015 – v1.0.12

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - An issue with WooCommerce select boxes having un-needed icons added
FIXED - Fullscreen gallery (thirds) now takes correct width
FIXED - Incorrect Favicon markup in head
ADDED - Favicon now supports WP 4.3 setting in "appearance => customise => site identity" 
ADDED - Page with sidebar template
ADDED - New widget area, page with sidebar
ADDED - Flickr Feed VC block
ADDED - JS & CSS For flickr feed element
ADDED - Text & caption VC block
ADDED - CSS for text and caption block
ADDED - Hover caption option
ADDED - Static caption option
ADDED - Icon Lists
ADDED - Icon lists example to demo

Septiembre de 2015 – v1.0.11

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - Sidebar right blog layout option
FIXED - Sidebar right masonry blog layout option
ADDED - Multiple portfolio categories now work with filters on 2column fullwidth grid portfolio layout
ADDED - Multiple portfolio categories now work with filters on 3column fullwidth grid portfolio layout
ADDED - Multiple portfolio categories now work with filters on 4column fullwidth grid portfolio layout
ADDED - Multiple portfolio categories now work with filters on 2column grid portfolio layout
ADDED - Multiple portfolio categories now work with filters on 3column grid portfolio layout
ADDED - Multiple portfolio categories now work with filters on 4column grid portfolio layout
ADDED - Multiple portfolio categories now work with filters on 2column fullwidth masonry portfolio layout
ADDED - Multiple portfolio categories now work with filters on 3column fullwidth masonry portfolio layout
ADDED - Multiple portfolio categories now work with filters on 4column fullwidth masonry portfolio layout
ADDED - Multiple portfolio categories now work with filters on 2column masonry portfolio layout
ADDED - Multiple portfolio categories now work with filters on 3column masonry portfolio layout
ADDED - Multiple portfolio categories now work with filters on 4column masonry portfolio layout
FIXED - List styling in pages
FIXED - List styling in Visual Composer text block
FIXED - List styling in posts
FIXED - Fullwidth lightbox grid in Safari
ADDED - Theme option to turn off VC template redirection for posts
ADDED - Theme option to turn off VC template redirection for portfolio
ADDED - Theme option to turn off VC template redirection for team
ADDED - Theme option to turn off VC template redirection for pages
ADDED - Theme option to turn off VC template redirection for products
FIXED - Parallax sections in pages now fixed
ADDED - Hero slider can now be fullheight, or a specified height

Septiembre 2015 – v1.0.10

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - WooCommerce "dash" CSS for variable products
FIXED - Instagram API issues
UPDATED - Spectragram.js
ADDED - hashtag support for instagram feed VC element
ADDED - Instagram feed element has a selector for either user feed or hashtag feed
CLEANUP - CSS Optimisation
CLEANUP - JS Optimisation
CLEANUP - PHP Optimisation
IMPROVED - Theme docs
ADDED - Loads more videos for Foundry: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Septiembre de 2015 – v1.0.9

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - oEmbed issue with video posts
NOTE - Any "audio" post format posts will now have their embed hidden in the "video" format, click video, cut and paste back into audio
FIXED - Pricing Table URL Issue
ADDED - Contact form 7 can now be used in hero headers (not hero sliders)
ADDED - Support for contact form 7 shortcodes to be used in hero header content
ADDED - CSS & JS for contact form 7 in headers

Septiembre de 2015 – v1.0.8

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - Mobile menu header background colour
FIXED - Parallax page sections now perfect with a few in a row
FIXED - Large parallax portfolio type now working perfectly
ADDED - New blog layout! Carousel
ADDED - Blog carousel to theme options
ADDED - Blog carousel to visual composer
ADDED - New Visual Composer Element! - Image Tile, useful for call to action functions
ADDED - CSS & JS for Image Tile Element
ADDED - NEW HOMEPAGE! - Blog homepage
ADDED - Blog homepage to VC starter templates
ADDED - Blog homepage to Demo Data
UPDATED - Demo data in theme
UPDATED - Demo data in download package
UPDATED - Visual Composer support to VC 4.7
UPDATED - Demo Homepage to include Blog Homepage option
MISC - Speed enhancements

Septiembre 2015 – v1.0.7

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - VC Portfolio filters on/off working properly
ADDED - VC Portfolio works with child/parent taxonomy categories
ADDED - Portfolio filters full templates part
ADDED - Portfolio filters template part
FIXED - All portfolio loop files now call filters from template parts
FIXED - Float issue on shop pages in firefox
FIXED - Advanced VC specfic Elements working properly now
FIXED - VC Masonry grid element
FIXED - VC Graph elements
TESTED - BBPress, working nicely, full styling to come in a future update
FIXED - vc_init.php arrays now check for arrays before looping, fixes a small edge case issue
ADDED - Fact counter element
ADDED - Fact counter to VC elements list
ADDED - JS/CSS for fact counter

Septiembre 2015 – v1.0.6

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - Small text in pricing tabes changing properly
ADDED - Spinner to background youtube element
FIXED - Safari zoom issue with offscreen nav
ADDED - Video slider element
ADDED - Video slider element to demo data
FIXED - Instagram username fix
UPDATED - Youtube video API updates
FIXED - Youtube background video
ADDED - Agency 2 Homepage
ADDED - Agency 2 homepage to demo data
UPDATED - Demo data
ADDED - Agency 2 to VC quick templates
FIXED - Ben Kurns Hero Slider element extra text

Septiembre 2015 – v1.0.5

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
FIXED - Instagram API
ADDED - Instagram API theme option
WATCH - Instagram API introduction video: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
FIXED - Page title icons now formatted correctly in wp-admin on post edit screen
ADDED - New carousel element, process carousel
ADDED - Styling & JS for Process Carousel

Agosto de 2015 – v1.0.4

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
UPDATED - Auto demo data
UPDATED - Demo data in download folder
FIXED - Single team page title
FIXED - single post page title
FIXED - Font selector theme option
FIXED - 1 item in half/half carousel no longer causes a js error
FIXED - Portfolio filters account for navbar height
FIXED - Portfolio filters work with admin bar
FIXED - Portfolio filter flash on scroll up
ADDED - Breadcrumbs on off page title option
FIXED - Small parallax issue
ADDED - Social Icons to team members in edit screen
ADDED - Team members social icons on single team view
ADDED - Team members social icons on all social feeds
ADDED - Blog page title layout option
ADDED - Blog page title title options
ADDED - Blog page title subtitle option
ADDED - Blog page title background image option
ADDED - Portfolio page title layout option
ADDED - Portfolio page title title options
ADDED - Portfolio page title subtitle option
ADDED - Portfolio page title background image option
ADDED - Team page title layout option
ADDED - Team page title title options
ADDED - Team page title subtitle option
ADDED - Team page title background image option
ADDED - Shop page title layout option
ADDED - Shop page title title options
ADDED - Shop page title subtitle option
ADDED - Shop page title background image option
IMPROVEMENT - Reordered theme options

Agosto de 2015 – v1.0.3

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
UPDATED - Auto demo data
UPDATED - Demo data in download folder
ADDED - Coming soon homepage
ADDED - Opticians homepage
ADDED - Navbar height selector to theme options
FIXED - Mobile nav colours
ADDED - New homepages to VC template system
ADDED - Half image half slider element to VC
FIXED - Removed cart number on mobile
ADDED - Parallax on/off to hero header
ADDED - Parallax on/off to hero slider

Agosto de 2015 – v1.0.2

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
UPDATED - Auto demo data
UPDATED - Demo data in download folder
ADDED - Homepage templates to Visual Composer default templates
FIXED - WooCommerce Cart issue
FIXED - WooCommerce variable forms CSS issue
FIXED - Colours issue in demo
FIXED - Back to top button

Agosto de 2015 – v1.0.1

MISC - CSS & JS Fixes
ADDED - Blog Header Background Image Theme Option
ADDED - Blog Header Title Layout Theme Option
REMOVED - Unused logo file
ADDED - Header search on/off theme option
ADDED - Header cart on/off theme option
ADDED - Header languages on/off theme option
MISC - PHP tidyup

Agosto de 2015 – v1.0.0 – Versión inicial

Un tema de tommus


Etiquetas: agency,blog,corporate,creative,freelance,grid,isotope,magazine,masonry,modern,multi purpose,one page,parallax,portfolio,visual composer

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