Descargar Kerge Resume WordPress Theme

Descargar Kerge Resume WordPress Theme


Tema de WordPress para currículum Kerge - 1Tema de WordPress para reanudar Kerge - 2

  1. Tema de WordPress para currículum vitae
  2. Etiquetas
  3. Principales características
  4. Apoyo
  5. Actualizaciones

Tema de WordPress para currículum vitae

Tema de WordPress para currículum Kerge - 3

Reanudar CV / vCard Tema de WordPress – Una herramienta premium para promocionarte. El tema es el más adecuado. para un desarrollador, diseñador, programador, autónomo, fotógrafo o cualquier otra profesión. Listo para lucir impresionante en cualquier dispositivo, desde un monitor de pantalla panorámica hasta un teléfono móvil. Utilizando el Creador completo de páginas de arrastrar y soltarpuede crear fácil y rápidamente cualquier página, proyecto de cartera o publicación de blog sin codificar.

No necesitas ser un profesional del desarrollo web para crear su propio sitio web creativo usando potente y conveniente Kerge.

Tema de WordPress para currículum Kerge - 4
Tema de WordPress para currículum Kerge - 5


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Principales características

  • 12 demostraciones únicas
  • ¡Versiones animadas, de una página y de varias páginas!
  • Versiones claras y oscuras
  • Compatible con WordPress 6.0+
  • 1 Haga clic en el instalador de demostración
  • Fácil instalación
  • Creador de páginas de arrastrar y soltar – ¡No se requieren conocimientos de CSS/HTML!
  • Basado en Unyson Framework
  • 35 códigos cortos
  • Bootstrap v4.0.0
  • Potente panel de configuración de temas
  • Fácil de personalizar
  • 67 asombrosos efectos de transición de página
  • Esquemas de color ilimitados
  • 800+ Fuentes de Google
  • mapas de Google
  • Formulario de contacto personalizable con Google reCaptcha
  • Dos diseños de línea de tiempo únicos
  • Dos diseños de página de inicio
  • Títulos de página personalizables
  • Tipografía personalizable (títulos, menú principal, texto, etc.)
  • calendario de disponibilidad
  • Portafolio poderoso con filtros, detalles sólidos de la cartera de ajax con navegación, control deslizante y caja de luz optimizada para dispositivos móviles. Ambos apoyo imagen, video y audio (YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook video, SoundCloud)
  • Completo sistema de blogs.
  • Menú principal multinivel
  • Compartir enlaces
  • Sección de precios
  • Soporte de video receptivo de YouTube y Vimeo
  • Código válido W3C
  • Tema infantil incluido
  • 1000+ iconos
  • Fuente de Instagram
  • RTL Apoyo
  • Bien documentado, guía de instalación completa incluida
  • Archivo .pot incluido para traducción fácil
  • Actualizaciones gratuitas de por vida
  • Excelente Atención al cliente de 5 estrellas las 24 horas, los 7 días de la semana


Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda, no dude en contactarnos a través de Pagina de soporte.

Documentación disponible aquí

Tema de WordPress para currículum Kerge - 6


El tema se actualiza periódicamente. Regularmente agregamos nuevas funciones de temas según las solicitudes de los clientes.

v3.1.6 – 21 de junio de 2022

New Feature: New Shortcode: HTML Code (feature request).

v3.1.5 – 6 de junio de 2022

New Feature: New Shortcode: Certificate.

v3.1.4 – 16 de febrero de 2022

Improved: Admin Styles
Improved: PHP code: Column Element
Improved: PHP code: Image Element
Improved: PHP code (Portfolio): Improved compatibility with WordPress 5.9.

v3.1.3 – 20 de julio de 2021

Improved: Styles
Improved: JS Code
Improved: Mobile header
New Feature: Added the ability to hide page titles.

v3.1.2 – 27 de abril de 2021

Improved: Styles
Improved: Demo Content
New Feature: New Shortcode: Map New (Google Maps).

v3.1.1 – 2 de abril de 2021

Improved: Timeline Shortcode: Styles.

v3.1.0 – 22 de marzo de 2021

New Feature: Extended settings of the Client Slider shortcode
New Feature: Extended settings of the Testimonials Slider shortcode
New Feature: Added new shortcode: Blog Posts 2
Improved: Styles
Improved: Theme Settings.

v3.0.1 – 22 de enero de 2021

Improved: Styles.

v3.0.0 – 28 de diciembre de 2020

New Feature: Added new templates
New Feature: RTL Support
Improved: Simplified work with Animated and One-page versions. The theme has become more user-friendly
Improved: Styles.

v2.7.3 – 23 de octubre de 2020

New Feature: Theme Settings: Added a new section (Advanced): Added the ability to individually disable share buttons
Improved: Styles
Improved: PHP code

v2.7.2 – 5 de agosto de 2020

Improved: Styles
New Feature: Added the ability to add custom social icons (graphic icons) under the main menu.

v2.7.1 – 29 de junio de 2020

Improved: Changed version of Google Maps API JS
Improved: Changed version of Owl Carousel 2
New Feature: Testimonials Shortcode: Added the ability to change the autoplay time
New Feature: Clients Slider Shortcode: Added the ability to change the autoplay time

v2.7.0 – 18 de mayo de 2020

Improved: Improved theme customization code
Improved: Start pages code
Improved: Testimonials shortcode: Improved code
Improved: Clients shortcode: Improved code
Improved: Contact Form: Improved code

v2.6.0 – 17 de abril de 2020

Improved: The theme is optimized for WordPress 5.4
Improved: Improved compatibility with Gutenberg Editor
New Feature: Testimonials Slider Shortcode: Shortcode settings are extended, autoplay is added, looping is added
New Feature: Clients Slider Shortcode: Shortcode settings are extended, autoplay is added, looping is added
New Feature: Added ability to crop gallery images

v2.5.0 – 28 de enero de 2020

New Feature: Added new layout - One-page version. 4 new demos
New Feature: Shortcode Accordion: Added the ability to display an accordion with collapsed items
New Feature: Shortcode Testimonials: Auto height activated
Improved: Portfolio: Images gallery
Improved: Page loading speed
Improved: JS code
Improved: CSS styles.

v2.4.0 – 11 de noviembre de 2019

New Feature: Timeline shortcode: Added the ability to use the WP-Editor for the content field
New Feature: Shortcode Info List 2: Added the ability to change the color of the icon
New Feature: Shortcode Info Block: Added the ability to change the color of the icon. Improved styles
New Feature: Shortcode Accordion: Added the ability to use the WP-Editor for the content field
New Feature: Shortcode Tabs: Added the ability to use the WP-Editor for the content field
New Feature: Portfolio: Added the ability to change the position of the slider / gallery
New Shortcode: Image Slider Shortcode
Improved: Shortcode Service: Improved styles
Improved: Improved adaptation for Gutenberg
Improved: JS code.
Fixed: Shortcode Quote: Fixed a bug related to WordPress editor.

v2.3.0 – 10 de octubre de 2019

New Feature: Homepage: Version 1: Added the ability to add slideshows to the background
New Feature: Portfolio: Detailed Project: The ability to add two additional links to the project site
New Feature: Added the ability to disable the use of Ajax on portfolio projects loading
New Feature: - Homepage: Version 2: Added the ability to hide the image and display a block with text full width
Imroved: SEO: Added the ability to change the alt text of the site logo
Improved: Homepage: Version 1: CSS Styles
Improved: Google maps: API version has been changed.

v2.2.2 – 2 de septiembre de 2019

Improved: Widgets code.

v2.2.1 – 1 de junio de 2019

Fixed: Fixed error in init.php file.

v2.2.0 – 31 de mayo de 2019

New Feature: Image Shortcode: Added the ability to change the "alt" attribute of the image
New Feature: Text Block, Block Title & Special Heading shortcodes: Added description field to display a short description of the shortcode in the visual editor
Improved: Kerge Share Buttons: Removed Google Plus button
Improved: PHP code.

IMPORTANT: You need to update the Kerge Shortcodes plugin.

v2.1.1 – 19 de abril de 2019

New Feature: Start Page: Second Style: Added the ability to change the location of the blocks at the top of the page
Improved: Portfolio: Gutenberg: Added categories
Improved: Video: Lazy load
Improved: Testimonials Slider.

v2.1.0 – 21 de marzo de 2019

New Feature: Map Shortcode: Added the ability to change the zoom.

v2.0.0 – 17 de enero de 2019

New Feature: Added dark color scheme
New Feature: 4 new demos added
Improved: PHP Code
Improved: CSS Styles
Improved: Documentation.

v1.3.1 – 28 de diciembre de 2018

New Feature: Extended settings of the start page
New Feature: Added the ability to add IDs for headers
Fixed: Shortcode Blog Posts: Minor bug fixed
Improved: CSS styles.

v1.3.0 – 13 de diciembre de 2018

Fixed: Minor Issue: Fixed the iOS Mobile Double-Click Link Issue
Improved: CSS Styles
Improved: Documentation (Theme Settings, Animated Version, FAQ) @susanv10

v1.2.3 – 10 de diciembre de 2018

Improved: The theme is optimized for WordPress 5
Improved: Pricing Table
Improved: Table

v1.2.2 – 25 de octubre de 2018

New Feature: Portfolio: Added the ability to hide the Tag block and the Share Buttons block
New Feature: Portfolio: Added the ability to change the sidebar position on the detailed project page
Improved: PHP code
Improved: Timeline Shortcode: Added the ability to use HTML tags
Improved: Improved navigation with arrows.

v1.2.1 – 20 de septiembre de 2018

Bug Fix: Incorrect proportions of the logo in some cases. Fixed
Improved: PHP code + CSS: Improved the code for changing the maximum width of the main content area
Improved: PHP code: Improved compatibility with PHP version 7.2
Improved: Documentation

v1.2.0 – 19 de septiembre de 2018

New Feature: Added navigation between subpages using arrows
Improved: JS: Page switching animation
Improved: Mobile header
Improved: Documentation (FAQ).

v1.1.0 – 16 de agosto de 2018

Improved: PHP Code
Improved: CSS and JS code
Improved: Theme Settings: General: Social Icons
Improved: Portfolio Shortcode
New Feature: Contact Form 2 Shortcode: Added the ability to add checkboxes to the form (Feature request from customers, this option is needed to add the GDPR checkbox and for other cases)
New Feature: Contact Form Shortcode: Added the ability to add checkbox to the form
New Feature: Portfolio Shortcode: A new option is added - displaying the grid of projects in 4 columns
New Feature: Portfolio Shortcode: A new option is added - displaying the grid of projects in 5 columns
New Feature: Portfolio Shortcode: Added the ability to display projects from certain categories, to create a more powerful portfolio
New Feature: Added the "Load more" Ajax based functionality for the portfolio grid
Improved: Documentation.

v1.0.3 – 5 de junio de 2018

Improved: CSS Styles: Added ability for smooth scrolling for iOS
Improved: Info List 2 Shortcode
Improved: The contact form code is optimized for PHP 7

v1.0.2 – 29 de abril de 2018

Improved: CSS Styles
Improved: PHP Code
Improved: Documentation
Fixed: Timeline shortcode: CSS: Minor issue
New Demos: Multipage versions (2 new demos).

v1.0.1 – 26 de abril de 2018

Improved: Theme settings
Improved: Documentation.

Nota: Todas las imágenes se utilizan únicamente con fines de vista previa. No son parte del tema y NO están incluidos en los archivos de compra finales.


Etiquetas: cv,cv theme,cv wordpress theme,personal,personal website,portfolio,responsive,resume,resume cv vcard theme,resume theme,resume wordpress theme,vcard,vcard theme,vcard wordpress theme

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