Descargar LabtechCO | Laboratory & Science Research WordPress Theme
El tema completo de WordPress para investigación científica y de laboratorio
Un tema premium de WordPress para todo tipo de sitios web relacionados con laboratorios, investigación y medicina.
La combinación perfecta para diversos servicios de investigación
LabtechCO: es un diseño limpio, moderno y receptivo que le permite crear un sitio web exclusivo para laboratorio, investigación, bioinvestigación, investigación farmacéutica, investigación médica, laboratorio de patología, laboratorio de investigación de ciencia de datos, centro de innovación e investigación física o desarrollo de productos médicos, TI Laboratorio de investigación de seguridad y todo tipo de sitios web de negocios/servicios relacionados con laboratorios de investigación.
Incluye todas las últimas herramientas y tecnología como, con el respaldo de Codestar WordPress Framework, bbPress, RTL Ready, el calendario de eventos, WPBakery Page Builder y el complemento Slider Revolution. Viene con Más de 9 páginas de inicio listas para usar completamente diferentes, más de 9 diseños de encabezado Tener posibilidad de creatividad ilimitada en estilo y colores. Diseños 100% receptivos y flexibles con una funcionalidad superpotente para los diversos aspectos.
Para obtener más detalles, desplácese hacia abajo en esta página:
Ps: controle todos los elementos para construir sitios exquisitos sin necesidad de mucho conocimiento de codificación.
- Bien documentada
- 100% totalmente receptivo
- Construido con HTML5 y CSS3
- Animaciones CSS3 fluidas
- Código bien organizado, limpio y válido
- Código construido con las mejores prácticas de SEO en mente
- Compatible con la última versión de WordPress
- Compatibilidad entre navegadores
- Importador de demostración con un solo clic
- Diseños de página prediseñados profesionales
- Más de 50 plantillas de secciones prediseñadas
- Complemento WPBakery Page Builder incluido
- Complemento Slider Revolution incluido
- Compatible con Formulario de contacto 7
- Panel de administración avanzado
- Más de 500 fuentes de Google
- Vista de ancho completo y en caja
- Encabezado adhesivo y pie de página adhesivo
- Widget de pie de página listo (selección de múltiples columnas)
- Tipos de publicaciones dedicadas para investigación y médicos
- Estilo múltiple para la sección de Investigación
- Constructor de página de arrastrar y soltar activo en Investigación
- Totalmente personalizable
- Totalmente traducible
- Rendimiento de alta velocidad
NOTA: Las imágenes utilizadas en nuestro sitio de demostración son imágenes pagas y NO están incluidas en nuestro tema. Estamos proporcionando algunas imágenes gratuitas (relacionadas) con nuestro contenido de demostración que también puede utilizar con fines comerciales.
version 5.8 : 20th July 2022 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.5.25 - Some small bugs solved version 5.7 : 19th April 2022 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v6.9.0 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.5.20 - Corrections in dummy data which imported during one click demo setup - Some small bugs solved version 5.6 : 1st February 2022 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v6.8.0 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.5.15 - Add compatibility support for "Formidable Form Builder" plugin. - Some small bugs solved version 5.5 : 4th August 2021 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.5.5 - WordPress v5.8 Widget section bug solved - Titlebar background image (if missing) bug solved version 5.4 : 16th July 2021 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v6.7.0 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.5.4 - PHP v8 support enhanced version 5.3 : 13th June 2021 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.4.11 - Solved some PHP v8 related bugs - Responsive design related bug solved - Added "ALL" option in "Show Posts" option in "Blogbox Element" (in Page Builder) - Pagination bug solved - Language file updated version 5.2 : 15th April 2021 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.4.8 - Demo data setup bug solved. version 5.1 : 15th April 2021 - WordPress v5.7.x compatibility support enhanced - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.4.6 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v6.6.0 - Language file updated. version 5.0 : 16th February 2021 - PRESENTING FIVE NEW DEMOS. YOU CAN SEE NEW ALL NEW DEMO HERE - Demo setup updated. Added 5 new demo introduced with this update. - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.3.9 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v6.5.0 - Language file updated. version 4.5 : 13th December 2020 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.3.3 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v6.4.2 - Language file updated. version 4.4 : 5th October 2020 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.2.23 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v6.4.1 - Language file updated. - WordPress v5.5.x compatibility support enhanced - WPML plugin support enhanced - Service Box image view bug solved version 4.3 : 22nd May 2020 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v6.2 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.2.9 - Skin Color for Single page/post option bug solved. Now it's working perfectly. - Post Single View date broken bug solved. version 4.2 : 28th December 2019 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v6.1 - Added option to hide ToTop Button version 4.1 : 20th November 2019 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.1.5 - WordPress v5.3 compatibility added - Some small responsive bugs solved - Service section bugs solved - Enhanced transation - RTL support enhanced - Sidebar bug solved in Single Portfolio version 4.0 : 24th September 2019 - Added NEW Header style. See demo here: - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.1.2 - Added new style for Portfolio and Service section - Some small design changes version 3.3 : 5th August 2019 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v6.0.5 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v6.0.9 - Added new PSD for 4th homepage - Some small design changes version 3.2 : 5th June 2019 - "Fatal error: Uncaught Error" bug solved. version 3.1 : 31st May 2019 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v6.0.3 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v5.4.8.3 - Added option in "ThemeStek Portfolio Box" to show selected Portfolio only. - Added option in "ThemeStek Service Box" to show selected Service only. - WPML support enhanced. - Corrected demo content setup. - Testimonial bug solved. - Small corrections in menu and other areas. version 3.0 : 6th May 2019 - NEW: Added support for WooCommerce v3.6.x - NEW: Added support for bbPress forum. - NEW: Added RTL language support. - Some small bugs solved. version 2.0 : 26th April 2019 - NEW: Added New header style. - NEW: Added new demo content with new header style and also content. - NEW: Added new Service Box style, Facts in Digits Box and also Testimonial Box styles. - NEW: Added icon support in Service section. - Improved demo - Done some small corrections and design changes. version 1.7 : 28th February 2019 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v5.7 version 1.6 : 28th February 2019 - Added option to select Dark and light color of skin color - Corrected Blog Classic view options. - Some small design bugs solved. - Language file updated. version 1.5 : 21st January 2018 - Demo content corrected. - Added option to change header button background color for InfoStack header style. - Corrected inner background option. - Some small corrections. - HTTPS support enhanced for video in lightbox. - Language file updated. version 1.4 : 7th December 2018 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to the latest version v5.6 - Updated "Slider Revolution" plugin to the latest version v5.4.8.1 - Updated "Envato Market" plugin to the latest version v2.0.1 - Bug solved - client's link input was not available. - Updated some code to support HTTPS site protocol. - Added Orderby and Order option in "LabtechCO List All Posts" widget. - Bug solved - Social share links added on single post (appear after content). version 1.3 : 27th October 2018 - NEW - Added PSD layout files. Added three PSD files of three Homepage versions. - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to v5.5.5 version 1.2 : 19th September 2018 - Updated "WPBakery Page Builder" plugin to v5.5.4 - Common Meta boxes (Titlebar, Background etc.) added on Service section. - One-click slider not importing bug solved. - Page Builder enabled on Service section too. So now you can create Service single using drag-n-drop page builder. - Added "Titlebar BG image" option in Post Category, Portfolio Category, Team Group and Service Category sections. version 1.1 : 5th September 2018 - Updated "Envato Market" plugin to v2.0.1 - Updated "ThemeStek Extras for LabtechCO Theme" plugin to v1.1 - Some demo content enhanced. Also slider enhanced. - Icon picker bug solved. version 1.0 : 30th August 2018 - Initial Release of LabtechCO theme
Etiquetas: bio research,biology laboratory,blue,clean,fast,lab,laboratory,medical research,page builder,research,responsive,science,scientific research,visual composer
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