Descargar Limitless - Responsive Web Application Kit

Descargar Limitless Responsive Web Application Kit


Conozca Limitless: kit de aplicaciones web con capacidad de respuesta

Sin límites: una nueva plantilla de administrador profesional, basada en el marco Bootstrap. Limitless es una herramienta poderosa y súper flexible, que se adapta mejor a cualquier tipo de aplicación web. Incluye 1 diseño principal y 3 alternativos, más de 1000 páginas HTML comentadas, más de 1000 componentes con diferentes funciones y opciones, más de 100 complementos y extensiones, etc. Sin límites incluye el kit de inicio: un conjunto de páginas en blanco que hará que la vida de su desarrollador sea mucho más fácil. La plantilla ilimitada es totalmente receptiva, lo que significa que se ve perfecta en móviles y tabletas.

El kit de aplicaciones ilimitadas se basa completamente en el preprocesador LESS, incluye más de 100 archivos LESS comentados. Cada archivo corresponde a un solo componente, diseño, página, complemento o extensión, por lo que puede encontrar fácilmente el código necesario y editarlo según sus necesidades. El paquete incluye archivos CSS normales y minificados, compilados desde LESS.

También está listo para la traducción: puede cambiar el idioma de la aplicación sobre la marcha y usar otras funciones, como idiomas alternativos, detección de idioma, acceso directo, etc. Para ver ejemplos, siga la navegación principal.

La navegación es algo poderoso aquí. Admite navegación vertical plegable y de acordeón; Navegación horizontal multinivel con función de ahorro de estado. La navegación horizontal se utiliza en las barras de navegación y el mega menú. El componente de la barra de navegación se ha ampliado y se ha agregado compatibilidad con complementos y componentes (componentes de formulario, botones, enlaces, menús, barras de progreso, etc.). Mega menú es otra canción: puede ser de cualquier color, cualquier ancho e incluir cualquier contenido.

Los encabezados de página y panel admiten muchas opciones de personalización y pueden incluir diferentes componentes, básicamente todos son opcionales (lo que significa que puede eliminarlos fácilmente de las hojas de estilo eliminando una sola línea en el archivo LESS).

El diseño general es armonioso, limpio y fácil de usar. Aunque la plantilla tiene mucho contenido, no se ve desordenada y todos los archivos y el código están bien estructurados, comentados y divididos. Consulte la lista completa de características y revise todas las páginas. Sin embargo, llevará algún tiempo, pero no se perderá nada. ¡Disfrutar!

Por favor, si encuentra algún error o tiene alguna sugerencia o solicitud, no dude en hacérmelo saber, haré todo lo posible para solucionar esos problemas lo antes posible. El soporte está disponible: de lunes a viernes, de 9:00 a 20:00 CET

Funciones ilimitadas

  • 4 diseños prediseñados

    • Principal: barra lateral oscura y barras de navegación, encabezado de página blanco y línea de migas de pan
    • Segundo: barra lateral oscura, barra de navegación clara, encabezado de página transparente y componente de línea de migas de pan
    • Tercero: barra lateral clara, barra de navegación oscura, encabezado de página transparente. La barra lateral está dentro del área de contenido
    • Cuarto: 2 barras de navegación, navegación horizontal de varios niveles, encabezado de página transparente
  • Diseño estático, barra de navegación fija, pie de página fijo y opciones de diseño de barra lateral fija
  • Barras de desplazamiento personalizadas y nativas para elementos fijos
  • Diseños líquidos y en caja

    • Líquido: 100 % de ancho, hasta 12 columnas y hasta 4 barras laterales
    • Encuadrado: ancho centrado fijo, todas las opciones del diseño líquido
  • Sistema de color personalizado, incluye 16 paletas de colores
  • Kit de inicio para desarrolladores: conjunto de páginas en blanco con funcionalidad básica
  • Componentes de formulario

    • Conjunto completo de componentes de formulario básicos
    • Casillas de verificación/radios/entradas de archivos, conmutadores e interruptores nativos y con estilo
    • Grupos de entrada en diferentes tamaños, colores y componentes
    • Integración de escritura anticipada de Twitter, incluido el motor Bloodhound
    • Área de texto elástica
    • Entradas enmascaradas
    • Formateadores de entrada
    • Generador de contraseñas e indicador de seguridad de la contraseña
    • Contador y limitador de caracteres
    • Botones de acción de formulario
    • Entradas de etiquetas con escritura anticipada y soporte para copiar/pegar
    • Cajas duales de selección múltiple con selecciones simples y múltiples
    • Elementos de formulario editables con soporte mejorado de componentes y tipos de entrada
    • Validación de formulario
    • Cuadrícula receptiva de 12 columnas de campos de entrada
    • Diseños de formularios verticales y horizontales
  • Selecciona

    • Select2 seleccione biblioteca con opciones avanzadas
    • Biblioteca Bootstrap Multiselect con diferentes opciones
    • SelectBoxIt selecciona la biblioteca con tamaño, estilo y otras opciones
    • Biblioteca Bootstrap Select con soporte de búsqueda en vivo
  • magos

    • Biblioteca del asistente Stepy
    • Biblioteca del asistente de formularios
    • Biblioteca del asistente de pasos
  • Editores

    • Editor de texto enriquecido Summernote
    • Editor de texto CKEditor, el más potente
    • Editor de texto WYSIHTML5
    • Editor Ace Code con más de 100 modos, temas y extensiones
  • recolectores

    • Fecha y hora: seleccione una fecha, elija una hora, en cualquier momento, rango de fechas y jQuery UI selectores con opciones
    • Selector de color de espectro con opciones
    • Selectores de ubicación y dirección con integración de Google Maps
    • Paginador de fechas: selector de fechas con calendario y paginación
  • Componentes

    • Diálogos modales con opciones mejoradas
    • Menús desplegables con estilo avanzado
    • Componentes de tabletas y pastillas con opciones
    • Componentes plegables y acordeón
    • Componente de navegación con opciones
    • Botones con opciones de estilo y barras giratorias/de progreso de carga
    • Información sobre herramientas y popovers con opciones
    • Diferentes opciones de visualización de alertas
    • Paginación con opciones de estilo y tamaño
    • Buscapersonas con opciones de estilo y tamaño
    • Etiquetas e insignias, incluidas las opciones de estilo
    • Barras de progreso en diferentes tamaños y estilos.
    • Cargadores de páginas y componentes con selectores de íconos y cargadores personalizados
    • Miniaturas con títulos, descripciones, componentes y otras opciones
    • Componente de encabezado de página con tamaños, estilos y elementos admitidos
    • Componente de migas de pan con estilos y elementos compatibles
    • Listas de medios con opciones
    • Controles deslizantes jQuery UI y NoUI con pips, información sobre herramientas, opciones de color y tamaño
    • Resaltador de sintaxis con opciones de idioma
    • Afijar y desplazar componentes
    • Vistas de árbol dinámicas con diferentes opciones y fuentes de datos
    • Extensión del menú contextual
  • Notificaciones

    • Biblioteca de notificaciones de PNotify
    • notificacion
    • notificaciones jGrowl
  • Paneles de contenido

    • Componente Paneles con todas las opciones disponibles
    • Función de paneles que se pueden arrastrar y clasificar
    • Estilo y componentes de cabecera de panel disponibles
  • Apariencia

    • Estilo de texto disponible
    • Listas, citas en bloque, bloques de pozos, encabezados y componentes de encabezado
    • Tabla con clases auxiliares disponibles
    • Demostración de cuadrícula receptiva de 12 columnas
    • Animaciones CSS3 basadas en la biblioteca animate.min.css
  • Iconos

    • Conjunto básico de fuentes de iconos Glyphicons de Bootstrap
    • Conjunto de iconos Icomoon predeterminado
    • Biblioteca Font Awesome opcional
  • Extensiones

    • Herramientas de tiempo de espera de sesión e inactividad
    • Animaciones de Velocity.js, incluido el paquete de interfaz de usuario
    • Biblioteca BlockUI para elementos de bloqueo
    • Recortador de imágenes con opciones
    • Biblioteca de calendario completo con opciones de estilo y visualización
    • Biblioteca de internacionalización con ejemplos y opciones.
  • cargadores de archivos

    • Plupload cargador de archivos múltiples
    • Cargador de archivos único y múltiple de Dropzone
    • Entrada de archivo Bootstrap: cargador de archivos único y múltiple
  • Barras laterales

    • Barra lateral de ancho predeterminado plegable y ocultable
    • Barra lateral de ancho mini plegable y ocultable
    • Barra lateral secundaria con opciones de apariencia
    • Opciones de apariencia sith de la barra lateral opuesta
    • Barras laterales separadas izquierda, derecha y pegajosas
    • Opciones de barras laterales dobles y dobles
    • Opción de color de barras laterales claras y oscuras
    • Barra lateral oculta por defecto
    • Componentes disponibles adaptados para su uso en la barra lateral
  • Navegación vertical

    • Navegación plegable
    • Navegación acordeón
    • Tamaño de navegación opcional
    • Estilo de navegación bordeado
    • Posiciones de los iconos izquierdo y derecho
    • Posibilidad de deshabilitar ciertos elementos de navegación
    • Hasta 4 niveles, ampliable
  • Navegación horizontal

    • Abrir niveles de submenú al hacer clic
    • Abrir niveles de submenú al pasar el mouse
    • Ejemplos de navegación horizontal con componentes personalizados
    • Uso de pestañas en la navegación horizontal
    • Posibilidad de deshabilitar ciertos elementos de navegación
    • Mega menú horizontal con componentes y opciones
  • barras de navegación

    • Barras de navegación superiores o inferiores, estáticas o fijas
    • Múltiples barras de navegación
    • Diferentes posiciones de barras de navegación múltiples
    • Barra de navegación como componente independiente
    • Opciones de colores de la barra de navegación
    • Opciones de tamaño de la barra de navegación
    • Barras de navegación ocultables superior e inferior
    • Componentes de la barra de navegación
    • Barras de navegación principales, secundarias o ambas fijas
  • Visualización de datos

    • Gráficos de biblioteca D3.js nativos
    • Biblioteca de gráficos electrónicos con tipos de gráficos disponibles
    • Biblioteca Dimple, construida sobre D3.js
    • Biblioteca C3, construida sobre D3.js
    • Biblioteca de gráficos de Google
    • Mapas de Google con opciones y funciones principales
    • Mapas vectoriales con opciones de visualización
  • Mesas estáticas

    • Ejemplos básicos de opciones de mesa disponibles
    • Opciones de tamaño de mesa
    • bordes de la tabla
    • Estilo de mesa
    • Componentes de la mesa
    • Tablas receptivas
  • Tablas de datos

    • Ejemplos básicos de inicialización
    • Estilo de tablas de datos
    • Ejemplos avanzados
    • Opciones de clasificación
    • Ejemplos de uso de la API de tablas de datos
    • Ejemplos de fuentes de datos
    • Tablas de datos sensibles
    • Extensión de reordenación de columnas
    • Extensión de columnas fijas
    • Extensión de visibilidad de columnas
    • Extensión de herramientas de mesa
    • extensión de desplazamiento
  • Kit de páginas personalizadas

    • Administrador de tareas: opciones de visualización de listas y cuadrículas, página de tareas detallada
    • Facturación: factura estática y editable, cuadrícula de facturas y archivo
    • Tarjetas de usuario y lista de usuarios
    • Perfiles de usuario con y sin imagen de portada
    • Formularios de inicio de sesión simples y avanzados
    • Formularios de registro simples y avanzados
    • Desbloquear usuario, formularios de recuperación de contraseña
    • Opciones de estilo de inicio de sesión/registro
    • Línea de tiempo izquierda, derecha y centrada
    • Diseños de chats y opciones de color.
    • Base de conocimientos y páginas de preguntas frecuentes
    • Kit de páginas de búsqueda: mixto, usuarios, imágenes, videos
    • Galería multimedia con títulos y descripciones opcionales
    • Conjunto de páginas de error: 403, 404, 405, 500, 503 y página sin conexión
  • Desarrollo continuo
  • Actualizaciones periódicas
  • Soporte rápido y profesional

Soporte ilimitado
Twitter de Kopiov

registro de cambios

10 de noviembre de 2019 – Versión 2.3

// # List of new things
// ------------------------------

[new]  Dark theme
[new]  SweetAlert toasts
[new]  selection.json file for Icomoon icon set (to edit current set and generate new font)

// # List of updates
// ------------------------------

[updated]  Select2 - select2.min.js - to 4.0.10
[updated]  Form validation - validate.min.js - to 1.19.1
[updated]  Fullcalendar - fullcalendar.min.js - to 4.3.1
[updated]  File input - fileinput.min.js - to 5.0.6
[updated]  Dropzone - dropzone.min.js - to 5.5.0
[updated]  C3.js - c3.min.js - to 0.4.22
[updated]  Footable - footable.min.js - to 3.1.6
[updated]  Trumbowyg editor - trumbowyg.min.js and related - to 2.20.0
[updated]  Summernote - summernote.min.js - to 0.8.12
[updated]  Sweet Alert - sweet_alert.min.js - to 8.16.0
[updated]  NoUI slider - nouislider.min.js - to 14.0.2
[updated]  CKEditor - ckeditor.js - to 4.12.1
[updated]  i18next - i18next.min.js and related - to 19.0.0
[updated]  Moment.js - moment.min.js - to 2.24.0
[updated]  gulpfile.js and package.json - updated dependencies to support latest version gulp version

// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------

[fixed]  Scrollbars are always visible in sidebar
[fixed]  Datatables - Copy dialog styling is missing
[fixed]  Remove $table-dark-color duplicate
[fixed]  Nav links show dotted borders in FF
[fixed]  Summernote - sticky toolbar is hidden
[fixed]  PNotify - bottom stacks are broken on mobile
[fixed]  Update bootstrap.bundle.min.js to latest
[fixed]  Dropdown items have smaller height in icons list
[fixed]  Custom select has wrong right padding
[fixed]  Fixed ECharts resizing bug if charts are loaded from multiple JS files
[fixed]  Custom controls have extra shadow on focus
[fixed]  Content sidebar overlaps main sidebar on mobile
[fixed]  File input - xixed wrong vertical alignment in file selector
[fixed]  jQuery UI - fixed border radius in combo autocomplete
[fixed]  Fixed double background color in Inbox toolbars
[fixed]  Vertical lines are always centered in timelines
[fixed]  Mega menu dropdown positioning in RTL layout
[fixed]  Summernote - image editor styling is broken
[fixed]  RTL - mega menu with table displayed incorrectly

// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------

[improved]  Added support for custom CKEditor themes and setup SCSS compilation (including new gulp task)
[improved]  All chart configurations are now moved to separate files
[improved]  Refactored SCSS files (replaced hard coded values with variables and cleaned up the code)
[improved]  Improved custom controls styling
[improved]  Google charts styling
[improved]  Improved D3.js charts styling config in JS and SCSS
[improved]  Replaced jQuery code with vanilla JS in chart configs
[improved]  Folder structure in global assets
[improved]  Dashboard JS configs
[improved]  jQuery UI Datepicker - improved font styles in month and year selects
[improved]  Improved toast component styling
[improved]  Bunch of RTL improvements
[improved]  Documentation

// # List of removed things
// ------------------------------

[removed]  Bootstrap 3 version - contact me if you need it
[removed]  Dimple charts - outdated and not maintained anymore
[removed]  Handsontable - the team merged free and premium versions and latest releases require license for commercial projects issued per developer. Latest free version is full of bugs and not maintained anymore.

3 de abril de 2019 – Versión 2.2

// # List of updates
// ------------------------------

[updated]  Bootstrap to 4.3.1
[updated]  NoUI slider (nouislider.min.js) - to 13.1.3
[updated]  ION range slider (ion_rangeslider.min.js) - to 2.3.0
[updated]  ECharts (charts.min.js) - to 4.1.0
[updated]  Image cropper (cropper.min.js) - to 4.0.0
[updated]  Bootstrap file input (fileinput.min.js and related) - to 4.5.2
[updated]  Fullcalendar files - to 4.0.1
[updated]  Trumbowyg editor (trumbowyg.min.js and related) - to 2.14.0
[updated]  SweetAlert2 (sweet_alert.min.js) - to 7.29.1
[updated]  Font Awesome - to 5.5.0
[updated]  AnimateCSS - to 3.7.0
[updated]  Bootstrap file input (fileinput) - to 4.5.2

// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------

[fixed]  Form wizard - Current/completed step icon in IE 11
[fixed]  IE placeholder broken
[fixed]  Inline form in jQuery UI dialog is broken
[fixed]  SweetAlert - multiple issues popped up during library upgrade
[fixed]  Trumbowyg - checkboxes in modals are misaligned
[fixed]  IE11 - SweetAlert2 - Promise library is required
[fixed]  IE11 - layouts 2 and 4 have extra scrollbar in content area
[fixed]  IE11 - Datatable footer has extra whitespace
[fixed]  Boxed layout - Timelines - vertical lines are not visible
[fixed]  Wrong path to panel_bg.png file
[fixed]  RTL layout - wrong icons in pagination
[fixed]  RTL layout - newer Fullcalendar version breaks the layout
[fixed]  NoUI slider pips styling
[fixed]  Pickadate picker width
[fixed]  ECharts library throws JS errors if DOM element doesn't exist 
[fixed]  Fullcalendar throws JS errors if DOM element doesn't exist
[fixed]  AJAX and Dynamic Queue examples of Sweet Alert
[fixed]  BlockUI in sidebar doesn't show up

// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------

[improved]  Converted all icon sets to SCSS
[improved]  Users now can replace default icon sets in SCSS
[improved]  Replaced all hardcoded icon codes with a set of variables
[improved]  Refactored bunch of JS and SCSS files
[improved]  Removed unused mixin overrides
[improved]  Now all icons include unicode
[improved]  Removed jQuery UI icons
[improved]  Added new "Icons" page to documentation

2018 28 de septiembre – Versión 2.1

// # List of updates
// ------------------------------

[updated]  Bootstrap to 4.1.3

// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------

[fixed]  IE11/Edge - userpic in navbar increases navbar height
[fixed]  IE11/Edge - badges in navbar are misaligned
[fixed]  IE11/Edge - sidebar content is hidden in fixed layout
[fixed]  IE11/Edge - native scrollbar is visible in container with custom scrollbar
[fixed]  Layouts 3/4/5 - Fixed sidebar styles still exist in _sidebar.scss
[fixed]  Reversed rotation animation has incorrect animation name
[fixed]  Pick-a-Date: Missing min-width CSS rule
[fixed]  Pick-a-Date: Month/year drop-down
[fixed]  Select2: in multiple select results text doesn't wrap
[fixed]  Select2: custom light background applies incorrect shadow and placeholder color
[fixed]  Replace input type="datetime" with input type="datetime-local" 
[fixed]  Pricing tables - text color in corner ribbon is incorrect
[fixed]  RTL - Mail list page - dropdowns in mail selection appear behind sidebar
[fixed]  RTL - In navbar button dropdowns don't support .dropdown-menu-right class
[fixed]  Set of border utility classes mentioned in helpers has incorrect side names
[fixed]  Documentation: Badge class still shows "badge-block" instead of "d-block" 

// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------

[improved]  Removed file extensions in components.scss

2018 28 de junio – Versión 2.0.1

// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------

[fixed]  Flexbox layout is broken in IE10 and IE11
[fixed]  Right aligned custom checkers are misaligned
[fixed]  Multiselect menu should have 100% width by default
[fixed]  Sectioned sidebar with custom background color has wrong background in collapsed mode

20 de junio de 2018 – Versión 2.0

// # List of new stuff
// ------------------------------

[new]  Bootstrap 4 version!

// # List of updated plugins
// ------------------------------

[updated]  jquery.min.js - to 3.3.1
[updated]  uniform.min.js - to latest version
[updated]  autosize.min.js - to 4.0.2
[updated]  maxlength.min.js - to 1.7.0
[updated]  select2.min.js - to 4.0.5
[updated]  bootstrap_multiselect.js - to the latest version
[updated]  bootstrap_select.min.js - to 1.12.4 (removed in BS4 version)
[updated]  validate.min.js and related files - to 1.17.0
[updated]  alpaca.min.js - to 1.5.23
[updated]  summernote.min.js - to 0.8.7
[updated]  jquery_ui files - to 1.12.1
[updated]  form_wizard.min.js - to 3.0.8 (removed in BS4 version)
[updated]  prism.min.js - to 1.8.4
[updated]  jgrowl.min.js - 1.4.4
[updated]  ladda.min.js - to 1.0.6
[updated]  spin.min.js - to 2.3.2
[updated]  pnotify.min.js - to 3.2.0
[updated]  noty.min.js - to 3.1.2
[updated]  moment.min.js and related - to 2.21.0
[updated]  bs_pagination.min.js - to 1.4.1
[updated]  fancybox.min.js - to 2.1.7
[updated]  ion_rangeslider.min.js - to 2.2.0
[updated]  headroom.min.js and related - to 0.9.4
[updated]  echarts.min.js - to 4.1.0 (including all examples)
[updated]  c3.min.js - to 0.4.21
[updated]  cropper.min.js - to 3.1.4
[updated]  dragula.min.js - to 3.7.2
[updated]  fileinput.min.js and related - to 4.4.3
[updated]  plupload.min.js and related - to 2.3.1
[updated]  dropzone.min.js - to latest
[updated]  fullcalendar.min.js - to 3.9.0
[updated]  I18next and related files - to 10.0.0
[updated]  datatables.min.js - to 1.10.18
[updated]  autofill.min.js - to 2.3.0
[updated]  buttons.min.js - to 1.5.2
[updated]  col_reorder.min.js - to 1.5.0
[updated]  fixed_columns.min.js - to 3.2.5 
[updated]  key_table.min.js - to 2.4.0
[updated]  responsive.min.js - to 2.2.2 
[updated]  row_reorder.min.js - to 1.2.4
[updated]  select.min.js - to 1.2.2 
[updated]  scroller.min.js - tp 1.5.0

// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------

[fixed]  Alpaca and typeahead integration - wrong results in typeahead suggestions
[fixed]  tokenfield.min.js - removed deprecation warning in Chrome browser
[fixed]  datepaginator.min.js - fixed moment.js warnings
[fixed]  Images in thumbnail captions are hidden
[fixed]  Removed radioClass option from all Uniform configs and updated uniform.js code
[fixed]  Session and idle timeout tool generates wrong markup for modal
[fixed]  Bootstrap multi select in horizontal form: checkboxes have incorrect vertical alignment (by removing uniform dependency)
[fixed]  Data tables individual columns filtering with select - doesn’t work if table cell contains html
[fixed]  navbar.less has invalid selector :not(.disabled > a), which causes problems during compilation
[fixed]  Steps wizard with validation - when 4th step is not validated and Prev button is clicked, it jumps to 2nd step instead of 3rd
[fixed]  Summernote editor - Save button throws error when clicked
[fixed]  Fullcalendar - agenda view time axis height is messed up
[fixed]  Datatables fixed columns extension - table cells are misaligned when cell content is too long
[fixed]  Add new .table-scrollable class for scrollable table - current .pre-scrollable class is broken on mobile if used with tables
[fixed]  Alpaca with radios have unwanted left margin
[fixed]  Google charts warnings
[fixed]  Google maps warnings
[fixed]  Validation: select2 and bootstrap switch state doesn’t change on click, only after form resubmission
[fixed]  Navbar components have incorrect id’s in navbar components examples
[fixed]  Draggable cards - move action has wrong cursor
[fixed]  Sidebar components page - fancy tree throws error when collapsing/expanding nodes
[fixed]  Full calendar selected event has wrong background color
[fixed]  Daterangepicker in modal appears behind overlay
[fixed]  Autocomplete in modal appears behind overlay
[fixed]  jQuery UI Datepicker in modal appears behind overlay
[fixed]  Anytime in modal appears behind overlay
[fixed]  Pickadate and pickatime inside input group - form control has incorrect border radius
[fixed]  Modal events getting fired multiple times
[fixed]  Badges and labels in collapsed sidebar navigation have incorrect colours 
[fixed]  Bootstrap switch in RTL layout isn’t animated
[fixed]  In RTL version color picker has wrong color range direction
[fixed]  Material layout - multiple navbars: in the first navbar all dropdown appear behind the second navbar
[fixed]  Daterange picker direction styles

// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------

[improved]  Removed .breadcrumb-liquid class as unused
[improved]  Removed .has-margin classes in form labels in floating labels page, in default theme only, no use
[improved]  Bootbox code and examples
[improved]  Added @images-path variable to variables-custom.less for image path. All images in LESS files are now using it.
[improved]  Bootstrap multiselect now uses CSS checkboxes instead of Uniform
[improved]  Removed path to bootstrap_multiselect.min.js and initialisation code from form_validation.html/js as no use
[improved]  components_notifications_others.html - removed path to pnotify.min.js
[improved]  Pnotify with type: ‘warning’ in basic theme doesn’t exist, removed in HTML
[improved]  Removed .modal-subtitle from the markup (html)
[improved]  .label-icon-xlg in labels.less as it’s similar to .btn-xs
[improved]  Flag images
[improved]  Added option for dropdown submenus to open on click
[improved]  Added  tabindex="-1" to all modals to enable Close on Escape press functionality
[improved]  Improved file structure
[improved]  Now all layouts use single set of JS files and images
[improved]  Significantly reduced package size

20 de abril de 2017 – Versión 1.6

// # List of new components
// ------------------------------

[new]  Ecommerce - Product list (ecommerce_product_list.html)
[new]  Ecommerce - Product grid (ecommerce_product_grid.html)
[new]  Ecommerce - Orders history (ecommerce_orders_history.html)
[new]  Ecommerce - Customers list (ecommerce_customers.html)
[new]  Ecommerce - Pricing tables (ecommerce_pricing.html)

[new]  General pages - Statistics widgets (general_widgets_stats.html)

// # List of updated plugins
// ------------------------------

[updated]  Bootstrap Select - bootstrap_select.min.js - to 1.12.2
[updated]  Image Cropper - cropper.min.js - to 3.0.0
[updated]  Fullcalendar - fullcalendar.min.js - to 3.3.1
[updated]  Dual Listbox - duallistbox.min.js - to 3.0.6
[updated]  Bootstrap Switch - switch.min.js - to 3.3.4
[updated]  Form Validation - validate.min.js and related files - to 1.16.0
[updated]  Anytime picker - anytime.min.js - to 5.2.0
[updated]  ION Range Slider - ion_rangelider.min.js - to 2.1.7
[updated]  NoUI Slider - nouislider.min.js - to 9.2.0
[updated]  Bootstrap File Input - fileinput.min.js - to 4.4.0

// # List of fixed
// ------------------------------

[fixed]  Daterangepicker doesn’t update values and dates in calendar entered manually in date range input fields
[fixed]  .media-annotation, .task-details list and .timeline-time classes - dot separator has incorrect HTML value
[fixed]  Wrong paths to locales in internationalization examples
[fixed]  Added missed .no-shadow class to helpers.less in default theme
[fixed]  Links with .text-muted class should have default text color on hover and focus
[fixed]  Fixed .media-body width bug if used inside tables
[fixed]  jQuery UI datepicker has wrong z-index and displays behind form group
[fixed]  Removed path to user_pages_team.js in user_pages_cards.html and removed file itself from assets/js/pages/
[fixed]  Deprecation warning about date formats everywhere where daterangepicker is used
[fixed]  Bootstrap file input - can’t remove thumb
[fixed]  Bootstrap file input - thumbnails are not draggable
[fixed]  Ripple throws JS error when used in dragging handler in bootstrap file input
[fixed]  Panel body should not inherit background color from panel
[fixed]  In coloured panel multiple panel bodies have wrong top border color

[fixed]  RTL layout - Bootstrap switch in RTL doesn’t work

// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------

[improved]  Added responsive text alignment helper classes (.text-right-xs, .text-right-sm, .text-right-md, .text-right-lg)
[improved]  Added opacity helper classes (.opacity-75, .opacity-50, .opacity-25, .opacity-0)
[improved]  Removed all styles for images inside .stack-media-on-mobile container
[improved]  Added .img-md to helpers.less and changed fixed image size in .media-left/.media-right elements
[improved]  Added .datatable-header-accent and .datatable-footer-accent classes to highlight datatable header/footer
[improved]  Added scrollable block to sidebar
[improved]  Removed custom JS code for datatables filter field placeholder and replaced with DT searchPlaceholder option
[improved]  Added an option to panel to use background image in background
[improved]  Image sizing in thumbnails

16 de enero de 2017 – Versión 1.5

// # List of new components
// ------------------------------

[new]  Blog - Vertical layout (blog_classic_v.html)
[new]  Blog - Horizontal layout (blog_classic_h.html)
[new]  Blog - Grid layout (blog_grid.html)
[new]  Blog - Single post (blog_single.html)
[new]  Blog - With left sidebar (blog_sidebar_left.html)
[new]  Blog - With right sidebar (blog_sidebar_right.html)

[new]  General pages - Feed layouts (general_feed.html)
[new]  General pages - Content widgets (general_widgets_content.html)
[new]  General pages - Responsive embeds (general_embeds.html)

[new]  Service pages - Sitemap (service_sitemap.html)

[new]  User pages - Tabbed profile (user_pages_profile_tabbed.html)

[new]  Mailbox - Mail list (mail_list.html)
[new]  Mailbox - List with detached sidebar (layout 1 and 2) (mail_list_detached.html)
[new]  Mailbox - Read mail (mail_read.html)
[new]  Mailbox - Write mail (mail_write.html)

[new]  Job search - Cards view (job_list_cards.html)
[new]  Job search - Panel view (job_list_panel.html)
[new]  Job search - Detailed view (job_detailed.html)
[new]  Job search - Apply (job_apply.html)

[new]  Learning kit - List view (learning_list.html)
[new]  Learning kit - Grid view (learning_grid.html)
[new]  Learning kit - Detailed view (learning_detailed.html)

// # List of updated plugins
// ------------------------------

[updated]  Switchery library - switchery.min.js - to 0.8.2
[updated]  Touchspin spinners - touchspin.min.js - to 3.1.2
[updated]  Autosize extension - autosize.min.js - to 3.0.20
[updated]  Bootstrap Select - bootstrap_select.min.js to 1.12.1
[updated]  Moment.js - moment.min.js, moment_locales.min.js - to 2.17.1

[updated]  Image Cropper - cropper.min.js - to 2.3.4
[updated]  Plupload file uploader - plupload bundle - to 2.2.1
[updated]  Bootstrap File Input library - fileinput.min.js to 4.3.7

[updated]  Datatables library - datatables.min.js - to 1.10.13
[updated]  Autofill DT extention - autofill.min.js - to 2.1.3
[updated]  Buttons DT extention - buttons.min.js - to 1.2.4
[updated]  Key Table DT extention - key_table.min.js - to 2.2.0
[updated]  Row Reorder DT extention - row_reorder.min.js - to 1.2.0

// # List of fixes
// ------------------------------

[fixed]  Button with icon doesn't support checkboxes/radios
[fixed]  Float button - if text is too long, it wraps on the second line
[fixed]  Mini sidebar - in collapsed more, items with child levels have wrong right padding
[fixed]  Sidebar container bottom spacing fixes
[fixed]  In separate sidebar, panels and categories have double bottom spacing
[fixed]  Badge and label are transparent in active navigation item in default sidebar
[fixed]  Login and registration pages - password fields have wrong input types
[fixed]  Dropzone uploader - if uploader is not inside panel, background and border colors don't match
[fixed]  If responsive table goes after panel heading, table container and table itself need top border
[fixed]  Panel title doesn’t respect font size classes
[fixed]  Mini sidebar - children level dropdown in main navigation appears behind footer
[fixed]  Stacked media lists don't respect text alignment classes
[fixed]  If media object is displayed as panel body, it has extra top margin
[fixed]  Datatables fixed header - when click click sidebar control button, headers do not adjust to a new width
[fixed]  Anytime picker - empty cells are hidden in date grid
[fixed]  In material layout, multiple navbar buttons don't have horizontal spacing
[fixed]  FAB button in 5th layout has extra border

[fixed]  RTL layout - Dropzone uploader adds extra horizontal space to body and scrollbar appears
[fixed]  RTL layout - default pace theme doesn't show up

// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------

[improved]  @table-cell-padding variable does not use padding variable
[improved]  Removed unused .icons-list-vertical class from html pages
[improved]  Removed unused .btn-slide class from html files
[improved]  Added inline list with vertical borders (.list-inline-bordered)
[improved]  Added group of block buttons (.btn-block-group)
[improved]  Added seamless row option which doesn't page spacing between columns (.row-seamless)
[improved]  Added border radius helpers (helpers.less)
[improved]  Added no-border option for jQuery UI datepicker if used inside panel
[improved]  Added class name for scrollable panel to limit panel viewport (.has-scroll)
[improved]  Added top border if panel has multiple bodies
[improved]  Added class name for slightly darker panel body (.panel-body-accent)
[improved]  Added nav tabs toolbar with grey background (.nav-tabs-toolbar)
[improved]  Improved navigation and file naming

31 de agosto de 2016 – Versión 1.4

// # List of updated plugins
// ------------------------------

[updated]  Bootstrap library - bootstrap.min.js, bootstrap LESS files - to 3.3.7
[updated]  Font Awesome icon set - bundle - to 4.6.3

[updated]  Hover Dropdown extension - hover_dropdown.min.js - to 2.2.1
[updated]  Typeahead engine - typeahead.bundle.min.js to 0.11.1
[updated]  Dual Listbox - duallistbox.min.js - to 3.0.5
[updated]  Select2 library - select2.min.js - to 4.0.3
[updated]  Bootstrap Select library - bootstrap_select.min.js - to 1.11.1
[updated]  Uniform library - uniform.min.js - to 3.0
[updated]  Summernote editor - summernote.min.js - to 0.8.2

[updated]  Ladda extensions - ladda.min.js - to 1.0.0
[updated]  Bootstrap Progress Bars - progressbar.min.js - to 0.9.0
[updated]  Bootbox dialogs extension - bootbox.min.js to 4.4.0
[updated]  Bootpag pagination - bootpag.min.js - to 1.0.7
[updated]  Bootstrap pagination extension - bs_pagination.min.js - to 1.4

[updated]  Spectrum color picker - spectrum.js - to 1.8.0
[updated]  Pickadate pickers - pickadate.js bundle - to 3.5.6
[updated]  Anytime picker - anytime.min.js - to 5.1.2
[updated]  Bootstrap daterange picker - daterangepicker.js - to 2.1.23
[updated]  Moment.js library - moment.min.js and moment_locales.min.js - to 2.14.1

[updated]  ION Range sliders - ion_rangeslider.min.js - to 2.1.4
[updated]  NoUI sliders - nouislider.min.js - to 8.5.1
[updated]  jQuery UI slider pips - slider_pips.min.js - to 1.11.3 (in LTR only)

[updated]  Datatables library - datatables.min.js - to 1.10.12
[updated]  Autofill DT extention - autofill.min.js - to 2.1.2
[updated]  Buttons DT extention - buttons.min.js - to 1.2.1
[updated]  Column Reorder DT extention - col_reorder.min.js - to 1.3.2
[updated]  Fixed Columns DT extention - fixed_columns.min.js - to 3.2.2
[updated]  Fixed Header DT extention - fixed_header.min.js - to 3.1.2
[updated]  Key Table DT extention - key_table.min.js - to 2.1.2
[updated]  Responsive DT extention - responsive.min.js - to 2.1.0
[updated]  Row Reorder DT extention - row_reorder.min.js - to 1.1.2
[updated]  Scroller DT extention - scroller.min.js - to 1.4.2
[updated]  Select DT extention - select.min.js - to 1.2.0
[updated]  Handsontable library - handsontable.min.js - to 0.26.0

[updated]  Image Cropper - cropper.min.js to 2.3.3
[updated]  Typeahead Addresspicker - typeahead_addresspicker.js to the latest version
[updated]  Fancytree library - fancytree.min.js - to 2.18.0
[updated]  Fullcalendar library - fullcalendar.min.js - to 2.9.1
[updated]  Headroom.js extension - headroom.min.js and headroom_jquery.min.js - to 0.9.3
[updated]  Nicescroll custom scrollbar - nicescroll.min.js - to 3.6.8
[updated]  D3.js charting library - d3.min.js - to 3.5.17

[updated]  Plupload file uploader - plupload bundle - to 2.1.9
[updated]  Bootstrap File Input library - fileinput.min.js to 4.3.5

// # List of fixed
// ------------------------------

[fixed]  Wrong horizontal padding in typeahead suggestions menu items in material layout
[fixed]  WYSIHTML5 text editor color picker doesn’t work and doesn't respect text styles
[fixed]  Fullcalendar table overflow is visible on small screens and some responsive issues
[fixed]  Datatable buttons collection dropdown has wrong horizontal padding
[fixed]  Alpaca horizontal selects extra gap between selects
[fixed]  Fancytree Child Counter extension missing styles
[fixed]  Pager has negative bottom margin
[fixed]  Tabs inside panel don’t have padding on mobile
[fixed]  Nested tabs in vertical tabs layout are also vertical
[fixed]  Styled single file input doesn’t respect width if file name is too long
[fixed]  Mega menu isn’t scrollable on mobile if inside fixed secondary navbar
[fixed]  jQuery UI datepicker is hidden if inside jQuery UI dialog
[fixed]  Dropdown menu in material layout inside breadcrumb elements has wrong placement
[fixed]  Bootstrap file input loading indicator has wrong position when loading begins
[fixed]  jQuery UI Select with icons - icons don’t have horizontal spacing
[fixed]  Steps wizard content overflow is hidden, so components inside wizard are partially hidden
[fixed]  Bootstrap select in panel heading elements triggers native select on click
[fixed]  Dropdown submenus on Android don’t open
[fixed]  Breadcrumb line component inside page header in material layout displayed incorrectly
[fixed]  Single styled file inputs are displayed inline on drag&drop page, in material layout
[fixed]  Search field in search and knowledgebase has background color in material layout
[fixed]  Contextual panels don't have background color on mobile, if heading elements are collapsed
[fixed]  Image cropper in Summernote editor has wrong position and appears behind image

[fixed]  RTL layout - typeahead inputs in material layout have wrong direction
[fixed]  RTL layout - fancy box has incorrect position
[fixed]  RTL layout - handsontable tables have wrong styles
[fixed]  RTL layout - daterangepicker is missing RTL direction in plugin configurations

// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------

[improved]  Improved file structure in Starter Kits
[improved]  Removed paths to extra JS files in Handsontable pages
[improved]  gulpfile.js - minifycss replaced with clean-css due to deprecation
[improved]  Improved Typeahead initializations accross JS files
[improved]  Added missing badges component to panel and page header components list
[improved]  Added 3 new examples of Bootbox dialog extension
[improved]  Added option to disable collapsing of heading elements on mobile (using .not-collapsible class added to .heading-elements container)
[improved]  Now heading elements on mobile push content down instead of covering elements below, so that all responsive containers have consistent appearance
[improved]  Panel heading elements now have background color different from panel background color on mobiles
[improved]  Each layout now uses 1 gulp file for main layout and Starter Kits

1 de abril de 2016 – Versión 1.3

// # List of new components
// ------------------------------

[new]  New layout
[new]  Material design theme for all layouts
[new]  Alpaca forms - JSON driven form generator
[new]  Floating Action Menu - material style floating action button with menu, supports 4 positions
[new]  Panel footer components - a great addition to panel component to display panel header components in panel footer
[new]  Floating labels - display hidden labels on input fields
[new]  New heading components - image thumbnails and inline lists
[new]  New page header options - transparent, light, dark, light image and dark image
[new]  New tabs - vertical left/right, with top icons
[new]  Modal with remote source - configuration example
[new]  Navbar navigation - added status mark support
[new]  Forms - added large and extra large input sizes
[new]  Footer - now footer can be either text or navbar component (static and fixed)
[new]  Components animation - added optional transitions to all components, now they are animated by default

// # List of updated plugins
// ------------------------------

[updated]  PNotify notifications - pnotify.min.js - to 3.0.0
[updated]  Noty notifications - noty.min.js - to 2.3.8

[updated]  Datatables library - datatables.min.js - to 1.10.11 and extensions
[updated]  Autofill extension - autofill.min.js - to 2.1.1
[updated]  Buttons extension - buttons.min.js - to 1.1.2
[updated]  Column reorder extension - col_reorder.min.js - to 1.3.1
[updated]  Fixed columns extension - fixed_columns.min.js - to 3.2.1
[updated]  Fixed header extension - fixed_header.min.js - to 3.1.1
[updated]  Key table extension - key_table.min.js - to 2.1.1
[updated]  Responsive extension - responsive.min.js - to 2.0.2
[updated]  Row reorder extension - row_reorder.min.js - to 1.1.1
[updated]  Scroller extension - scroller.min.js - to 1.4.1
[updated]  Select extension - select.min.js - to 1.1.2

[updated]  Select2 library - select2.min.js - to 4.0.2
[updated]  ECharts charting library - echarts.js - to 2.2.7
[updated]  FullCalendar - fullcalendar.min.js - to 2.6.1
[updated]  Dropzone file uploader - dropzone.min.js - to 4.3.0 (done, replace dropzone.less everywhere)
[updated]  Plupload file uploader - plupload.full.min.js - to 2.1.8
[updated]  D3.js visualization library - d3.min.js -  to 3.5.16
[updated]  Noui slider - nouislider.min - to 8.3.0 (done)
[updated]  BlockUI extension - blockui.min.js - to 2.7.0
[updated]  Jasny Bootstrap - jasny_bootstrap.min.js - to 3.1.3
[updated]  Passy - passy.js - to the latest version
[updated]  Auto growing textarea - autosize.js - to 3.0.15 (requires fixes in form_controls_extended.js) (done)
[updated]  Bootstrap selects - bootstrap_select.min.js - to 1.10.0 (requires fixes in bootstrap-select.less) (done)
[updated]  Touchspin spinners - touchspin.min.js - to 3.1.1
[updated]  Bootstrap tags input - bootstrap_tagsinput.min.js - to 0.8.0
[updated]  Form validation - validate.min.js - to 1.15.0 (also needs to be updated form_validation.js - replace card with creditcard)
[updated]  Summernote editor - summernote.min.js - to 0.8.1 (needs new font files to be added)
[updated]  Hideable navbar - headroom.min.js - to 0.8.0
[updated]  Bootstrap file input - file-input.min.js - to 4.3.1
[updated]  Handlebars - handlebars.min.js - to 4.0.5

// # List of fixed
// ------------------------------

[fixed]  Extra horizontal scrollbar in Fullcalendar in Firefox
[fixed]  Multiple Select2 - wrong cross icon placement in FF
[fixed]  Container height hack for FF caused footer issues on mobile
[fixed]  Select2 multiple select with custom bg color - wrong placeholder color
[fixed]  Typo in navbar.less, which caused compilation warnings
[fixed]  When collapsing/expanding sidebar category, class name is added to a wrong item
[fixed]  Panel heading - incorrect vertical alignment in icons and text (wrong calculation) 
[fixed]  Descriptions list have incorrect titles on mobiles
[fixed]  If badges have border, border radius is too small to make them rounded
[fixed]  Panel heading - wrong position of tabs and pills
[fixed]  Incorrect height of ION range slider
[fixed]  noUI vertical slider has wrong range width
[fixed]  Color picker overflows fixed navbar
[fixed]  Growl notification generated by BlockUI has double border
[fixed]  jQuery UI selects - long text overlaps arrow icon
[fixed]  Dropzone icon marks appear on the left side overflowing thumb
[fixed]  In 3rd and 4th layout, collapsed sidebar has extra top spacing
[fixed]  Links with default bootstrap contextual background colors have wrong colors on hover/focus
[fixed]  If panel is collapsed by default, arrow icon isn’t rotated
[fixed]  Single daterange picker with time picker - empty calendars container shows up
[fixed]  Floating button inside page header (link buttons) don’t have vertical padding
[fixed]  On mobiles, flat button inside navbar has wrong color text color
[fixed]  Invoice template first row has wrong breakpoint
[fixed]  Datatables doesn’t have horizontal spacing in header/footer if table is inside form
[fixed]  Hideable navbar doesn’t support optional navbar sizes
[fixed]  Border radius inconsistency in input elements
[fixed]  In RTL version page title subtitle has wrong position
[fixed]  Icon inside input group disappears when input is focused
[fixed]  Default and flat labels/badges heights are inconsistent
[fixed]  Pagination and pager have extra bottom spacing
[fixed]  Datatables fixed columns extension - complex header example not resizable
[fixed]  Dual list boxes inconsistent border radiuses

// # List of improvements
// ------------------------------

[improved]  Improved *-sm and *-xs styles in inputs, buttons, selects and input groups
[improved]  Additional placements of labels/badges in dropdown (badges/labels are always on the far right)
[improved]  Fancy box close button position
[improved]  Added horizontal spacing to images inside user dropdown menu
[improved]  Single styled file input (supports text and icons with all available button styles)
[improved]  Use buttons instead of inputs in steps actions
[improved]  Label/badge and flat label/badge size inconsistency
[improved]  Increased caret width
[improved]  Added .no-shadow helper class - removes shadow from element
[improved]  Tabs inside panel header
[improved]  Add direction: ltr; to all tags to avoid issues in RTL version
[improved]  Removed input highlights in contextual feedback states
[improved]  Look and feel of CKEditor toolbar
[improved]  Added multiselect dropdown support to navbar
[improved]  Sidebar navigation appearance
[improved]  RTL version - switched to gulp task, that automatically generates RTL version from LTR, to avoid problems with updates
[improved]  Significantly improved LESS file structure

2015 16 de diciembre – Versión 1.2.1

// # List of updated plugins
// ------------------------------

[updated]  Bootstrap file input - to the latest version
[updated]  Select2 - from RC1 to stable 4.0.1 version

// # List of fixed bugs
// ------------------------------

// Core fixes
[fixed]  Documentation - correct release date on main page, fixed path to globalize/ library, gulp plugins to install
[fixed]  Navbar - added sticky sidebar top spacing if used with fixed top single navbar. To be enhanced in 1.3
[fixed]  Fixed sidebar and navbar - removed unnecessary affix code from the page

// Components fixes
[fixed]  Centered timeline - extra dots on desktop
[fixed]  Datatables Select extension - checkboxes are not selectable
[fixed]  Datatables Autofill and Select - wrong columns sorting in examples with checkboxes
[fixed]  Select2 selects - selected text overlaps arrow in single select
[fixed]  Select2 selects validation - wrong error/success label placement

4 de diciembre de 2015 – Versión 1.2

// # List of new components
[new]  Handsontable - excel-like spreadsheet for apps
[new]  Dragula - drag and drop library
[new]  jQuery UI - full set of components
[new]  Row Reorder - Datatables extension
[new]  Fixed Header - Datatables extension
[new]  Auto Fill - Datatables extension
[new]  Key Table - Datatables extension
[new]  Select - Datatables extension
[new]  Buttons - Datatables extension
[new]  Login/registration form with validation
[new]  Login/registration forms inside modals
[new]  Login/registration form inside tabs
[new]  Vertical navigation with labels and badges
[new]  Ion Range Sliders - responsive range slider library
[new]  gulpfile.js and package.json for Gulp task runner

// # List of updated plugins
[updated]  Bootstrap library - to version 3.3.6
[updated]  jQuery UI library - to the latest version (1.11.4)
[updated]  Select2 - to version 4.0.1, including examples
[updated]  Sweet Alerts - to the latest version, including examples
[updated]  Datatables - to the latest version (1.10.10)
[updated]  Daterangepicker - to the latest version (2.1.13)
[updated]  NoUI sliders library - to the latest version (8.1.0)
[updated]  Velocity animations library - to the latest version (1.2.3 and 5.0.4)
[updated]  i18next internationalization library - to the latest version (1.11.1)

// List of core fixes
[fixed]  Filled page header - extra scroll when content height is smaller than page height (2nd, 3rd and 4th layouts)
[fixed]  Vertical navigation sizing in Mini sidebar mode (wrong top spacing in sub menu)
[fixed]  Added missing margin and padding helper classes to the helpers table

// List of components fixes
[fixed]  Login/registration and error pages - jump on page load
[fixed]  Removed modals with remote source as deprecated in 3.3.0 version (to be replaced with AJAX modals)
[fixed]  Badges now have transparent background color by default - no dependency on parent container bg color
[fixed]  Form wizard with validation - doesn’t go to the second step when all inputs filled
[fixed]  Daterangepicker picker - invisible text in selects
[fixed]  Incorrect date format in daterangepicker in RTL version
[fixed]  Daterange single date picker extra horizontal spacing
[fixed]  Fancybox lightbox jumps to the top of the page on button click
[fixed]  Fancybox loading icon doesn't show up
[fixed]  Blockquote footer overlapping
[fixed]  NoUI slider RTL direction support
[fixed]  Bootstrap tags input RTL Typeahead input direction (appears in LTR direction)
[fixed]  jQuery UI datepicker selects wrong margin that causes stacking
[fixed]  Form control feedback icon inside input group is hidden on focus
[fixed]  Horizontal multi level menu with nice scroll causes js error, because initialized twice

// # List of enhancements
[enhanced]  Added extra styles for syntax highlighter, doesn't look so boring with stripes
[enhanced]  Re-structured less files for tables, now they more organized
[enhanced]  Changed structure of jQuery UI components and less files - grouped by widgets, effects, core and interactions
[enhanced]  jQueryUI and NoUI sliders default color changed from grey to dark blue

// # List of new pages
[new page] navigation_vertical_labels_badges.html
[new page] jqueryui_interactions.html
[new page] jqueryui_forms.html
[new page] jqueryui_components.html
[new page] jqueryui_navigation.html
[new page] extension_dnd.html
[new page] datatable_extension_row_reorder.html
[new page] datatable_extension_fixed_header.html
[new page] datatable_extension_autofill.html
[new page] datatable_extension_key_table.html
[new page] datatable_extension_select.html
[new page] datatable_extension_buttons_init.html
[new page] datatable_extension_buttons_flash.html
[new page] datatable_extension_buttons_print.html
[new page] datatable_extension_buttons_html5.html
[new page] handsontable_basic.html
[new page] handsontable_advanced.html
[new page] handsontable_cols.html
[new page] handsontable_cells.html
[new page] handsontable_types.html
[new page] handsontable_custom_checks.html
[new page] handsontable_ac_password.html
[new page] handsontable_search.html
[new page] handsontable_context.html
[new page] login_validation.html
[new page] login_tabbed.html
[new page] login_modals.html

// # List of removed components
[removed] TableTools - Datatables extension
[removed] ColVis - Datatables extension

2015 21 de octubre – Versión 1.1

// Newly added
[new] RTL layout for all 4 main layout variations
[new] bootbox.less - new LESS file for extended Bootstrap modal dialogs

// Updated components
[updated] CKEditor - latest version
[updated] Select2 - latest 3.5.x version, 4.0 is coming
[updated] Bootstrap Multiselect - latest version
[updated] Datatables - latest version

// Core fixes
[fixed] Sidebar - side border overlaped content in light sidebar (layout 1 and 2)
[fixed] Breadcrumbs - in colored version links had wrong background color on hover/active
[fixed] Breadcrumbs - dropdown menu didn't have borders in breadcrumb line component
[fixed] Labels - striped labels didn't have right border variation as supposed to
[fixed] Navbars - unnecessary dropdown menu re-position in navbar component
[fixed] Button groups - extra space between buttons in toolbar
[fixed] Tables - extra border in framed table in responsive table container

// Components fixes
[fixed] Bootstrap Select - wrong rounded corners inside input group
[fixed] Bootstrap Select - no styling of dropdown menu
[fixed] SelectBox - wrong rounded corners inside input group
[fixed] Tags Input - input field didn't have bottom spacing
[fixed] Typeahead - small menu width if text options are too short
[fixed] Sweet alerts - title was too big for motification size
[fixed] Anytime picker - wrong title margin and unnecessary close button
[fixed] jQuery UI Datepicker - extra RTL-related code in less file
[fixed] Fullcalendar - extra RTL-related code in less file
[fixed] Chats - wrong variables in LESS file
[fixed] Dropzone Uploader - success/error markers moved down in thumbnails is name is visible
[fixed] Colors - default BS styles overrided text hover state
[fixed] SelectBox page - extra panel control buttons


Etiquetas: admin,app,application,bootstrap,charts,crm,D3,dashboard,kit,kopyov,panel,software,ui,visualization,web app

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