Descargar LMS WordPress Theme
Tema de WordPress para sistema de gestión de aprendizaje y cursos en línea
Más confiable Sistema de gestión de aprendizaje en línea tema de WordPress. Lo mejor para e-Learning, cursos en línea, centros de capacitación, academias en línea, institutos en línea, escuelas en línea, colegios, universidades y sitios web de instructores en línea. Educación en línea con gestión de lecciones, sistemas de evaluación en línea, sistema de cuestionarios en línea, registros, pruebas de práctica, módulos de aprendizaje, cursos completos, pruebas simuladas, seminario web y alojamiento de video, sistema de clasificación, seguimiento del progreso del curso, clase en línea, reserva de cursos, sistema de examen en línea, formulario de curso, varios cursos, curso de educación para niños, formación y enseñanza en líneatutoriales en línea, cursos de video y clase de video. Mercado LMS para Estudiante, contento con Tienda Woocommerce para vender cursos Online.
La mayoría de los tutores en línea, academias de capacitación, instructores de enseñanza en línea, escuelas y organizaciones de capacitación profesional de todo el mundo confían en LMS. Ayuda a construir un sitio web de sistema de educación en línea con la forma más efectiva y hermosa de impartir el curso a sus estudiantes, y es la solución completa para un sistema de gestión de aprendizaje.
Comience a educar en línea, cree su propio sitio web de capacitación fácilmente y tenga control total y crezca sabiamente.
Opiniones de nuestros clientes
Sensei – Complemento premium que tienes que comprar
Enseñar cursos nunca ha sido tan fácil, todo dentro de WordPress. Con el complemento Sensei puede crear cursos, escribir lecciones y agregar cuestionarios. Establezca requisitos previos de lecciones y cursos, permita el registro de usuarios e incluso cobre por el contenido de su curso usando WooCommerce si lo desea.
Perfecta integración con WP – Usar Sensei es tan fácil como crear una página o publicación de WordPress, y funciona con sus propias ?Lecciones? tipo de publicación personalizada. El complemento está diseñado en torno a la intuición de la interfaz de usuario de WordPress.
Fácil creación de contenido – Cree cursos, escriba lecciones y luego agregue cuestionarios para evaluar a sus alumnos. Configurar requisitos previos para cursos y lecciones es muy sencillo en este complemento enormemente flexible.
Registro rápido de usuarios – Registrarse en un curso es muy fácil con Sensei usando las instalaciones de registro de usuarios de WordPress. Luego, los alumnos tienen acceso a un tablero y pueden seguir el progreso de su curso/lección.
Cobro por cursos – Sensei se integra a la perfección con WooCommerce, lo que le permite cobrar por los cursos. Es tan simple como configurar un producto y vincularlo a un curso.
Análisis del curso – Sensei proporciona funciones de generación de informes que le brindan una descripción general de su contenido, calificaciones y los estudiantes que están registrados en el sitio.
probar cualquier cosa – Con una variedad de tipos de preguntas a su disposición, prácticamente no hay límite para el tipo de cuestionarios que puede crear.
banco de preguntas – Crear un ?banco? de preguntas y mostrar una selección aleatoria de ellas a sus alumnos cuando respondan un cuestionario.
Calificación del cuestionario – Haga que sus cuestionarios simples se califiquen automáticamente, o elija la calificación manual para las preguntas que requieren revisión por parte de un maestro.
Cree cursos en minutos – Reutilice sus presentaciones y videos o una amplia gama de material en línea. Realice impresionantes recorridos con el mínimo esfuerzo.
Personalizable a sus necesidades – Su propio logotipo y combinación de colores, fuentes, etc. Haga que su LMS se vea como lo soñó.
Informes que tienen sentido – Análisis simples y comprensibles sobre todo lo que sucede dentro de su entorno de aprendizaje/enseñanza.
Compatible con dispositivos móviles – Un LMS creado desde cero para funcionar con dispositivos PC, iPad, iPhone, Android (y similares).
Facil de mantener – Construido con preferencia por las convenciones sobre las configuraciones. Esto significa menos cosas para configurar, más tiempo para brindar una excelente capacitación.
SEO ? Totalmente codificado a mano, semántico y escrito para obtener una buena clasificación en los motores de búsqueda. El tema tiene un buen uso de las etiquetas h1,h2,h3. Dada prioridad a la jerarquía de contenido en el marcado. Compatibilidad con el famoso complemento SEO y Yoast de Allin one.
Compatible con WPML / Localización / Multilingüe ? LMS cargado con compatibilidad con WPML. Puede crear su sitio en varios idiomas.
Complemento de calendario de eventos (gratis y profesional) ? Puede crear y administrar eventos. Se incluyen la adición de fotos, mapas, enlaces externos, descripción y cuenta regresiva de eventos, lista de eventos destacados y próximos, calendario de eventos basado en el día, la semana, el mes y códigos cortos de eventos.
La página de inicio y todas las demás páginas pueden tener diferentes diseños y con un generador visual de códigos cortos de un clic puede traer toneladas de posibilidades de diseño. Los componentes descriptivos y de diseño, como listas de características, carruseles, testimonios, tabla de precios, acordeón, pestañas, botones, citas, íconos, divisiones, alternar, barras de progreso, cuadro elegante y muchos más, están incluidos en el generador de códigos cortos.
NOTA: El diseño de los cursos de Sensei no se puede modificar usando nuestras opciones de tema
NOTA: Las imágenes utilizadas en la demostración no están incluidas para su descarga, estas imágenes tienen derechos de autor, si planea usar las fotos, podemos proporcionarle los enlaces para comprar la licencia.
Registro de cambios del tema LMS WordPress
Versión 8.1
* Elementor addon compatibility * All course related shortcodes and other shortcodes also created as Elementor modules * Comes with "LMS Elementor Addon" plugin, to have above features * Also comes with Elementor Addon demo content
2022.07.01 – versión 8.0
* Design core feature Quiz and Question issue has been fixed
2022.03.05 – versión 7.9
* Fixed the image selection issue in Quiz page
2021.08.23 – versión 7.8
* Compatible with wordpress 5.8
2020.12.28 – versión 7.7
* Design Fixes * RTL Page design fixes * Slider alignment issues * Gallery hover type issue * Blog and gallery isotope issue
2020.12.17 – versión 7.6
* Fixed console error
2020.12.10 – versión 7.5
* Latest jQuery fixes updated * Updated: All premium plugins
2020.11.02 – versión 7.4
* Login page privacy policy checkbox not working Files Modified: lms/style.css lms/changelog.txt lms/framework/js/public/custom.js
2020.09.29 – versión 7.3
* Lesson pages included for login before viewing option
2020.08.13 – versión 7.2
* Quiz page issue fixed
2020.08.13 – versión 7.1
*Compatible with wordpress 5.5 * Updated Premium Plugins
2020.08.06 – versión 7.0
* New - Google Classroom Integration ( DesignThemes Webinar plugin ) * New - Video Conferencing with Zoom Plugin Compatible * New - Topbar option added * New - Course Start date, Capacity, Complexity - Category option * New - Enable/disable Registration option for free course/class before viewing * New - Google captcha options for all forms * New - Blog Carousel option * New - 4 column option for Blog, Classes and Courses * New - Course layout 2 filter option - Sub categories option * Updated - Certficate background issue * Updated - Scroll issue of Chrome Browser in Class details page * Updated - Date picker - jQuery UI issue * Updated - Class registration popup close added * Updated - SSL issue * Updated - Google map api issue * Updated - Some design issues updated
2020.06.15 – versión 6.1
* Sensei demo updated * Ssl issue in twitter js file * Compatible with latest wordpress 5.4.2
2020.03.13 – versión 6.0
* Updated demo contents * Updated some design issues * Updated warning message
2020.02.12 – versión 5.9
* Updated : All premium plugins
2020.01.29 – versión 5.8
* Compatible with wordpress 5.3.2 * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: All wordpress theme standards * Updated: Privacy and Cookies concept * Updated: Gutenberg editor support for custom post types * Fixed: Google Analytics issue * Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue * Fixed: Privacy Button Issue * Fixed: Gutenberg check for old wordpress version * Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio * Improved: Single product breadcrumb section * Improved: Revisions options added for all custom posts * Removed: Scorm plugin compatibility
2019.07.17 – versión 5.7
* Compatible with wordpress 5.2.2 * Updated: All premium plugins * Updated: Revisions added to all custom post types * Updated: Gutenberg editor support for custom post types * Updated: Link for phone number module * Updated: Online documentation link, check readme file * Fixed: Google Analytics issue * Fixed: Mailchimp email client issue * Fixed: Gutenberg check for old wordpress version * Fixed: Smooth scrolling in ie 11 * Improved: Tags taxonomy added for portfolio * New: Whatsapp Shortcode
2019.06.20 – versión 5.6
* Gutenberg Latest update compatible * Fixed - Mailchimp Issue * Fixed - GDPR Product single page comment box issue * Updated wpml xml file * Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Updated - language pot files * Some design tweaks
2019.06.03 – versión 5.5
* Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Multi Rating plugin removed due to conflicts
2018.12.25 – versión 5.4
* Latest wordpress version 5.0.X compatible * Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Updated documentation
2018.10.09 – versión 5.3
* Packed with latest version of DesignThemes Core Shortcode Plugins, Visual Composer, Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer, Layer Slider and Revolution Slider. * Compatible with WordPress 4.9.8. * GDPR update. * Some Design Tweaks. * Documentation updated
2018.06.08 – Versión 5.2
* Added Demo Content Import using One Click Demo Import plugin. Screenshot reference * Some design tweaks * Buddypress settings error fix * Page builder notification suppressed
2018.05.31 – Versión 5.1
* Replaced WP-PostRatings plugin with Multi Rating plugin (For previous customers, if you want to continue with WP-PostRatings plugin, just do not install Multi Rating plugin) * Compatible with wordpress 4.9.6 * Updated demo content install issue * Updated all third party plugins * Updated buddypress issue * Updated Documentation * Updated DesignThemes Core Shortcode Plugins 2.7
2018.02.21 – Versión 5.0
* Fix - Notification to take quiz for lessons without quiz * Fix - RTL design issues * Fix - Background color option not working for "Blockquote" shortcode * Fix - Russian language translation issue * Fix - Nav menu plugin conflict issue * Fix - Unyson page builder conflicts with "Visual Composer" and "DesignThemes Page Builder" * Fix - Mail server issue * Fix - ios device responsive issue * Fix - Menu design issue * Fix - Sidebar conflicts with fullwidth content * Fix - Other design issues * Fix - Disabling "Visual Editor" option from profile settings page conflicts with "DesignThemes Page Builder" * Fix - Added links to tweets from twitter widget * Fix - New WordPress widgets like Text, Image, Gallery,... conflicts with "DesignThemes Page Builder" * Fix - When both product and categories are added in same page WooCommerce * Fix - Product single page alignment issue with upsell and cross sell products * Fix - Total certificates achieved count issue * Fix - Google plus login redirect issue * Fix - Course lessons order differs on different pages * Tweak - "dt_sc_courses" shortcodes updated with 4 column option * Tweak - Global option to hide breadcrumb section completely * Tweak - Placeholder for mark field while adding questions in the quiz * Tweak - Option to add custom widget area for BuddyPress pages * Compatible - WordPress 4.9.4 * Compatible - BuddyPress 2.9.3 * Compatible - s2Member Framework 170722 * Compatible - Sensei 1.9.20 * Compatible - The Events Calendar * Compatible - The Events Calendar PRO 4.4.23 * Compatible - WooCommerce 3.3.2 * Packed with - DesignThemes Core Shortcode Plugins 2.6 * Packed with - Layer Slider 6.7.0 * Packed with - Revolution Slider * Packed with - WPBakery Visual Composer 5.4.5 * Packed with - Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.16.21 * Packed with - Events Schedule WP Plugin 2.4.3
2017.12.25 – Versión 4.9.3
* Bug fixes
2017.12.18 – Versión 4.9.2
* Ultimate addon update * Fixed Page builder image selection * Ultimate Member plugin Compatible * Fixed Bulk Plugin install issue * Course Subscription Issue
2017.12.01 – Versión 4.9.1
* Designthemes core features plugin install issue * Updated all third party plugins
2017.11.24 – Versión 4.9
* Fix - Theme check issues * Minor bug fixes
2017.09.20 – Versión 4.8
* Packed with LayerSlider WP 6.5.8 * Packed with Slider Revolution 5.4.6 * Packed with WPBakery Visual Composer 5.3 * Packed with Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.16.17 * Packed with Events Schedule WP Plugin 2.0.6
2017.06.28 – Versión 4.7.1
* Minor bug fixes
2017.06.27 – Versión 4.7
* Tweak - Added import option for Questions and Quizzes custom post types. You can find sample import file and readme text file along with theme package. * Tweak - Suggestion option in slider search form. * Tweak - Added the Class statistics under "Statistics" menu * Tweak - Question navigator option for quiz. * Tweak - Changed the price link in Sensei courses shortcode to course single page. * Tweak - Added temporary fix for "Text" and "Image" WordPress widgets (wp 4.8) not working in LMS page builder * Fix - Class featured image not working issue on certain times. * Fix - URL query string collition issue with wpml plugin. * Fix - Certificate print not working in firefox. * Fix - WooCommerce products are not listed properly in Course and Class backend sometimes. * Fix - The events calendar notification issue. * Fix - Bulk installation of plugins in WordPress 4.8 gives warning. * Fix - Other minor issues
2017.04.27 – Versión 4.6
* WordPress 4.7.4 compatible * BuddyPress 2.8.2 compatible * s2Member Framework 170221 compatible * Sensei 1.9.14 compatible * The Events Calendar 4.4.5 compatible * The Events Calendar PRO 4.4.6 compatible * WooCommerce 3.0.4 compatible * Packed with Layer Slider 6.3.0 * Packed with Revolution Slider 5.4.1 * Packed with WPBakery Visual Composer 5.1.1 * Packed with Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.16.10 * Bug Fixes
2017.01.24 – Versión 4.5
* Packed with Layer Slider 6.1.0 * Packed with Revolution Slider * BuddyPress 2.7.4 compatible * s2Member Framework 161129 compatible * Sensei 1.9.11 compatible * WooCommerce 2.6.13 compatible * WordPress 4.7.1 compatible * Fixed - Lesson backend edit page broken issue * Fixed - Buddypress cover image update issue * Fixed - Cannot update plugins when child theme is activated * Fixed - WooCommerce product categories shortcode, column attributes not working issue * Fixed - Not able to override parent theme functions from child theme * PHP 7.0 compatible * Minor bug fixes
2016.12.10 – Versión 4.4.1
* Bug Fixes
2016.12.09 – Versión 4.4
* Bug Fixes * WordPress 4.7 compatible * BuddyPress 2.7.3 compatible * The Events Calendar 4.3.4 compatible * WooCommerce 2.6.9 compatible * WPBakery Visual Composer 5.0.1 included
2016.11.09 – Versión 4.3
* Page builder fix
2016.10.07 – Versión 4.2
* Bug Fixes * Woocommerce coupon code update css issue fixed * Global page layout option updated * Mailchimp updated to latest api 3.0 * Updated latest version of all third party plugins * Social share links alignment issue fixed * Font awesome css updated * SSL compatible updated * Unyson importer plugin support * Dummy data content optimized * Dummy content importer procedure updated * Page builder update
2016.09.27 – Versión 4.1
* DesignThemes Core Plugin installation issue fixed * rtl.css loaded correctly
2016.09.21 – Versión 4.0
* Class custom post type created * Class concept comes with onsite class and online class options. Demo url => * Now custom post type courses comes with WooCommerce payment support * Supports YITH WooCommerce Subscription 1.1.4 plugin for subscription process * Enhanced course single page -> Students enrolled list -> Modified ratings display -> Certificate and badge notification -> Link BuddyPress group and Events -> Demo url => * New course template page => * Quiz Enhancements -> Option to switch between show one question at a time or to show all questions at time -> New question type Multiple Choice with Images ( Answers in images ) added -> View quiz statistics immediately after quiz completion -> Use images in questions and answers -> Enable answer explanation immediately -> Demo Login => students / students * Enahanced Student Dashboard -> Class progress with graphical analysis -> Course progress with graphical analysis -> Quiz statistics * 3 New Demos -> -> -> * Course progress in percentage once student logs in course single page and dashboard * Option to change teacher label throught the site in buddha panel * Supports Social Logins -> Facebook -> Google Plus -> Demo url => * Supports "Timetable WordPress Plugin - Weekly Class Schedule" plugin * Supports "The Events Calendar" 4.2.6 * Supports "The Events Calendar PRO" 4.2.5 * Supports "WPBakery Visual Composer" 4.12.1 * Supports "Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer" 3.16.7 * Supports "Responsive Google Maps" 4.0 * Supports "WooCommerce" 2.6.4 * WordPress 4.6.1 compatible
2016.07.01 – Versión 3.1
* Comes with "SCORM Cloud For WordPress" plugin compatibility, demo url * "TinCan courses" can be imported in Scorm Cloud plugin and its statistics can be viewed in Scorm Cloud * Online documentation for Scorm integration can be viewed in and * Responsive Styled Google Maps 3.4 included * LayerSlider WP 5.6.9 included * Slider Revolution 5.2.6 included * The Events Calendar compatible * Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer 3.16.5 included * WooCommerce 2.6.2 compatible
2016.06.17 – Versión 3.0
* Options to switch between following login and registration pages WordPress Default, LMS Theme - Default Profile, LMS Theme - BuddyPress Profile, s2Member Plugin * Updated BuddyPress profile page * Option to switch between theme default Dashboard page (Welcome Template) and BuddyPress profile page * Private messaging option between Teacher and Student using BuddyPress * Option to link BuddyPress group with LMS theme default courses * Option for Students to "Join Group" manually if they not yet joined to course group * Email notifications enabled for theme default courses (student will receive mail when thier quiz is graded and teacher will receive mail when student submits quiz for grading) * "Apply Coupon" in checkout page not working in mobiles * Fix - Cross site scripting vulnerability in search form * Course Curriculum updated with parent and child lessons design * Added instagram, soundcloud and vk social icons * Packed with latest version plugins * WooCommerce 2.6.1 compatible * The Events Calendar 4.2 and The Events Calendar PRO 4.2 compatible * s2Member Framework 160503 and s2Member Pro 160503 compatible * Sensei 1.8.8 compatible
2016.06.01 – Versión 2.2
* Now you can make assignments priceable * Teacher can add remarks or reviews for student assignments * Admin can preview certificate now * User cannot take free courses without registration * Option to hide course, lesson and assignment content if user not logged in * Bulk assignment of courses to student or students to course is possible now * Categorywise filter options * Fontawesome icons are updated * Added link for icons in icon box shortcodes * Not able to print certificate along with background image - Fixed * Help video to copy and translate content from default to other languages (WPML with DesignThemes Pagebuilder) - * DesignThemes Pagebuilder with WPML issue - Fixed * Foreign languages broken issue in DesignThemes pagebuilder * SSL compatible * Added 'Return to Shop' link cart page * New widget to display Course Categories * Option to enable page layout for all pages globally in buddha panel options * Language translations files updated * Ultimate Addons for Visual Composer support * WPBakery Visual Composer support * Packed with latest version plugins * WordPress 4.5.2 compatible
2016.04.15 – Versión 2.1
* WordPress 4.5 compatible * Packed with Layer Slider 5.6.2 version * Packed with Revolution Slider 5.1.4 version * Packed with Responsive Styled Google Maps 3.0 version
2016.01.11 – versión 2.0
* Supports s2Member Pro v151218 * Option to customize all s2member user levels from buddha panel * Option to have one or more s2Member supported payment types * Supports sensei addons like Sensei Certificates, Sensei Course Participants, Sensei Course Progress, Sensei Media Attachments, Sensei Share Your Grade * Admin can manully assign course(s) to student * Option to change the course, lesson and course type slug * Updated membership page with membership template * Option to remove placeholder images from blog, portfolio, courses, etc, * Not able to have more than one WooCommerce widget with different settings - Fixed * Theme settings removed when switching the themes - Fixed * Added cart icon along with menu * Added category option in 'dt_sc_events' shortcode * The "Signup" button in mailchimp widget is not translatable - Fixed * Page builder fix for WPML * Able to download certificates without logging in - Fixed * Users able to upload assignments without logging in - Fixed * Option to set default sidebar for all posts, pages, courses, etc..., * Enhanced dummy data installation * Updated Documentation * Packed with Layer Slider 5.6.2 and Revolution Slider 5.1.4 * BuddyPress 2.4.3 compatible * s2Member Framework 151218 compatible * Woothemes Sensei 1.8.8 compatible * The Events Calendar 4.0.4 compatible * WooCommerce 2.4.12 compatible * Updated fontawesome icons and tgm plugin activation scripts * Demo URL have been changed to,
2015.11.12 – versión 1.9
* Documentation Updated
2015.06.17 – versión 1.8
* Updated PrettyPhoto Script to latest version 3.1.6.
2015.06.15 – versión 1.7
* WPML Compatible
2015.05.30 – versión 1.6
* WordPress 4.2.1 compatible * Bug Fixes
2015.04.24 – versión 1.5
* XSS vulnerability issues fixed * WordPress 4.2 compatible * WooCommerce 2.3.8 compatible * The Events Calendar 3.9.3
2015.04.10 – versión 1.4
* Now with the help of s2Member, we can provide open subscription to all courses based on following time periods day, month, year and lifetime. * Added grouping option for courses in default lessons custom post * Menu comes in two line when having only four menus issue fixed * Fixed search of portfolio items doesn't show its image issue * New user able to register as administrator issue fixed * Fixed alignment issue in menus, when menu links are disabled * The Events Calendar 3.9.1 compatible * WooCommerce 2.3.7 compatible * s2Member Framework 150311 compatible * s2Member configuration in documentation
2014.01.14 – versión 1.3
* WordPress 4.1 compatible * Now course page can have media attachments. * Quiz pages for courses with auto and manual evaluation * Options to have following type of questions Multiple Choice, Multiple Correct, True / False, Gap Fill, Single Line and Multi Line * Certificates and Badges option for courses * Options to add assignemnts and include in course evaluation. * Payments for teachers can be feeded manually. * Simple and graphical analysis of courses, course subscriptions, course completion, etc, * Updated Dashboard. * Retina and RTL support. * Image Optimization. * Updated dummy content file. * Updated documentation. * Added demo slider zip files for both Layer Slider and Revolution Slider. * Option to disable placeholder images. * Theme and plugin languages files updated * The Events Calendar and The Events Calendar PRO 3.9 compatible * Woocommerce 2.2.10 and BuddyPress 2.1.1 compatible * Option to update footer logo in buddha panel * Now dt_sc_recent_post shortcode can have categories attribute * Option to have own server video in course and lessons page * Fixed menus comes in two line issue
2014.09.15 – versión 1.2
* WordPress 4.0 compatible * Woocommerce 2.2.2 compatible
2014.09.10 – versión 1.1
* Included updated version of revolution slider * Now white skins are also available (Added 20 more skins)
2014.08.14 – versión 1.0
* First release!
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