Descargar Small Business HTML Theme - CLEANSTART
Cleanstart es un diseño polivalente pero principalmente orientado a los negocios basado en tipografía fina y fotografías de gran tamaño que pueden servir como base para sus proyectos creativos.
Registro de cambios:
v1.1 [21/01/2017]
- UPDATED: Update the PHPMailer class to 5.2.22 ( contains important security fixes )
v1.0.2 [03/09/2014]
- Added Newsletter Form with Mailchimp API integration in Contact page
- Added Simple Dropdown Menu Example on Design Elements page
- Added Captcha Support
- Fixed icons that where not showing on blog and single post
- Fixed horizontal Scrolling Bug
- Fixed submenu not hidden when clicking elsewhere
- Fixed menu resizing bug (thanx to irata!)
- Fixed menu on iPad was transparently overlapping 50px of content
- Fixed video bugs
- Revised Parallax Section
- Cleanup PHPmailer folder
- Fixed Carousel positioning after window resizing
- Added jQuery source map file
- Added variables for easily changing the speed and separator values of the Text Rotator effect.
- Updated documentation with instructions on how to change the Text Rotator speed
- Updated Contact form's PHP script to solve several server configuration issues.
- Fixed One-Pager code no longer breaks when video container is either replaced or removed. (Thanx to Rafal Blachnio)
- Added a local version of video.js and a local fallback if CDN version cannot be retrieved.
v1.0.1 [16/07/2014]
- Added Twitter Feed API integration
- Fixed IE bug for TextRotator jQuery Plugin
- Fixed OSX horizontal trackpad scrolling bug
- Fixed IE9 Flexslider caption bug
- Removed Pace Loading Plugin
- Contact Form PHP Script rewritten to include mail(), Sendmail & SMTP Service methods
- Added some photos with different dimensions for optimal performance
- Optimized the Flickr Feed Script
- jQuery performance optimizations
v1.0 [1/07/2014]
- Versión inicial
Etiquetas: animations,bootstrap,business,clean,minimal,multipurpose,photography,portfolio,typography,white
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