Descargar Turbo - WooCommerce Rental & Booking Theme
Turbo es un tema de WordPress de reserva de automóviles fácil de usar, alternativamente, un tema de WordPress de alquiler de automóviles creado con, Reserva de WooCommerce complemento, compositor visual y multilingüe. Este tema le permite reservar o alquilar su reserva de automóvil basada en la fecha o la hora. Crea un nuevo tipo de producto para su sitio WooCommerce. Perfecto para aquellos que quieran ofrecer alquiler o reserva.
Nuestras características principales
- Sistema de reserva y alquiler basado en WooCommerce
- Listados de autos, búsqueda y filtrado
- Gestión de inventario de reservas
- Control de disponibilidad de vehículos y bloqueo de fechas
- Sistema de pago en línea (Woo)
- Paypal
- Raya
- Árbol de cerebro
- 2Pagar
- Autorizar.Net
- Cheque de pago
- Transferencia bancaria directa
- y mucho más…
- Confirmación de pedido por correo electrónico
- Cancelación de pedidos en cualquier momento
- Totalmente manejable con el generador de páginas de Visual Composer
- Traducción lista a través de .po/.mo
- Listo para WPML
- 100% receptivo
Otras rutas de miedo
- Cuadrícula de listado de autos y vista de lista
- Imagen de carga diferida
- Búsqueda basada en ubicación
- Elija formato de fecha
- Configuración de precio base día
- Configuración de precios mensuales
- Configuración de precios semanales
- Costo de ubicación de recogida y devolución habilitado
- Recurso pagadero ilimitado
- Cálculo del costo de la reserva en el recuento de personas
- Persona pagadera y no pagadera ilimitada
- descuento de precio fijo
- Porcentaje % precio descuento
- Configuración del depósito de seguridad
- Configuración local y global de alquiler de coches
- Informe completo de pedidos de calendario
- Bonito panel de usuario
- Marco de opciones de tema ReduX
- Configuración local de página y publicación
Nuestros productos impresionantes
Cambiar registro
v9.0.0 – 15 de septiembre de 2022
-Inspect latest version support. -RNB latest version support. -New theme with Elementor Widget support. -CSS update. -Responsive Update. -Demo data with elementor. -Turbo Manager plugin add. - Elementor support apart from product single page
v8.0.6 – 17 de mayo de 2022
- Fixed product availability issues on listing page
v8.0.5 – 12 de abril de 2022
- Implement inspect plugin for search and filter - Fixed mini cart issue - Fixed time picker issue during visiting from listing page
v8.0.4 – 25 de febrero de 2022
- turbo.pot file updated
v8.0.3 – 19 de enero de 2022
- TGM plugin installation issue fixed
v8.0.2 – 09 de enero de 2022
- Compatible with rnb 11.0.8 - Visual composer updated - Duplicate shipping issue fixed on cart page - Checkout css issue fixed - Small CSS issues fixes - Some JS issue fixes
v8.0.1 – 27 de abril de 2021
- Fixed demo importer issue - Fixed product inventory sync issue - Updated dependency plugins
v8.00 – 05 de noviembre de 2020
- Internal css code structure changed - Reactive pro, Reuse form, RnB, Js composer plugins updated - Design improved - CSS & JS issues solved
v7.0.1 – 14 de septiembre de 2020
- Listing demo calendar css issue - Reactive pro, Reuse form, RnB, Js composer plugins updated - Listing demo booking form switch issue solved - Checked with latest WordPress version.
v7.0.0 – 23 de agosto de 2020
- Single page layout break issue - WooCommerce outdated templates updated - Font issue solved - Reactive latest version updated
v6.0.9 – 26 de junio de 2020
- Demo updated - RnB plugin updated - CSS and JS issues fixed - Internal code structure improved - Booking form layout change
v6.0.8 – 18 de mayo de 2020
- Demo updated - RnB plugin updated - CSS and JS issues fixed - Internal code structure improved
v6.0.7 – 17 de marzo de 2020
- RnB plugin updated - Turbo-helper plugin updated - Visual composer plugin updated - Dashboard console issue solved - Product single page console issue solved - Some css issue fixed
v6.0.5 03 de noviembre de 2019
- Demo importer issue fixed - Turbo grid template issue fixed - Rental plugin updated
v6.0.4 14 de octubre de 2019
- Footer copyright issue solved - Rental plugin updated. - listing template updated.
v6.0.3 – 5 de agosto de 2019
- Booking availability & Searching issue solved - Visual studio design option added for all shortcodes - pre-packed plugin updated - Body font option issue solved - CSS issue fixed - Minor JS issues fixed
v6.0.0 – 28 de mayo de 2019
- RnB 8.0.6 version included (Breaking Change) - Listing demo issue solved - Translation issue solved - Demo data updated - Minor CSS issues fixed - Minor JS issues fixed
v5.0.8 – 20 de marzo de 2019
- Sort by price issue solved - WooCommerce outdated templates warning issues fixed - Remove from cart issue solved
v5.0.5 – 22 de enero de 2019
- Per day and currency issue fixed in listing page - Booking plugin updated - Translation issues solved
v5.0.4 – 18 de diciembre de 2018
- Pre-packed plugins updated - Demo data updated - Translation issues solved
v5.0.1 – 10 de noviembre de 2018
- demo importer issue fix for car listing demo
- 1 brand new theme layout. - Comparison Plugin Included. - Custom WishList plugin included. - Post individual setting options panel. - Update Reactive Pro Plugin. - Update WooCommerce Rental & Booking Plugin. - New ShortCodes. - Bug Fixed. - CSS issues fixed.
- 2 brand new home pages added - Header typography change option - Footer typography change option - Content typography change option - Option added for sticky header in blog single page - CSS issues fixed - Js issues fixed - Visual composer plugin updated - RnB plugin updated
- Demo importer plugin issues fixed
v4.0.2 – 27 de septiembre de 2018
Cambiar registro
v4.0.0 – 13 de septiembre de 2018
- New home page added for car rent - New home page added for bike rent - New home page for scooter rent - Lot of design changes - transparent menu on/off option added - New 6 short codes added - Lot of CSS issues fixed - Demo importer plugin updated - Rental plugin version 6.0.6 added - Reactive plugin v4.0.6 added - Visual composer plugin updated - Outdated wooCommerce files updated
v3.0.0 – 3 de agosto de 2018
- RnB plugin updated to v6.0.6 - Reactive pro plugin updated to v4.0.6.2 - Redq reuse form updated to it's latest version - Quantity 1 issue sovled - Local settings panel issue solved - Dummy data upated
v2.1.0 – 7 de junio de 2018
- Fix: My account page typography and design issue - Fix: Product single page empty image notice hide - Update: Product single page no image breadcrumb design update - New: Footer widget mobile version display mode settings enabled - Update: Dropdown and calendar date picker active and hover color issue fix - Update: Listing page search component Design and pagination design update - Update: RnB Plugin update - Update: Turbo theme helper plugin - Update: Turbo demo importer plugin - Update: Visual Composer plugin - Add: Translation file added. This is auto translation file via poedit. ( French, Spanish). This is not 100% accurate please if you found any translation issue let us know or you can send the po/mo files to us, we will add it in our updates. - Update: Overall CSS styling fixing and update.
v2.0.9 – 6 de abril de 2018
- Quantity Feature Inlcuded [New] - Quantity and Availability checking before placing order - Product page map issue solved - Request for quote button issues solved - Request for quote form responsive issue solved - Fort-Awesome library updated - WooCommerce outdated files updated - Dummy data updated - Pre-packed plugin updated to respective latest version
v2.0.7 – 20 de noviembre de 2017
- Translation issues solved - Reactive pro plugin updated - RnB plugin updated - Dummy data updated
v2.0.4 – 07 de agosto de 2017
- _log issue solved during importing dummy data - CSS issues fixed - Some JS issues fixed
v2.0.3 – 29 de julio de 2017
- New listing templates added - Reactive pro plugin updated - RnB plugin updated - CSS issues fixed - Js issues fixed
v2.0.2 – 21 de mayo de 2017
- WooCommerce success notice fixed on cart and product page - WooCommerce error notice fixed on checkout page - Calendar design issue solved - Home page empty value search issues solved - Add available date from inventory post issues solved - Blog issues and single post issue solved - Google calendar on console error issues solved - Plugins updated - Some CSS issues fixed - Some JS issues fixed
v2.0.1 – 15 de mayo de 2017
- WooCommerce default product layout fixed - Internal server issues solved - Some CSS issues fixed - Some JS issues fixed
v2.0.0 – 20 de abril de 2017
- Full Compatible with WooCommerce 3.0.x - Background options added in theme option panel - Typography options added in theme option panel - Local settings added for header, footer, banner, copyright area - Global settings added for header, footer, banner, copyright area - Unlimited background color or image change for header , footer, banner, and copyright area - Unlimited social profile added option - Total price count depending on no of date in listing page - Some CSS issues fixed - Some JS issues fixed
v1.0.8 – 23 de marzo de 2017
- WPML issues solved - WooCommerce order cancel and product availability checking - Weekend booking issues solved - Day basis opening & closing times setting options - Car company brand icon change issues fixed - Listing page pickup and return date placeholder issues fixed - Single day price calculation issues solved - Show Pricing dynamic text from setting tab - Pricing plan dynamic text from setting tab - Instance pay dynamic text from setting tab - Total cost dynamic text from setting tab - Discount dynamic text from setting tab - All .po and .mo files updated
v1.0.7 – 02 de febrero de 2017
- Transient API issue fixed in car details page - React Dates calendar design issues fixed
v1.0.6 – 29 de enero de 2017
- Back-end calendar issues solved - Product page map issue solved - Translation issues solved - Reactive Plugin updated - RnB plugin updated - Reactive render plugin updated - Option panel updated
v1.0.4 – 28 de noviembre de 2016
- Car details page with right sidebar - Car details page with left sidebar - React-date picker added in home page - Single day booking issues solved - Front-end price , currency issues fixed - Fixed Inventory and date availability issue - Pickup-date placeholder issue solved - Pickup-time placeholder issue solved - Dropoff-date placeholder issue solved - Dropoff-time placeholder issue solved - Tuesday spelling issue solved - Thursday spelling issue solved - Cart page per day and one-time translation issue solved - Check out page per day and one-time translation issue solved - Book now button text changes from product backend - Fixed and per day price calculation in day ranges pricing - Provided option to set pickup date & time name in cart, checkout and order page - Provided option to set return date & time name in cart, checkout and order page - Provided options to set resource name in cart, checkout and order page - Provided options to set person name in cart, checkout , and order page - Provided options to set deposit name in cart, checkout, and order page - Provided options to set pickup location name in cart, checkout, and order page - Provided options to set return location name in cart, checkout, and order page - Email translation issues fixed - Person placeholder issue solved - Updated dummy data
v1.0.3 – 09 de octubre de 2016
- Related Car Configuration - Set no. of related cars from option panel - Up-Sell Cars Configuration - Set no. of up-sell cars from option panel - Cross Configuration - Set no. of cross-sell cars from option panel - Updated dummy data - Listing pages sidebar design variation
v1.0.2 – 5 de octubre de 2016
- Reactive pro plugin updated - Rental and booking plugin updated - Booking fields value auto-selected from URL data - Child Theme included - Language File updated - Some CSS issues fixed - Some js issues fixed - Dummy data updated in demo-importer plugin
v1.0.1 23 de septiembre de 2016
- Mobile menu issue fixed
v1.0.0 – 22 de septiembre de 16
- initial release.
Nuestros complementos
Aplicación de comercio electrónico completamente funcional con Laravel Backend
Pickbazar Laravel: comercio electrónico React, Next, REST y GraphQL
Reactive Pro: búsqueda avanzada de WP, filtro y cuadrícula
RnB – Sistema de reservas y alquiler de WooCommerce
Igual – Cualquier publicación de comparación de WordPress
Etiquetas: bike booking,booking,booking calendar,booking theme,car booking,car rental,rent,rent a car,rental,rental theme,reservation,reservation theme,woocommerce booking,woocommerce rental,wordpress booking
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