Descargar Vierra - Hotel, Resort, Inn & Booking Elementor WordPress Theme
¡Ya disponible Vierra 4.0! Esta es una gran actualización en la que integramos el creador de sitios web más popular 'Elementor' al tema Vierra. Estamos muy emocionados de mejorar el tema de Vierra de vez en cuando.
Nuevo: Creador de sitios web de Elementor
Vierra es un tema de WordPress para hoteles. Vierra lo ayuda a crear un hermoso sitio web de hotel en muy poco tiempo. Este tema es muy fácil de usar incluso para principiantes. Equipado con Elementor para facilitar la creación de páginas. Posibilidades ilimitadas de diseños con solo arrastrar y soltar. Este tema también es altamente personalizable, puede personalizar el aspecto del sitio web con solo hacer clic.
Características del tema
- Últimas compatibles con WordPress
- Creador de sitios web de Elementor
- Diseño limpio y receptivo
- Compatible con varios dispositivos
- Listo para traducción (incluye archivos .po y .mo)
- Ya traducido a 7 idiomas
- inglés
- italiano
- Alemán
- Francia
- español
- ruso
- bahasa
- Complemento de varios idiomas compatible
- Soporte WPML (con selector de idioma integrado)
- Admite qTranslate (con selector de idioma integrado)
- Formulario de reserva de Ajax
- Control deslizante de pantalla completa
- Texto compatible (título, descripción)
- URL compatible
- efecto de 7 transiciones
- Establecer la reproducción automática del control deslizante o no
- Establecer el intervalo entre el elemento del control deslizante
- Establecer la velocidad de transición
- Mostrar/ocultar elementos deslizantes
- Panel de opciones de tema
- Colores y fuentes personalizados
- Más de 500 fuentes de Google
- Selector de color integrado
- Fondo individual para publicación y página
- Tipo de publicación personalizada para salas y galería
- Menú desplegable multinivel
- Widget de redes sociales
- Formulario de contacto
- Códigos cortos
- 7 efectos deslizantes disponibles
- Desteñir
- diapositiva superior
- Deslizar hacia la derecha
- deslizar la parte inferior
- Deslizar hacia la izquierda
- carrusel a la derecha
- Carrusel a la izquierda
- Ninguna
- Datos de muestra XML incluidos
- Documentación
Lista de actualizacion
Vierra 4.1 - Latest WordPress compatibility - New Reservation form with Google reCAPTHCA - New Contact form with Google reCAPTHCA - New Slider Revolution 6 Vierra 4.0 - Biggest theme update - New Elementor website builder - New color and typography - New website demo data - New 'Vierra Room Widget' for Elementor - New 'Vierra Gallery Widget' for Elementor - New 'Vierra News Widget' for Elementor - New 'Vierra Blockquote Widget' for Elementor - New 'Book Now' custom label for single room - New 'Book Now' custom URL for single room - New custom element on the header - Latest Slider Revolution included - fixes for [site_url] on URL - fixes for theme options not update - fixes for logo image broken - fixes for video background issue Vierra 3.2.1 - Latest Slider Revolution added Vierra 3.2 - new gallery widget - new room unit; now possible to change '/night' with any text easily - fixes for menu font color issue - fixes for header issue on mobile Vierra 3.1 - Latest WordPress compatibility - Major source code improvements resulting better website load speed and better seo - Valid source code (html) - fixes for room thumbnail action not works - Slider interval maximal value increast to 15000 - Reservation Success Message is now translatable - Footer text is now translatable Vierra 3.0 - 6 Feb 17 - latest WordPress compatibility check - lighter and faster website load - new one click install demo data - new added reservation page with quick view - template room 2 and 3 cols now show price - new option to show/hide captcha - new header height setting - new header top position setting - new option to use preloader - new filters for room template - new added shortcode room and title - new popup plugin - new smooth submenu animation - form style enhanced - style enhanced for lot pages and elements - typography enhanced - fixes for default map not show Vierra v2.1.1 - 11 Mar 16 fixes for content issue when use gallery shortcode Vierra v2.1 - 4 Dec 15 new gallery single page new gallery 3 columns template new gallery item option to open single page new gallery item option to open url fix for gallery shortcode Vierra v2.0.2 - 1 Dec 15 new individual background for single room page fix for single room background issue fix for reservation form issue Vierra v2.0.1 - 10 Oct 15 new secondary menu on footer fixes for room image not show when use qTranslate-X Vierra v2.0 - 14 Sept 2015 compatible with latest WordPress 4.3 new Revolution Slider included new menu style for mobile version new capcha for reservation form new header full width option new sticky header option new text align option for slider new social icons Trip Advisor, Yelp, Foursquare new custom script field new individual video background for each page compatible with qTranslate-x open thumbnail/details for room on click set different email for reservation and contact form no need to select room from room list for single room booking hide datepicker on click disable datepicker select for previous day fixes for 'slider not show' issue fixes for single blog background not show issue Vierra v1.4 - 22 Oct 14 WordPress 4 compatible new html 5 video background template new one column rooms template (3 alternatives) room features translation new Brazilian Portuguese translation by Marcelo Rodrigues new gallery template fixed image popup size on mobile remove text above image popup upload additional image issue single room custom background not show room facilities incorrect spelling change 'book now' instead of booking bow button slider not work when footer show tab not show on smaller screen remove error logs on booking page and single room page remove error logs on contact form when click send remove error logs on file styler.php Vierra v1.3.1 NEW: video support for gallery NEW: mqTranslate language selector NEW: color setting for button NEW: room thumbnail action NEW: gallery 2 and 4 columns FIXED: blog masonry layout issue FIXED: slider autoslide cannot changes FIXED: Google plus url issue FIXED: menu manage location not work FIXED: overlay background not full on large screen code and css improvements Vierra v1.3 NEW: Bootstrap 3 framework NEW: up to 25 images for each room NEW: integrated WPML language switcher NEW: slider extended page template NEW: gallery 3 columns page template NEW: gallery 4 columns page template NEW: latest FontAwesome 4.1.0 NEW: read more button for slider item NEW: font settings for slider text NEW: favicon uploader NEW: Google map embed code using iframe FIXED: missing shortcode button on WP 3.9 FIXED: email typo fixes Vierra v1.2 NEW: multi language supported NEW: already translated to 7 languages: English, Italian, German, France, Spanish, Russian, Bahasa (.po and .mo files included) NEW: language switcher NEW: child theme included NEW: option to show footer on homepage NEW: secondary menu added NEW: insert text for room template FIXED: some missing text on .po file FIXED: theme options now works for child theme Vierra v1.0.5 FIXED: slider white space issue on iPhone & iPad FIXED: overlap header issue on mobile FIXED: some css issue on mobile Vierra v1.0.4 NEW: Room 2 columns small image template NEW: new option added 'Rooms Per Page' NEW: new option added 'Single Room Background' FIXED: missing sidebar on single post FIXED: some translation issue FIXED: auto height if logo bigger than header height EDIT: change "Menu" to "Navigation" Vierra v1.0.3 FIXED: theme options cannot save settings NEW: Room category page NEW: Gallery category page Vierra v1.0.2 NEW: Room list 2 columns FIXED: background not show issue FIXED: remove number show on footer FIXED: social icon on footer issue
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Etiquetas: accommodation,adventure,apartment,bed and breakfast,booking,holiday,hostel,hotel,hotel WordPress Theme,motel,reservation,resort,rooms,travel,vacation
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